


从文章的第一段第一句“Make our Tourist Information Centre your first call when planning your visit to Cheltenham”可知,此处应填写Tourist Information Centre。


单选题Never _____ such a good boss before I came to this company.Ado I meetBhad I metCI metDI had met

单选题Not surprisingly, many scientists predict that such changes in the climate will probably result in hotter days.A毫不奇怪,许多科学家都预计气候的这些变化可能会导致天气变暖。B毫不奇怪,许多科学家认为这样的变化可能会导致热天更多。C许多科学家对气候变化和炎热天气所产生的后果毫不惊讶。

填空题What special skills did Lourdes Santiago develop during the past two semesters?He developed electronic publishing and ____.


单选题The message _____ Mr. Black was elected chairman of the committee arrived just in time.AwhichBwhatCthatDhow

单选题_____ATake another interview.BWork with his father.CStart his own company.DStay at the present job.

单选题_____ANo, thanks.BI often drink tea at home.CNot likely.DNo problem.

单选题The passage is mainly about _____.Athe construction of parking spaces in Los AngelesBthe new growth pattern of the city of Los AngelesCthe public transportation system in Los AngelesDthe problem of traffic jams in Los Angeles

单选题What he told me to do was _____ I should get fully prepared before the interview.AwhatBifCwhichDthat


问答题Practice 15  Thank you for choosing our restaurant during your visit to London. Services to guests of the restaurant are a large part of our tasks, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve you. We would like to invite your comments on our performance and to learn from your experiences. Please take a few moments to complete our customer response form so that we may serve you better in the future.

单选题According to the advertisement, $ 99 is the rate offered for _____.Atraveling a limited distanceBrenting a car for seven daysChiring a driving guideDdriving within a state

单选题After your tour request has been confirmed, _____.Ait is still possible that your tour may be cancelledByou are still allowed to change your visiting dateCyou can surely visit the White House that dayDit is necessary for you to start your tour immediately

单选题Making a speech is an art which is constantly used, and it has to be learned and practiced.A演讲是一门难得一用的艺术,所以有机会就要学习和锻炼。B演讲是一门普遍运用的艺术,需要学习和训练才能掌握。C演讲是一门常用的艺术,而且需要学习和实践。

单选题Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because _____.Achemicals are not necessary for preserving foodBa small quantity of bacteria in food is good to peopleCthose chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to peopleDthere are other better ways to preserve food

单选题Team building activities are good for _____.Ahiring employees with special talentBencouraging employees to co-operateChelping employees work independentlyDtraining employees in their special fields


填空题The shop assistant priced the goods before (put) ____ them on the shelf.

单选题So little _____ about physics that the lecture was completely beyond me.AI knewBdid I knowCI had knownDhad I known


单选题If you are taking care of an aging parent or know someone who is, this 30-Page booklet, may be of great help to you.A假如你注意的话,你会知道这本小册子有30页,会对你的父母和你认识的人很有用。B如果你所照顾的父母或认识的亲人年事已高,这本30页的小册子会对你有很大的帮助。C若你在照看年迈父母或知道有人在这样做,这本30页的小册子会对你们有很大帮助。


单选题A large percentage of e-commerce business went bankrupt in 2000, mostly due to inadequate business plans and excessive spending on advertising and marketing.A2000年有大批网络公司倒闭,极可能是因为计划中的资金不足以及过量的广告和营销花费。B2000年有很大一部分电子商务企业破产,主要是由于商务规划不周密以及广告和营销开支过多。C2000年大批公司的电子商务部门都有银行债务,大大导致了预算资金不足以及广告和营销费用短缺。

填空题What is the cause for the turntable to fail to turn?____ is not operating correctly.

单选题Ever since I arrived here, I _____ in the dormitory because it is cheaper.AlivedBwas livingChad been livingDhave been living

单选题Some people think the railways are unnecessary because _____.Amotorcars and planes have taken the place of trainsBthe fee of taking trains is expensive todayCrailways don’t go in a straight lineDrailways earn a large amount of money

填空题How long did Lourdes Santiago work at Pascal Business System?____.
