


解析: 暂无解析


你们怎样确保食品安全?A.How about the food safety?B.How do you ensure the food safety?C.What about the food insurance?D.Can you ensure the food safety?

安全帽A.safety belt/harnessB.safety capC.safety clochesD.safety measure

Which certificate is always issued by the China Classification Society? ______.A.Loadline certificateB.Safety equipment certificateC.Safety construction certificateD.Safety cargo gear certificate

______ is issued under the provision of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto.A.INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATEB.CARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATEC.CARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATED.CARGO SHIP SAFETY RADIOTELEPHONY CERTIFICATE

Automatic identification systems(AIS)are required to ______.A.provide safety-related information automatically to shore stations,other vessels and aircraftB.receive safety-related information automatically from similarly equipped vesselsC.exchange safety-related information with shore-based facilitiesD.All of the above

As soon as the ship gets alongside the wharf, you should lower the gangway and put a ()below it.A、safety netB、safety beltC、safety lampD、safety device

记住,安全第一。()A、Remember: safety first.B、Mind. Safe the first.C、Think of it. Safety is one.D、Think of it. Safety first.

The sailor working aloft should wear ().A、safety capB、life jacketC、safety harnessD、clothes

安全帽()A、safety belt/harnessB、safety capC、safety clochesD、safety measure

safety load()A、安全负载B、安全货物C、安全装货D、安全性


安全限值 safety limit

单选题The proper safety guidelines for handling any device specific consumables can be found in which of the following documentation?()AMaterial Safety Data SheetsBInstallation GuidesCConsumer ReportsDDevices Parts Catalog

单选题Fire protection and manning regulations for towing vessels state that the Master or person in charge must ensure that all crew members who have not participated in the drills or received the safety orientation().Areceive a safety orientation or view a videotape before the vessel gets underwayBview a videotape on safety procedures within 48 hours of reporting for dutyCreceive a safety orientation within 24 hours of reporting for dutyDnone of the above

单选题Automatic identification systems(AIS)are required to().Aprovide safety-related information automatically to shore stations,other vessels and aircraftBreceive safety-related information automatically from similarly equipped vesselsCexchange safety-related information with shore-based facilitiesDAll of the above

名词解释题安全性评价(safety evaluation)

单选题Which of the actions listed and instituted on your part will have the greatest lasting effect on the crew with respect to safety?()APosting posters illustrating practicesBShowing video tapes of actual accidentsCIncorporating safety practices in daily routineDPublishing comprehensive safety rules

单选题Before the oily water is installed on board ships, it must have ()AIOPPBtype approval certificateCcargo ship safety equipment certificateDcargo ship safety certificate

单选题The frequency()the safety message will be transmitted shall be included in DSC safety call.AwhichBon whichCat whichDin which

单选题The radiotelephone safety message urgently concerned with safety of a person would be prefixed by the word().AMaydayBPanCSafetyDInterco

单选题()is issued under the provision of International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,1973,as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto.AINTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATEBCARGO SHIP SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATECCARGO SHIP SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATEDCARGO SHIP SAFETY RADIOTELEPHONY CERTIFICATE

单选题safety load()A安全负载B安全货物C安全装货D安全性

单选题The priority of EGC messages is classified by().Adistress, urgent and safetyBsafety and routineCurgent, safety and routineDdistress, urgent, safety and routine

单选题Define the acronym MSI().AMaritime Safety InformationBMaritime Shipping IndexCMaritime Satellite IndicatorDMariner Safety Intelligence

单选题What is the use of work assets on safety plans? ()A The work asset determines to which assets and locations a safety plan can be applied.B Only safety plans with associated work assets can be used in combination with job plans.  C The safety plan can only be applied to work orders with the same asset or location associated.D The work assets combined with the work on a job plan dictate which safety information is required.

单选题A safety management system that satisfies the requirements of the ISM Code is a system of prevention designed to prevent pollution and improve safety. The safety management system shall include the following functional requirements, please find out the non applicable function().AA safety and environmental protection policy;BInstructions and procedures to ensure safety operation of ships and protection of the environment in compliance with relevant international and flag state legislationCProvide a guarantee that there will never be another accident or technical defectDDefined levels of authority and lines of communication between and amongst, shore and shipboard personnel

单选题A ship must have on board a first-aid kit that is approved by the().AMinerals Management ServiceBOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationCMine Safety and Health AdministrationDAmerican Bureau of Shipping