名词解释题跨国公司(Multinational firm)

跨国公司(Multinational firm)


解析: 暂无解析


His firm is interested ( )the import and export of chemicals A.WithB.ByC.ForD.In

Which contract type consists of - target costs profit, ceiling prices and shared ratio of risk?A Cost Plus Incentive FeeB Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC Cost Plus Fixed FeeD Firm Fixed PriceE Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive

Which type of contract requires that the buyer keep the tightest labor/material cost control?A Cost Plus Incentive FeeB Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC Cost Plus Fixed FeeD Firm Fixed PriceE Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive

95 Which type of contract requires that the buyer keep the tightest labor/material cost control?A. Cost Plus Incentive FeeB. Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC. Cost Plus Fixed FeeD. Firm Fixed PriceE. Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive

103 Which contract type consists of - target costs profit, ceiling prices and shared ratio of risk?A. Cost Plus Incentive FeeB. Cost Plus Percentage of CostsC. Cost Plus Fixed FeeD. Firm Fixed PriceE. Firm Fixed Price Plus Incentive

Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is _______ .A firm B company C corporation D enterprise

主导厂商( Dominant firm)

跨国公司(Multinational firm)

多产品厂商(Multiproduct firm)

Tiles(瓷砖)can be fixed to any surface as long as it’s ______ , firm and dry.AsquareBpointedCroundDflat

-But then we'll have to accept a Board of Directors chosen by our stockholders. Wouldn't that limit us in many ways? -Certainly. But if you consider the massive capital investment that we'll receive, you'll understand that this could take our company ------ .:A from being a big firm to being one of the medium-tier players ;B from being a medium-tier firm to being one of the big players ;C from being a medium-tier firm to being one of the small players

下面关于跨国公司的说法正确的是()。 A、跨国公司的来源国称为东道国B、跨国公司的经营多样化C、跨国公司扩大公司内部贸易D、跨国公司建立公司战略联盟E、跨国公司的转移价格由市场供求关系决定

按经营结构分类,跨国公司可以分为()。 A、资源开发型跨国公司B、服务提供型跨国公司C、垂直型跨国公司D、横向型跨国公司E、混合型跨国公司

________ offered by the firm include a company car and free health insurance. A、FactorsB、PerksC、ImpactsD、Desires

A letter to the president exposed the corruption of some managers in his firm; ______ they got fired.A:constantlyB:consequentlyC:thereafterD:nevertheless

按跨国公司的经营项目分类,著名的埃克森-美孚公司属于()。 A.研究开发型跨国公司B.加工制造型跨国公司C.资源开发型跨国公司D.服务提供型跨国公司

In China, you will find the following Multinational Hotel Groups as ( ).A. America's Cendant Corp.B. America's Marriott InternationalC. France's Accor Hotel GroupD. America's Hilton Hotels Corp.

Non-firm states the price and discount without leaving room for negotiation.()

[A] comfortable [B] weak [C] risky [D] firm

The multinational corporation is making a take-over __________ for a property company.A.applicationB.bidC.proposalD.suggestion

A firm can be seen as nothing more than a collection of projects.A firm must allocate cash to projects within its budgets.Therefore, the process of deciding which projects to undertake and which projects lo pass up is called capital budgeting.Capital bud

No one can l Howard Schultz ofinaction since he returned as chief executive of Starbucks,the firm he built into a multinational 2 to watch it stumble under his successor.Barely a month has gone by over the past year without the firm 3 some new initiative or other.The latest came on February 17th in New York,when Mr.Schultz 4 Via,an instant coffee which,he 5,tastes just as good as Java brewed in the shop by one of the firm's baristas.Don Valencia,the firm's first head of research and development,who 6 the blended and frozen frappuccino drinks that earn Starbucks$2 billion a year,could never find a 7 to scale up an instant formula he had developed at home.When Mr.Schultz retumed as chief executive,he 8 that there had been some technological advances,allowing finer grinding,9.So he asked the R&D team to repeat the recently deceased Valencia's experiments,and found that"we had broken the 10".The name Via is a hat-tip to Valencia-though during development it was known as Jaws(just add water,stir).Starbucks says it has patents that should 11 competitors from quickly replicating Via,which will go on sale in some American stores next month.The opportunity may,12,be biggest in other countries:in Britain over 80%of coffee sold is instant,13 with just 10%in America.14 Starbucks drinkers decide that Via tastes good,the company will have to get the price 15.The riskis that the firm's existing customers may 16 counter service and start making their own cup of instant.To keep customers coming to remaining outlets,he might experiment with discounts such as cheap 17 meals ofa drink and food.He also wants a visit to a Starbucks shop to bc a"18 uplifiing experience".Improving the smellin stores by changing the cheese used in breakfast sandwiches was a start.But 19 that staff are enthusiastic will be especially difficult whenjobs are 20.13选?A.paralleledB.opposedC.contrastedD.compared


翻译:This offer is firm for 5 days.


填空题(impress) ____ by the young man’s good qualifications, they offered him a job in their firm.

问答题If BNKC is the code for COLD, what is the code for FIRM?