填空题It is better for people to keep the curtains closed at night.____

It is better for people to keep the curtains closed at night.____




The robber told him that he had better keep silent () he wanted to get into trouble A.ifB.unlessC.otherwiseD.whether

As it was a stormy night, ______ people went to see the film.A. a fewB. fewC. severalD. many

______ a little more tolerant our world would be a better place.A. Were peopleB. If people wouldC. People wereD. Would people

A survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians. A similar survey carried out 5 years ago showed that 50% of people thought that what politicians said was usually not true, and that 35% of people thought that what they saw on the television or read in newspapers was not true. Now both those figures have increased sharply, to 80% of people not believing politicians and 70% not believing the television or newspapers. Experts think that these figures are not going to come down in the near future.Stories about politicians and journalists taking money from businessmen have caused the public to stop trusting them. Also politicians keep making promises that they do not keep. Mr Smith of York said, ‘When the politicians make new laws, they only help their friends, not people like me’. Mrs Marley of Leeds said, ‘The newspapers and television are not interested in what is true; they are only interested in money for advertising’.It has got worse recently as more people can get news from the Internet and learn if the journalists and politicians are telling the truth or not. What can our politicians and journalists do? The only answer is to be more honest.1.The number of people believing politicians and journalists has __________.A.increasedB.not changedC.decreased2.Experts think this problem ____________.A.will get better soonB.will not get better soonC.will get worse soon3.Stories say businessmen give money to _______.A.politiciansB.politicians and journalistsC.journalists4.Mr Smith thinks politicians make laws __________.A.to help their friendsB.to help himC.to help everybody5.People can now check stories using _________.A.the newspapersB.the televisionC.the Internet

People believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others.

You had better keep the medicine () is inaccessible to children.A、thatB、whereC、where itD、in which

Generally speaking, a night club is one of the few places which ( ) late in Vancouver. A、stay openB、remain openedC、keep on openD、go on opening

the better the elderly people are known,()they are.A. the happierB. the happyC. so happy

Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep().A. fitlyB. fittingC. fit

Why should we study science?() A.to keep us curiousB.to know the world betterC.to think criticallyD.to work better

It's ________ that we had better go for a walk.A、so a beautiful nightB、such beautiful a nightC、a night so beautifulD、so beautiful a night

If people ________ cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _______.A.keep, to live in B.will keep, to live in C.keep, to live D.will keep, to live

On a ship,a door that is required to be marked KEEP CLOSED is designed to ______.A.prevent the passage of flammable gasesB.prevent the passage of poisonous vaporsC.delay the spread of heat and flamesD.maintain watertight integrity

共用题干Owls and Larks1 In this article,we look at the importance of sleep for learning. Most healthy adults need eight or more hours of sleep. But why do we need sleep in the first place?We need sleep for the brain to get a chance to rebuild memories stored during the day and associate these with previously learned things. If this process is interrupted by,say,the sound of an alarm clock,it may not be as effective. So if your sleep is cut short by the alarm clock,how dama- ging is it?The truth is that it's difficult to predict,as so much depends on how much sleep your body actually needs on that particular occasion.2 The popular belief that people are naturally either larks(early risers)or owls is false. The reason why people tend to be one or the other has more to do with lifestyle,age,and personality. Many people who appear to be early birds may have just become so through hab- it,for example,parents with very young children. Teenagers can have difficulty falling asleep until late at night and then they naturally have problems getting up the following morning.3 The main reason why owls are owls is that they tend to spend their time over a book, movie,or computer game till the early hours of the morning. They enjoy the quiet of the night when they can pursue their passion. On the other hand,larks can make better use of early morning hours where they can study in quiet at the time when their brains are most refreshed. So which is better for learning一an owl's or a lark's lifestyle?The simple truth is that it is more complex than simply being one or the other. Leading a well-balanced life in terms of work and play and sleeping enough to bring maximum refreshment is probably the secret.4 As for naps, experts on insomnia(失眠)argue against taking naps, as these may keep people up at night. If your nap lasts only five minutes to half an hour and does not affect your ability to fall asleep in the night,it will probably help you be more alert in evening hours.However,if you are having problems getting to sleep at night,it's not only naps that you should avoid. Try not to drink a lot of alcohol, take nicotine(尼古丁) , do mentally intense activities like preparing for exams or doing exercise in the evening. Some people swear that drinking coffee never stops them from sleeping like a log,whereas others will never go near the stuff for fear of being awake all night. However,the best advice for most is to avoid it in the evening,and if you drink coffee before a nap,remember you are likely to awaken as soon as the caffeine starts kicking in.A good lifestyle means one can______.A: sleep enough to bring most refreshmentB: keep away from coffee in the eveningC: stay up till the early hours of the morningD: get up quite earlyE: store memories in the brainF: rebuild memories stored during the day

共用题干Owls and Larks1 In this article,we look at the importance of sleep for learning. Most healthy adults need eight or more hours of sleep. But why do we need sleep in the first place?We need sleep for the brain to get a chance to rebuild memories stored during the day and associate these with previously learned things. If this process is interrupted by,say,the sound of an alarm clock,it may not be as effective. So if your sleep is cut short by the alarm clock,how dama- ging is it?The truth is that it's difficult to predict,as so much depends on how much sleep your body actually needs on that particular occasion.2 The popular belief that people are naturally either larks(early risers)or owls is false. The reason why people tend to be one or the other has more to do with lifestyle,age,and personality. Many people who appear to be early birds may have just become so through hab- it,for example,parents with very young children. Teenagers can have difficulty falling asleep until late at night and then they naturally have problems getting up the following morning.3 The main reason why owls are owls is that they tend to spend their time over a book, movie,or computer game till the early hours of the morning. They enjoy the quiet of the night when they can pursue their passion. On the other hand,larks can make better use of early morning hours where they can study in quiet at the time when their brains are most refreshed. So which is better for learning一an owl's or a lark's lifestyle?The simple truth is that it is more complex than simply being one or the other. Leading a well-balanced life in terms of work and play and sleeping enough to bring maximum refreshment is probably the secret.4 As for naps, experts on insomnia(失眠)argue against taking naps, as these may keep people up at night. If your nap lasts only five minutes to half an hour and does not affect your ability to fall asleep in the night,it will probably help you be more alert in evening hours.However,if you are having problems getting to sleep at night,it's not only naps that you should avoid. Try not to drink a lot of alcohol, take nicotine(尼古丁) , do mentally intense activities like preparing for exams or doing exercise in the evening. Some people swear that drinking coffee never stops them from sleeping like a log,whereas others will never go near the stuff for fear of being awake all night. However,the best advice for most is to avoid it in the evening,and if you drink coffee before a nap,remember you are likely to awaken as soon as the caffeine starts kicking in.Paragraph 4______A: What Should We Avoid?B: How Much Sleep Do We Need?C: Which Is Better,Being an Owl or a Lark?D: Why Do We Need Sleep?E: What Makes People Owls or Larks?F: What Helps Us Fall Asleep?

共用题干Owls and Larks1 In this article,we look at the importance of sleep for learning. Most healthy adults need eight or more hours of sleep. But why do we need sleep in the first place?We need sleep for the brain to get a chance to rebuild memories stored during the day and associate these with previously learned things. If this process is interrupted by,say,the sound of an alarm clock,it may not be as effective. So if your sleep is cut short by the alarm clock,how dama- ging is it?The truth is that it's difficult to predict,as so much depends on how much sleep your body actually needs on that particular occasion.2 The popular belief that people are naturally either larks(early risers)or owls is false. The reason why people tend to be one or the other has more to do with lifestyle,age,and personality. Many people who appear to be early birds may have just become so through hab- it,for example,parents with very young children. Teenagers can have difficulty falling asleep until late at night and then they naturally have problems getting up the following morning.3 The main reason why owls are owls is that they tend to spend their time over a book, movie,or computer game till the early hours of the morning. They enjoy the quiet of the night when they can pursue their passion. On the other hand,larks can make better use of early morning hours where they can study in quiet at the time when their brains are most refreshed. So which is better for learning一an owl's or a lark's lifestyle?The simple truth is that it is more complex than simply being one or the other. Leading a well-balanced life in terms of work and play and sleeping enough to bring maximum refreshment is probably the secret.4 As for naps, experts on insomnia(失眠)argue against taking naps, as these may keep people up at night. If your nap lasts only five minutes to half an hour and does not affect your ability to fall asleep in the night,it will probably help you be more alert in evening hours.However,if you are having problems getting to sleep at night,it's not only naps that you should avoid. Try not to drink a lot of alcohol, take nicotine(尼古丁) , do mentally intense activities like preparing for exams or doing exercise in the evening. Some people swear that drinking coffee never stops them from sleeping like a log,whereas others will never go near the stuff for fear of being awake all night. However,the best advice for most is to avoid it in the evening,and if you drink coffee before a nap,remember you are likely to awaken as soon as the caffeine starts kicking in.It is good advice for most people to______.A: sleep enough to bring most refreshmentB: keep away from coffee in the eveningC: stay up till the early hours of the morningD: get up quite earlyE: store memories in the brainF: rebuild memories stored during the day

共用题干Owls and Larks1 In this article,we look at the importance of sleep for learning. Most healthy adults need eight or more hours of sleep. But why do we need sleep in the first place?We need sleep for the brain to get a chance to rebuild memories stored during the day and associate these with previously learned things. If this process is interrupted by,say,the sound of an alarm clock,it may not be as effective. So if your sleep is cut short by the alarm clock,how dama- ging is it?The truth is that it's difficult to predict,as so much depends on how much sleep your body actually needs on that particular occasion.2 The popular belief that people are naturally either larks(early risers)or owls is false. The reason why people tend to be one or the other has more to do with lifestyle,age,and personality. Many people who appear to be early birds may have just become so through hab- it,for example,parents with very young children. Teenagers can have difficulty falling asleep until late at night and then they naturally have problems getting up the following morning.3 The main reason why owls are owls is that they tend to spend their time over a book, movie,or computer game till the early hours of the morning. They enjoy the quiet of the night when they can pursue their passion. On the other hand,larks can make better use of early morning hours where they can study in quiet at the time when their brains are most refreshed. So which is better for learning一an owl's or a lark's lifestyle?The simple truth is that it is more complex than simply being one or the other. Leading a well-balanced life in terms of work and play and sleeping enough to bring maximum refreshment is probably the secret.4 As for naps, experts on insomnia(失眠)argue against taking naps, as these may keep people up at night. If your nap lasts only five minutes to half an hour and does not affect your ability to fall asleep in the night,it will probably help you be more alert in evening hours.However,if you are having problems getting to sleep at night,it's not only naps that you should avoid. Try not to drink a lot of alcohol, take nicotine(尼古丁) , do mentally intense activities like preparing for exams or doing exercise in the evening. Some people swear that drinking coffee never stops them from sleeping like a log,whereas others will never go near the stuff for fear of being awake all night. However,the best advice for most is to avoid it in the evening,and if you drink coffee before a nap,remember you are likely to awaken as soon as the caffeine starts kicking in.Sleep helps brain to______.A: sleep enough to bring most refreshmentB: keep away from coffee in the eveningC: stay up till the early hours of the morningD: get up quite earlyE: store memories in the brainF: rebuild memories stored during the day

Her mother asked her to keep the windows___________and the doorA.opened ; closedB.open ; closedC.open ; closeD.opened ; close

共用题干Owls and Larks(猫头鹰与云雀)1 In this article,we look at the importance of sleep for learning. Most healthy adults need eight or more hours of sleep.But why do we need sleep in the first place?We need sleep for the brain to get a chance to rebuild memories stored during the day and associate these with previously learned things.If this process is interrupted by,say,the sound of an alarm clock,it may not be as effective.So if your sleep is cut short by the alarm clock,how damaging is it?The truth is that it's difficult to predict,as so much depends on how much sleep your body actually needs on that particular occasion.2 The popular belief that people are naturally either larks(early risers)or owls is false.The reason why people tend to be one or the other has more to do with lifestyle,age,and personality.Many people who appear to be early birds may have just become so through habit,for example,parents with very young chil-dren.Teenagers can have difficulty falling asleep until late at night and then they naturally have problems getting up the following morning.3 The main reason why owls are owls is that they tend to spend their time over a book,movie,or corn- puter game till the early hours of the morning.They enjoy the quiet of the night when they can pursue their passion.On the other hand,larks can make better use of early morning hours where they can study in quiet at the time when their brains are most refreshed.So which is better for learning一an owl's or a lark's lifestyle? The simple truth is that it is more complex than simply being one or the other. Leading a well-balanced life in terms of work and play and sleeping enough to bring maximum refreshment is probably the secret.4 As for naps , experts on insomnia(失眠)argue against taking naps , as these may keep people up at night. If your nap lasts only five minutes to haff an hour and does not affect your ability to fall asleep in the night,it will probably help you be more alert in evening hours.However,if you are having problems getting to sleep at night , it's not only naps that you should avoid. Try not to drink a lot of alcohol , take nicotine(尼古 丁),do mentally intense activities like preparing for exams or doing exercise in the evening. Some peopleswear that drinking coffee never stops them from sleeping like a log,whereas others will never go near the stuff for fear of being awake all night.However,the best advice for most is to avoid it in the evening,and if you drink coffee before a nap,remember you are likely to awaken as soon as the caffeine starts kicking in.Paragraph 4________A:Which is Better,Being an Owl or a LarkB:What Should We AvoidC:What Helps Us Fall Asleep D:What Makes People Owls or LarksE:Why do We Need Sleep F:How Much Sleep do We need

共用题干More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good ThingAlthough the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside more than 8 hours a night. He added that it might be a good idea for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep,for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview,Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed."It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake,"he said.To get a good night's rest,people may not need to______.A:fall asleep againB:become more energetic the following dayC:sleep less than 7 hoursD:confirm those serious consequencesE:suffer sleep problemsF: sleep more than 8 hours

共用题干More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good ThingAlthough the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside more than 8 hours a night. He added that it might be a good idea for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep,for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview,Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed."It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake,"he said.One of the sleep problems is waking in the middle of the night,unable to______.A:fall asleep againB:become more energetic the following dayC:sleep less than 7 hoursD:confirm those serious consequencesE:suffer sleep problemsF: sleep more than 8 hours

填空题The people injured in the accident (send) ____ to the nearest hospital for treatment last night.

单选题Some people are often surprised by what other people do. According to Berger, that is mainly because _____.Asome people are more emotional than othersBsome people are not aware of the fact that we will never completely know another personCsome people are sensitive enough to sense the change of other people’s attitudesDsome people choose to keep to themselves

单选题The tomato competition in Anhui Province was held to ______.Ahelp the people in Ya’anBsave the people on the trainsCforget the terrible timeDhelp grow better tomatoes

单选题One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to _____ healthy eating habits.AgrowBdevelopCincreaseDraise

填空题It is better for people to keep the curtains closed at night.____

单选题On a ship,a door that is required to be marked KEEP CLOSED is designed to().Aprevent the passage of flammable gasesBprevent the passage of poisonous vaporsCdelay the spread of heat and flamesDmaintain watertight integrity

单选题Because it was too dark at night, I could see _____ people on the street.AfewBa fewClittleDa little