名词解释题水培 water culture

水培 water culture


解析: 暂无解析


Gestures, a body language of human beings, _________widely from culture to culture.A. changeB. varyC. differD. alternate

Europeans brought carnival to the Caribbean ,but Caribbean carnival traditions are more rooted in ancient African culture than inherited from European culture.()


共用题干Culture ShockCulture shock is the loss of emotional balance,disorientation(茫然失措),or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one.When it is a common experience,the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience,and language proficiency all affect a person's ability to interact socially in the new culture.The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation.When an individual enters a strange culture,all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be,a series of properties have been knocked from under him.This may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.People react to the frustration in much the same way.First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort:"The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad."Another aspect of culture shock is regression(倒退).The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance,and everything becomes irrationally glorified.All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes.These are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations;fear of being cheated,robbed or injured; sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more;and a great longing to go home.Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging,of being an outsider.The degree of culture shock could be different from person to person.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干Culture ShockCulture shock is the loss of emotional balance,disorientation(茫然失措),or confusion that a person feels when moving from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one.When it is a common experience,the degree to which it occurs will vary from one person to another. Individual personality, previous cross-cultural experience,and language proficiency all affect a person's ability to interact socially in the new culture.The basic cause of culture shock is the abrupt loss of all that is familiar, leading to a sense of isolation.When an individual enters a strange culture,all or most of those familiar signs and hints are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or good-willed he may be,a series of properties have been knocked from under him.This may be followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.People react to the frustration in much the same way.First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort:"The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad."Another aspect of culture shock is regression(倒退).The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance,and everything becomes irrationally glorified.All difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.Common symptoms of culture shock include the following extremes.These are excessive concerns over delays and other minor frustrations;fear of being cheated,robbed or injured; sleeplessness or a desire to sleep more;and a great longing to go home.Underlying all these is the uncomfortable feeling of not really belonging,of being an outsider.People with previous cross-culture experience will better adapt themselves in face of a new culture.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Maoris have adopted many aspects of()and more and more New Zealanders now share in the rich heritage of()AAmerican culture/Asian cultureBWestern culture/Asian cultureCAmerican culture/Maori cultureDWestern culture/Maori culture





水培 water culture


简述下列概念的区别: fed-batch culture;continuous culture colony;cloning

continuous culture



单选题Supposing there is a water container. The taller the container, ______ at the bottom.Agreater will the water pressure beBthe water pressure will be greaterCthe greater the water pressure will beDgreater the water pressure will be

单选题We use () to distill fresh water from sea water.AengineBsea water pumpCcylinder coolerDfresh water generator

单选题Why the cooling water of the diesel engine should be treated? Because the()ACooling water is alkalescenceBcooling water is acidityCcooling water has salinityDcooling water has impurity

填空题When we ____ (比较) western culture with Chinese culture, you’ll find many differences.

单选题Supposing there is a water container. The taller the container, _____at the bottom.Agreater will the water pressure beBthe water pressure will be greaterCthe greater will be the water pressureDgreater the water pressure will be

单选题Chinese culture and Japanese culture have a lot _____.Ain factBin sightCin commonDin touch


单选题Maoris have adopted many aspects of()and more and more New Zealanders now share in the rich heritage of()AAmerican culture/Asian cultureBWestern culture/Asian cultureCAmerican culture/Maori cultureDWestern culture/Maori culture

单选题In a diesel engine jacket water cooler, with seawater cooling the fresh water, the()Asea water temperature must never be warmer than 40℃Bjacket water pressure should always be greater than the sea water pressureCjacket water temperature must always be less than 60℃Djacket water pressure must always be less than the sea water pressure


问答题Culture refers to the social heritage of a people—the learnedpatterns for thinking, feeling and acting that characterize apopulation or society, include the expression of these patterns        (1) ______in material things. Culture is compose of nonmaterial culture         (2) _______—abstract creations like values, beliefs, customs and institutionalarrangements—and material culture—physical object like            (3) _______cooking pots, computers and bathtubs. In sum, culture reflectsboth the ideas we share or everything we make. In ordinary           (4) _______speech, a person of culture is the individual can speak another         (5) _______language—the person who is unfamiliar with the arts, music,          (6) _______literature, philosophy, or history. But to sociologists, to behuman is to be cultured, because of culture is the common           (7) _______world of experience we share with other members of our group.  Culture is essentially to our humanness. It provides a kind of map     (8) _______for relating to others. Consider how you find your way about sociallife. How do you know how to act in a classroom, or a departmentstore, or toward a person who smiles or laugh at you? Your culture       (9) _______supplies you by broad, standardized, ready-made answers for          (10) _______dealing with each of these situations. Therefore, if we know aperson’s culture, we can understand and even predict a gooddeal of his behavior.