填空题On Mindy's guitar, the frequency of a vibrating string varies inversely as the length of the string. When a guitar string of s inches in length that vibrates at a frequency of 80 cycles per second is shortened to 6 inches in length, it vibrates at a frequency of 120 cycles per second. What is the value of s?____

On Mindy's guitar, the frequency of a vibrating string varies inversely as the length of the string. When a guitar string of s inches in length that vibrates at a frequency of 80 cycles per second is shortened to 6 inches in length, it vibrates at a frequency of 120 cycles per second. What is the value of s?____




下面程序的输出结果是()publicclassTest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Strings=abcdsfghi”;String[]arr=s.split(\s”);System.out.println(arr.length);}} A.编译报错B.2C.1D.3

顺序执行下列两个语句的输出结果是______ 。String s=“全国计算机等级考试”;System.out.priatln(s.length());

定义String s=null,会出现异常的选项是()。Ⅰ: if((s!=mll)(s.length()>0))Ⅱ: if((s!=mull)(s.length()>0)) Ⅱ: if((s!=mull)(s.length()>0)) Ⅲ: if((s==null)|(s.length()==0)) Ⅳ: if((s==aull)Ⅱ(s.length()==0))A.Ⅱ、ⅢB.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣC.Ⅰ、ⅢD.Ⅲ、Ⅳ

已知String str=new String ("Luck");,则下列关于str的操作中不合法的是( )。A.String s=str. toUpperCase()B.int i=Str. length;C.char s=str. charAt(2);D.String s="Good" +str;

已知如下定义: String s = "story"; 下面哪些表达式是合法的?() A.s += "books";B.char c = s[1];C.int len = s.length;D.String t = s.toLowerCase();

String s=”Example String”; 下面哪些语句是正确的?() A.s>>>=3;B.int i=s.length();C.s[3]=”x”;D.String short_s=s.trim();E.String t=”root”+s;

顺序执行下列两条语句,输出结果是______。String s="You are a pretty boy!";System.out.println(s.length( ));

执行下列程序后,输出结果为( )。 public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("北京 2008" ); System. out. println ("length =" + sb. length ( ) ); } }A.length = 8B.length = 10C.length = 6D.length = 20

public class Something {void doSomething () {private String s = "";int l = s.length();}}有错吗?

A method returning length of the String.

执行String[] s=new String[10]后,哪个结论是正确的? ( )A.s[10]为""B.s[9]为nullC.s[0]为未定义D.s.length为101

How is the size of chain determined?______.A.Length of link in inchesB.Diameter of metal in link in inches or centimetersC.Links per fathomD.Weight of stud cable in pounds

下面程序的输出结果是() public class Test{  public static void main(String[] args){    String s = “abc dsf ghi”;  String[] arr = s.split(“/s”);   System.out.println(arr.length);  } }A、 编译报错B、 2C、 1D、 3

String str="abcedf"; int length=str.length。

顺序执行以下两个语句的输出结果是:() 。 String s = "广东海洋大学"; System.out.println(s.length ));

String date="Today is Sunday.";String str2=data.CharAt(s.length( )-1);则str2为()A、yB、.C、nullD、false


有语句String s=”hello world”; ,以下操作哪个是不合法的()A、int i=s.length();B、s=3;C、String ts=s.trim();D、String t=s+”!”

已知Strings=“Java”,则下面哪些代码是正确的()A、s=s+1;B、char c=s[3];C、int i=s.length;D、String t=s+new Object();

单选题The resistance of a conductor varies ()Adirectly as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional areaBinversely as its length and directly as its cross-sectional areaCdirectly as its length and directly as its cross-sectional areaDinversely as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional area

判断题String str="abcedf"; int length=str.length。A对B错

填空题顺序执行以下两个语句的输出结果是:() 。 String s = "广东海洋大学"; System.out.println(s.length ));

单选题String date="Today is Sunday.";String str2=data.CharAt(s.length( )-1);则str2为()AyB.CnullDfalse

单选题If 70% of the bananas in a particular harvest had an average (arithmetic mean) length of 7 inches and 30% of the bananas in that harvest had an average (arithmetic mean) length of 5 inches, what was the average (arithmetic mean) length, in inches, of all of the bananas in the harvest?A6.0B6.2C6.4D6.6E6.8

单选题下面程序的输出结果是() public class Test{  public static void main(String[] args){    String s = “abc dsf ghi”;  String[] arr = s.split(“/s”);   System.out.println(arr.length);  } }A 编译报错B 2C 1D 3


填空题On Mindy's guitar, the frequency of a vibrating string varies inversely as the length of the string. When a guitar string of s inches in length that vibrates at a frequency of 80 cycles per second is shortened to 6 inches in length, it vibrates at a frequency of 120 cycles per second. What is the value of s?____

单选题Two boards are being cut for a construction project. If the total length of the boards is 100 inches and the shorter board is 5 inches less than half the length of the longer board, what is the length of the shorter board?A25 inchesB30 inchesC35 inchesD65 inchesE70 inches