




填空题It is better for people to keep the curtains closed at night.____

填空题We can get more lasting happiness from fond memories.____

填空题Electrifying speakers have an energy several levels higher than the people they are attempting to influence.____

问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Living in the College Town. You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

填空题Berg’s suggestion about work is to rethink and make small changes.____

填空题Our atmosphere absorbs the heat the ground emits and sends some of it back to the Earth.____

填空题You can make out where you can save money by preparing a personal budget of incoming money and outgoing money.____

问答题Practice 4  当红电视选秀节目“超级女声”(Super Girl)对许多中国人来说是一个独特的文化体验,到过亚洲的游客也一定早就知道卡拉OK(karaoke)在亚洲的重要性,中国也不例外。唱歌一直是无数中国人最热衷的娱乐方式。随着今年五月第三届比赛的启动,“超级女声”依然是中国最多人收看的电视节目,这个节目也给了喜爱唱歌的女性一个梦想成真的机会。

填空题October 31st was originally celebrated ills the eve of the Celtic New Year.____


单选题AThey might eventually cause you unable to sleep.BThey help produce a substance that induces sleep.CYou must not drink milk if you take them.DThey make it unnecessary to take naps.

单选题Most educators objected to Stoke’s idea because they thought _____.Aa language should be easy to use and understandBsign language was too artificial to be widely acceptedCa language could only exist in the form of speech soundsDsign language was not extensively used even by deaf people

填空题Having newspapers and magazines delivered to your doorstep is not economical.____

单选题In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind” (Lines 3, Para.3) probably means _____.Abeing unable to think properly for lack of insightBbeing totally out of touch with business at homeCmissing opportunities for promotion when abroadDleaving all care and worry behind

填空题According to the passage, visualization works without searching deeply into concepts and theories.____

问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Currently, a new concept, low-carbon life, is gaining popularity.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



单选题ARest frequently during the day.BLack of sleep on weekends.CLack of exercise in the evening.DEating cheese before going to bed.

填空题The gold seekers could climb up the Chilkoot Pass, thanks to the steps carved into the ice.____


填空题Lactic acid makes your muscles hurt.____

填空题The American two-house legislature reflects the American principle of balances and checks.____

填空题Google can’t claim victory because the European Union needs to sign off on the merge.____

单选题The returned plastic bottles in New York used to _____.Aend up somewhere undergroundBbe turned to raw materialsChave a second-life valueDbe separated from other rubbish

填空题The actual invention brought by the telephone was the Network.____

填空题Each greenhouse gas has a distinctive ability to absorb heat in the atmosphere.____

填空题Since 1910, the House has had a permanent membership of four hundred and thirty-five.____