









后面的“several hundred billions of dollars”是一个不确定的数字,故此处用estimates“估计”最合适。statistics统计资料,统计数字。figures数字。records纪录;唱片。


Parametric cost estimating involvesA.using the WBS to do bottom up estimatesB.defining the perimeters of the life-cycleC.calculating the individual estimates of work packagesD.using a statistical model to estimate costsE.A and C

19 Parametric cost estimating involvesA. using the WBS to do bottom up estimatesB. defining the perimeters of the life-cycleC. calculating the individual estimates of work packagesD. using a statistical model to estimate costsE. A and C

You are the database administrator for a retail company. The company owns 270 stores. Every month, each store submits approximately 2,000 sales records, which are loaded into a SQL Server 2000 database at the corporate headquarters.A Data Transformation Services (DTS) package transforms the sales records, as they are loaded. The package writes the transformed sales records to the Sales table, which has a column for integer primary key values. The IDENTITY property automatically assigns a key value to each transformed sales record.After loading this month's sales data, you discover that a portion of the data contains errors. You stop loading data, identify the problem records, and delete those records from the database.You want to reuse the key values that were assigned to the records that you deleted. You want to assign the deleted key values to the next sales records you load. You also want to disrupt users' work as little as possible.What should you do?A.Export all records from the Sales table to a temporary table. Truncate the Sales table, and then reload the records from the temporary table.B.Export all records from the Sales table to a text file. Drop the Sales table, and then reload the records from the text file.C.Use the DBCC CHECKIDENT statement to reseed the Sales table's IDENTITY property.D.Set the Sales table's IDENTITY_INSERT property to ON. Add new sales records that have the desired key values.

Surely it doesn't matter where charities get their money from: what __________ is what they do with it. A、calculatesB、countsC、figuresD、reckons

There is a group of ________ on the left of the painting. A.numbersB.fatiguesC.figuresD.numerals

A bank reconciliation should be prepared periodically because ( )A. the depositor's records and the bank's records are in agreementB. the bank has not recorded all of its transactionsC. any differences between the depositor's records and the bank's records should be determined, and any errors made by either party should be

YouhaveanExchangeServer2010organization.Youneedtoidentifythefollowinginformationforauser’sailbox:ThesizeofitemsintheInboxfolderThenumberofitemsintheDeletedItemsfolderYoumustachievethisgoalbyusingtheminimumamountofadministrativeeffort.Whichcmdletshouldyourun?()A.Get-Mailbox FolderB.Get-Mailbox Folder StatisticsC.Get-Mailbox StatisticsD.Get-Store Usage Statistics

The complete database application can be divided into three major categories:data presentation.businesslogic,and data______.A.storageB.statisticsC.disposeD.analysis

Most of the meeting was spent going over the sales __________from the previous month.A.shapesB.celebritiesC.figuresD.measures

In sub-Saharan Africa today, for instance, gross investment____for roughly of national income.A.estimatesB.accountsC.constitutesD.makes

Which three statements about NetFlow are true?()A、NetFlow records unidirectional IP traffic flow.B、NetFlow records MPLS frame flow.C、NetFlow expert is only over TCP.D、NetFlow records is only over UDP.E、NetFlow records subinterface information of traffic flow.

Which of the following commands would you enter if you wanted to display spanning treestatistical information?()A、show spantree backbonefastB、show spantree statisticsC、show spantree uplinkfastD、show spantree blockedportsE、show spantree portstateF、show spantree portvlancost

What is the MOST accurate way to determine a project’s duration before execution?()A、The project manager performs all estimatesB、Incorporate each individual worker’s estimatesC、Acquire expert estimatesD、There is no way to determine the duration

Which statement correctly describes the change tracking writer (CTWR) background process?()A、 It keeps track of changes in the background processes.B、 It records the system change number (SCN) in the control file.C、 It writes audit records for user changes to the change tracking file.D、 It records any changes to the listened configuration in the listener.ora file.E、 It records any changes to the database parameters in the change tracking file.F、 It records the physical location of all the changes that are made to the database in the change tracking file.

Which statement is true about item records and inventory management? ()A、 With IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2 (IMAM), item records are created in the Item Master application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.B、 With IMAM, item records are created in the Storerooms application, and storeroom records are created in the Inventory application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.C、 With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Item Master application, and inventory is managed in the Item Master application.D、 With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Item Master application.

利用无线电话发送无线电报时,发送数字前应加入()后,再发送数字.A、INLETTERSB、LETTERSC、IN FIGURESD、FIGURES

Which four statements about NetFlow are true?()A、NetFlow records bidirectional IP traffic flow.B、NetFlow export can be implemented over IPv4.C、NetFlow export can be implemented over IPv6.D、NetFlow records multicast IP traffic flow.E、NetFlow records ingress traffic.F、NetFlow records egress traffic.

The WebSphere Application Server provides a Dynamic Cache Monitor.  Which of the following can be monitored using this tool?()A、Servlet Response TimesB、Cache StatisticsC、Database Connection Pool StatisticsD、Disk Statistics

单选题Which statement is true about item records and inventory management? ()A With IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2 (IMAM), item records are created in the Item Master application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.B With IMAM, item records are created in the Storerooms application, and storeroom records are created in the Inventory application, but inventory is managed in the Inventory application.C With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Item Master application, and inventory is managed in the Item Master application.D With IMAM, item records are created in the Inventory application, and storeroom records are created in the Storerooms application, but inventory is managed in the Item Master application.

单选题Which statement correctly describes the change tracking writer (CTWR) background process?()A It keeps track of changes in the background processes.B It records the system change number (SCN) in the control file.C It writes audit records for user changes to the change tracking file.D It records any changes to the listened configuration in the listener.ora file.E It records any changes to the database parameters in the change tracking file.F It records the physical location of all the changes that are made to the database in the change tracking file.

单选题Which of the following types of DNS records enables support for email?()AABMXCPTRDAAAA

多选题Which four statements about NetFlow are true?()ANetFlow records bidirectional IP traffic flow.BNetFlow export can be implemented over IPv4.CNetFlow export can be implemented over IPv6.DNetFlow records multicast IP traffic flow.ENetFlow records ingress traffic.FNetFlow records egress traffic.

单选题You need to configure the DNS resource records for incoming e-mail messages from the Internet. What should you do?()AConfigure mailbox (MB) resource records in the external DNS domain. Configure each record so that it has the same refresh intervalBConfigure mailbox (MB) resource records in the external DNS domain. Configure each record so that it has the same default Time to Live (TTL) intervalCConfigure mail exchanger (MX) resource records in the external DNS domain. Configure each record to have the same preference and a different mail exchangerDConfigure mail exchanger (MX) resource records in the external DNS domain. Configure each record to have the same preference and the same mail exchanger

单选题You are creating the CUST_PREMIUM data block in the AUTO_INSURANCE form. A new state law requires that premiums be lowered for drivers with a good driving history. Because this could potentially affect a large number of records, you want to base the data block on a stored procedure returning a table of records. Which statement supports this approach?()AA table of records is efficient in terms of network traffic. BA table of records improves developer productivity because the database administrator does not have to create a server side view. CA table of records is efficient because the number of records fetched depends on the Array Fetch property value.DYour coding effort is simplified since DML operations are handles by setting form module properties.

单选题You are creating a tabular report for the sales department with a department break group. You need to ensure that if al least six sales records will not fit at the button of a page, the group will start on the next page. Which printing frame property would you alter to achieve these results?()ASource BPrint direction CMaximum records per page DMinimum Widow records EColumn mode

多选题Which three statements about NetFlow are true?()ANetFlow records unidirectional IP traffic flow.BNetFlow records MPLS frame flow.CNetFlow expert is only over TCP.DNetFlow records is only over UDP.ENetFlow records subinterface information of traffic flow.

单选题58 A accounts B records C directions D collectionsAABBCCDD

单选题The transportation department requested a shipping cost report to list the resources used by each department. A separate page should be product for each department. Which property would you modify to achieve these results?()AMinimum widow records. BColumn mode. CSpacing DPrint direction. ESource F maximum records per page. FMaximum records per page.