单选题Most of the issues concerning personnel management have been solved satisfactorily; only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.A多数有关人员管理的问题顺利地解决了, 仅剩下几个问题还需要进行第二次讨论。B大多数有关人事管理问题已经得到圆满解决,只剩下几个次要的问题还有待于讨论。C很多有关人员配备问题基本上都得到了答复,只有第二个重要问题还未经过讨论。

Most of the issues concerning personnel management have been solved satisfactorily; only a few of secondary importance remain to be discussed.

多数有关人员管理的问题顺利地解决了, 仅剩下几个问题还需要进行第二次讨论。






A项将satisfactorily误译为“顺利地(smoothly)”,不太准确;将of secondary importance“次要的”误译为“第二次讨论”。C项将personal management“人事管理”误译为“人员配备(personnel allocation)”;漏译了satisfactorily;将solved“解决”误译为“答复”;将secondary误译为“第二个”。


Which of the following is true?A.The water in Texas have been reduced by 75%.B.Most industries in the world suffer from water shortagers.C.The underground water in Saudi Arabia might run out in 50 years.D.Good management of water use resulted from the project in the Central Valley.

(c) You have been making preliminary inquiries regarding matters arising from the previous year’s audit of Di Rollo.It has been revealed that no action has been taken in response to the management letter prepared by the previousauditors. Di Rollo’s management has explained that this was because it was ‘poorly prepared’ and ‘unhelpful’.Required:Briefly describe various criteria against which the effectiveness of a management letter may be assessed.(7 marks)

According to the author, which statement concerning philosophers is most nearly accurate?A. They are impractical.B. They are too radical.C. They are a thoughtful group.D. They have contempt for humanity.

I love traveling. I_____ most places in the world.A. have gone toB. have been toC. went to

Writing stories and articles ( )what my father enjoys most. A、wereB、wasC、isD、have been

Of all the work you have done, where have you been the most successful对于你所做过的所有工作,你认为哪项工作你做得最成功?

Two business partners have recently been connected via a dedicated extranet. It has been discovered that each of the companies are using the same private IP address space.Which of the following will help to resolve potential routing issues?()A.MulticastB.PATC.CIDRD.NAT

The Project Management Triangle is a model of the constraints of project management. These constraints have been listed scope (or quality),(), and cost.A.resourceB.timeC.planD.tool

Most of the exceptions commonly met with have been ______ of judicial decisions delimiting their scopes.A.the subjectB.the projectC.the injectD.the deject

After each container has been stuffed,responsible personnel will ensure that the doors have been securely closed and are watertight and a ______ has been placed on the container.A.realB.dealC.sealD.meal

Which agency issues a certificate of loading that is evidence that the rules and regulations concerning bulk grain cargoes have been observed ________.A.American Bureau of ShippingB.Department of AgricultureC.National Cargo BureauD.Public Health Service

The Project Management Triangle is a model of the constraints of projectmanagement.These constraints have been listed scope(or quality),(73),and cost.A.resourceB.time C.planD.tool

They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two years.A:dreadful B:bad C:unpleasant D:poor

Which three challenges have been created by the move toward Virtualization in the data center? ()A、overstaffingB、management integrationC、coherent policies and securityD、scalabilityE、consolidationF、asset tracking

A customer is creating an Event Action Plan to monitor CPU utilization on their SQL server.  While creating a Simple Event Filter, the event type "Director.Director Agent.CPU Monitors" option is not available.  Which of the following is the most likely source of the problem?()A、The appropriate Hardware Status monitors have not been set.B、The appropriate Resource Monitor thresholds have not been set.C、The appropriate Windows Performance monitors have not been set.D、The appropriate Process Management thresholds have not been set.

Which of the following is responsible for MOST of the security issues?下列哪个角色存在最多的安全问题?()A、Equipment failure 设备故障B、Personnel 内部人员C、Outside espionage 外部间谍D、Hackers 黑客

In order to utilize most server management software, an administrator will have to install which of the following?()A、 SNMPB、 SMTPC、 IPv6D、 UDP

Two business partners have recently been connected via a dedicated extranet. It has been discovered that each of the companies are using the same private IP address space. Which of the following will help to resolve potential routing issues?()A、MulticastB、PATC、CIDRD、NAT

System configurations on the HMC have been backed up correctly. After a restore, the partitions are defined with different characteristics than the running systems. What is the most probable cause of this problem?()A、The LPAR Configuration backup is corruptB、The LPAR Configuration has been altered using DLPARC、The LPAR Configuration backup was performed on a different HMCD、The LPAR Configuration has been altered through the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) on the server after the backup was performed

单选题A small fuel spillage has occurred during helicopter refueling. After the leak has been stopped and fire-control personnel have been notified and are standing by,the next step is to().Aproceed with fueling operationBhave helicopter move to a safer locationCwash spilled fuel away with a flood of waterDclean spilled fuel with rags

问答题Directions:In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully and complete the summary by choosing no more than three words from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.Developing Environmental Management Strategies  Strong and sustainable economic activity depends on healthy environmental management. It is being increasingly recognized by the public, government and industry that there is no need to shift smoothly from a “react and cure” approach to an “anticipate and prevent” approach. The mechanism governing this change started to appear three to four years ago and the momentum for change has been gathering steadily ever since.  Whilst the need to embrace these changes is almost universally accepted, the mechanisms for change and the priorities for action have been far from clear. The public and the media point to anecdotal evidence of lack of progress, or setbacks, over a bewildering range of topics. These incidents are catalogued by local and national pressure groups to enhance their own campaigns for change. The Government, under pressure from the European Community, has introduced legislation which, although progressive, often appears to industry to be fragmented and difficult to digest.  There is, therefore, a clear and often expressed need on the part of British and European management for techniques to identify and prioritize the key environmental issues for allocation of resources and action. The technique emerging as the most effective is a strategy which involves the formulation of a policy statement setting out the organization’s philosophy on the environment and the aims to be achieved. A detailed assessment of the environmental status and performance of the operation is then undertaken, key issues identified and targets set. The performance of the operation or unit is regularly audited to measure progress towards the targets set. This environmental strategy is often called an Environmental Management System or simply referred to as an Environmental Audit.  Summary:  There has been a steady movement towards more efficient, proactive environmental management. Whilst the  1 s generally accepted, the means have yet to be agreed upon. Attempts at introducing  2 have, so far, been unsatisfactory. Techniques are currently being defined for allocating  3 or action on key environmental issues. The most useful approach is to draw up a  4 which clarifies the environmental attitudes and aims of the organization. Performance and progress towards these targets can then be measured. A detailed evaluation or  5 s regularly carried out.

单选题System configurations on the HMC have been backed up correctly. After a restore, the partitions are defined with different characteristics than the running systems. What is the most probable cause of this problem?()AThe LPAR Configuration backup is corruptBThe LPAR Configuration has been altered using DLPARCThe LPAR Configuration backup was performed on a different HMCDThe LPAR Configuration has been altered through the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) on the server after the backup was performed

单选题You are designing a group management strategy for users in the finance department. You need to  identify the appropriate changes that need to be made to the current group management strategy. You want to accomplish this goal by using the minimum number of groups.  What should you do?()A Add the finance users to the financeData group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.B Add the finance users to the financeGG group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.C Add the finance users to the financeGG group. Then add the financeGG group to the financeData group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.D Add the finance users to the financeGG group. Add the financeGG group to the financeUG group to the financeDat group to which the necessary permissions have been assigned.

单选题Enhanced procedures concerning the exercise of () have been developed to allow intervention in the ease of deficiencies deemed to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment.Aport state controlBflag state controlCfire and boat drillDSafety inspection

单选题In order to utilize most server management software, an administrator will have to install which of the following?()A SNMPB SMTPC IPv6D UDP

单选题A customer is creating an Event Action Plan to monitor CPU utilization on their SQL server.  While creating a Simple Event Filter, the event type "Director.Director Agent.CPU Monitors" option is not available.  Which of the following is the most likely source of the problem?()AThe appropriate Hardware Status monitors have not been set.BThe appropriate Resource Monitor thresholds have not been set.CThe appropriate Windows Performance monitors have not been set.DThe appropriate Process Management thresholds have not been set.

问答题Practice 7  ● Your company has planned three training courses:Foreign Language Development, Changes in Technology, Management Skills.  ● You have been asked to write a report, recommending the course you think would be most useful for people who do the same kind of job as you.  ● Write the report, saying which course you have chosen.  ● Explain why you feel it would be the most useful and why the others are not so suitable.  ● Write 200-250 words on your Answer Sheet.