单选题The road lay ahead of us, a ______ gray line stretching to the horizon.AcontinualBcontinuousCconstantDprolonged

The road lay ahead of us, a ______ gray line stretching to the horizon.









意思为:“连续不断的”,指在时间或空问上无间断的,如:The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要不断的供血。continual意思也为:“不停的。连续的”,但主要指有间歇性的连续,指一个接一个地进行,只能用于时间,不能用于空间,如:Continual practice is necessary to become a champion. 要想获得冠军,必须经常不断练习。constant意思为:“不断的,经常的”,指某种行为没有变更,没有间歇地反复出现,如:Matter is always in constant motion and in constant change. 物质总是在不断运动和不断变化。prolonged意思为:“持续很久的,长时期的”。


The key purpose of project control is to:A.Plan ahead for uncertainties.B.Generate status reports.C.Keep the project on track.D.Develop the project road map.E.All of the above.

88 The key purpose of project control is to:A. Plan ahead for uncertainties.B. Generate status reports.C. Keep the project on track.D. Develop the project road map.E. All of the above.

We can’t hope to catch up with that car () us. A.in advance ofB.in the front ofC.at the frontier ofD.ahead of

It may take some time to get the British economy back on____________. (A) way(B) road(C) track(D) line

She spent all night ______ about the future that lay ahead of her. (A) thinking(B) think(C) to(D) thought

● The key purpose of project control is to:A Plan ahead for uncertainties.B Generate status reports.C Keep the project on track.D Develop the project road map.E All of the above.

When you go across the line, you change your calendar one ______ day, back or ahead. A、allB、moreC、fullD、less

All of us avoidedover the rough road bythe new way. A.to drive … takingB.driving … takesC.driving … being takenD.driving … taking

The sentence" We have people. . . down the road" ( Line 4, Paragraph 2)probably means[ A] we have people calling us for parking space two years ahead of time.[ B] people called us for permission to use the places two years ago.[ C] we received calls from people down the road two years ago.[D] people called us for school vacancies two years in advance.

With the strike () (settle), the work on the new assembly line went ahead like wildfire.

It is likely that their group will get ahead of us. (英译汉)

Pay out the ()(头缆).A、spring lineB、head lineC、stern lineD、ahead line

单选题As they pertain to the near road mentioned in line 29, the life cycles mentioned in line 28 are those of ______.Athe plants that are destroyed by road constructionBthe animals that may be displaced by a new roadCeconomic and industrial trendsDthe substances that constitute the roadEthe companies involved in constructing the road

单选题The lay of a line refers to().Aits normal location of stowageBthe direction of twist in the strandsCthe manner in which it is coiledDthe manner in which it is rigged

单选题A spring line is a().Amooring line made of spring lay wire ropeBmooring line running diagonally to the keelCmooring line parallel to the keelDwire rope used for securing an anchor buoy

单选题When a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead,by night she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line or both side lights,()shall be deemed to exist.Ahead-on situationBend-situationCcrossing situationDclose-quaters situation

单选题Stop slacking the ()(倒缆).Ahead lineBbreast lineCspringDstern line

单选题The road lay ahead of us, a ______ gray line stretching to the horizon.AcontinualBcontinuousCconstantDprolonged

单选题You are anchoring in a river where the current is from one direction only.The best way to lay out two anchors is to have them().ADirectly in line with the bowBSide by side,with their lines on the port and starboard sideCSo that their lines form an angleDOn top of one another

单选题Drive slowly, Mary. ______ is something ahead on the road.AItBThisCThatDThere

单选题The sentence “We have people... down the road” (Line 3, Paragraph 2) probably means ______.Awe have people calling us for parking space two years ahead of timeBpeople called us for permission to use the places two years agoCwe received calls from people down the road two years agoDpeople called us for school vacancies two years in advance

单选题A tug is towing three manned barges in line in fog. The first vessel of the tow should sound ().Ano fog signalBone short blastCone prolonged and three short blastsDone prolonged,one short,and one prolonged blast

单选题You are running parallel to the coast and take a running fix using bearings of the same object.If you are making less speed than used for the running fix,in relation to the position indicated by the fix,you will be().ACloser to the coastBFarther from the coastCOn the track line ahead of the fixDOn the track line behind the fix

单选题A twin-screw vessel can clear the inboard propeller and maneuver off a pier best by holding a(n)().Aforward spring line and going slow ahead on the inboard engineBafter spring line and going slow astern on the outboard engineCforward spring line and going slow ahead on both enginesDforward spring line and going slow ahead on the outboard engine

单选题A head on situation shall be deemed to exist at night when a power-driven vessel sees another power-driven vessel ahead and ().Aone sidelight and the masthead light are visibleBthe vessels will pass closer than half a mileCboth vessels sound one prolonged blastDboth sidelights and masthead light(s) are visible

单选题A ()leads forward from the forecastle to the shore.Ahead lineBbreast lineCspring lineDstern line

单选题A ()leads aft from the forecastle to the shore.Ahead lineBfore breast lineCfore springDstern line

单选题The fuel booster pump and steam to fuel heater, together with fuel pipe heater tracer line should be shut off as soon as the () order is acknowledged.Afinished with enginesBstopCstand byDfull ahead