The multinational corporation is making a take-over __________ for a property company.A.applicationB.bidC.proposalD.suggestion

The multinational corporation is making a take-over __________ for a property company.



解析:考查名词辨析。句意为“那家跨国公司正在——接管一家地产公司”。application意为“申请,请求”,bid意为“投标,报价”,make a bidfor意为“出价买,企图获得”,proposal意为“提议”,suggestion意为“建议”。根据句意,应为投标接管公司,故选B。


(ii) The property of the former administrative centre of Tyre is owned by the company. Tyre had decided in the yearthat the property was surplus to requirements and demolished the building on 10 June 2006. After demolition,the company will have to carry out remedial environmental work, which is a legal requirement resulting from thedemolition. It was intended that the land would be sold after the remedial work had been carried out. However,land prices are currently increasing in value and, therefore, the company has decided that it will not sell the landimmediately. Tyres uses the ‘cost model’ in IAS16 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ and has owned the propertyfor many years. (7 marks)Required:Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended31 May 2006.(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)

(iii) The extent to which Amy will be subject to income tax in the UK on her earnings in respect of dutiesperformed for Cutlass Inc and the travel costs paid for by that company. (5 marks)Appropriateness of format and presentation of the report and the effectiveness with which its advice iscommunicated. (2 marks)Note:You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2006/07 and the corporation taxrates and allowances for the financial year 2006 apply throughout this questio

(b) Explain why making sales of Sabals in North America will have no effect on Nikau Ltd’s ability to recover itsinput tax. (3 marks)Notes: – you should assume that the corporation tax rates and allowances for the financial year to 31 March 2007will continue to apply for the foreseeable future.– you should ignore indexation allowance.

跨国公司(Multinational firm)

ORGANIZING A BUSINESS IN DIFFERENT WAYS Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needs. The simplest form. of business is called an individual or sole proprietorship. The proprietor owns all of the property of the business and is responsible for everything. Another kind of business is a partnership. Two or more people go into business together. An agreement is usually needed to decide how much of the partnership each person controls. One kind of partnership is called a limited liability partnership. These have full partners and limited partners. Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibility for the business. Doctors, lawyers and accountants often form. partnerships to share their risks and profits. A husband and wife can form. a business partnership together. Partnerships exist only for as long as the owners remain alive. The same is true of individual proprietorships. But corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime. A corporation is the most complex kind of business organization. Corporations can sell stock as a way to raise money. Stocks represent shares of ownership in a company. Investors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business. A corporation is recognized as an entity-its own legal being, separate from its owners. A board of directors controls corporate policies. The directors appoint top company officers. The directors might or might not hold shares in the corporation. Corporations can have a few major shareholders, or ownership can be spread among the general public. But not all corporations are traditional businesses that sell stock. Some non-profit groups are also organized as corporations.1. This passage is mainly about ().A. why different forms of business runB. when different forms of business raise moneyC. how different forms of business are organized2. What is usually needed to decide the portion of the partnership each person controls?()A. A rule.B. An agreement.C. A regulation.3. Who are not included in limited liability partnerships?()A. Full partners.B. Limited partners.C. Unlimited partners.4. How can corporations raise money?()A. By selling stock.B. By buying stock.C. By holding corporation shares.5. Who controls corporate policies in a corporation?()A. Chairman of the board.B. A board of directors.C. The owner of the corporation.

Natural Power Corporation owns a warehouse with an adjusted basis of $195,000 and an appraised fair market value of $185,000. The city of Springfield condemns the property for a new airport. The condemnation award is $185,000. Natural Power invests the $185,000 in a new warehouse on the other side of the city. What is the gain or loss that Natural Power Corporation must recognize due to the transactions?()A、No gain or lossB、$10,000 gainC、$10,000 lossD、$185,000 gain

You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that accepts messages from clients when they are started. The message is defined as follows:[MessageContract] public class Agent { A. Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the CodeName property and set the ProtectionLevel to Sign. Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set the ProtectionLevel to EncryptAndSign.B. Add a DataProtectionPermission attribute to the each property and set the ProtectData property to true.C. Add an xmlText attribute to the CodeName property and set the DataType property to Signed. Add a PasswordPropertyText attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to true.D. Add an ImmutableObject attribute to the CodeName property and set its value property to true. Add a Browsable attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to false.


Ordinarily, a corporation owning a significant portion of the voting stock of another corporation accounts for the investment using the equity method.()

Until security has been provided the Contractor shall have a maritime lien on ______ for his remuneration.A.the property lostB.the property salvedC.the property involved in the accident which gave rise to the salvage operationsD.any other property in danger which is not and has not been on board the vessel

Which of the following statements concerning intellectual property is wrong?()A、Intellectual property is an intangible creationB、Intellectual property in ludes patents,trademarks,copyrights,etc.C、Intellectual property is a visible creationD、There are some agreement sconcerning intellectual property under the WTO


BBC——(British Broadcasting Corporation)

CIS的英文词组翻译是下列哪一个?()A、Corporation Identity SystemB、Corporate Identity SystemC、Corporate Idea SystemD、Corporation Idea System

A method is()A、an implementation of an abstraction.B、an attribute defining the property of a particular abstraction.C、a category of objects.D、an operation defining the behavior for a particular abstraction.E、a blueprint for making operations.

You use Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. You add a property named ServiceContext to a control. You need the value of ServiceContext to flow to the child controls exactly like the value of the DataContext property of the FrameworkElement class. What should you do? ()A、Inherit the control class from the DependencyObject class.B、Register a dependency property.In the options settings of the property metadata, specify the Inherits option.C、Declare a new property. In the get and set methods of the new property, create an instance of the TraversalRequest class.D、Declare a new property. In the get method of the new property call VisualTreeHelper.GetParent. In the set method of the new property, call VisualTreeHelper.GetChild.

You have a custom button, with should have a Property "IsActive", one must be able to bind this Property on a class Property.()A、Dependency PropertyB、INotifyPropertyChangedC、net Property

单选题A method is()Aan implementation of an abstraction.Ban attribute defining the property of a particular abstraction.Ca category of objects.Dan operation defining the behavior for a particular abstraction.Ea blueprint for making operations.

问答题Practice 4  Some critics believe that the very concept of intellectual property is mistaken. Unlike physical property, ideas are non-rivalrous goods that can be used by many people at the same time without making them any less useful. The term “intellectual property” was widely adopted only in the 1960s, as a way to bundle trademarks, copyrights and patents. Those critics argue that today’s rights are too strict and make the sharing of knowledge too expensive.  The paradox about intellectual property in IT and telecommunications is that it eases the exchange of technology and acts as a bottleneck for innovation at the same time. The whole system is in a stage of transformation. “Markets require institutions, and institutions take a long time to develop. Today, the institutions for a ‘market for technology’ are not well developed, and it is costly to use this market,” says a specialist.  Ideas are to the information age what the physical environment was to the industrial one: the raw material of economic progress. Just as pollution or an irresponsible use of property rights threatens land and climate, so an overly stringent system of intellectual-property rights risks holding back technological progress. Disruptive innovation that threatens the existing order must be encouraged, but the need to protect ideas must not be used as an excuse for greed. Finding the right balance will test the industry, policymakers and the public in the years ahead.

名词解释题跨国公司(Multinational firm)

单选题Which of the following statements concerning intellectual property is wrong?()AIntellectual property is an intangible creationBIntellectual property in ludes patents,trademarks,copyrights,etc.CIntellectual property is a visible creationDThere are some agreement sconcerning intellectual property under the WTO

问答题Practice 1  In general, investment in the United States will be in the form of a subsidiary. It is possible for a non-U. S. corporation to operate a branch office in the United States, but there are significant disadvantages to a branch, particularly with respect to its tax treatment.  Branches of non-U. S. corporations are not subject to federal regulation or registration requirements. However, each state will require a “foreign” corporation to “qualify” before “doing business” in that state. A corporation will be considered “foreign” if it is organized under the laws of another country or another state, and so this is not a requirement imposed only on non-U. S. investors. “Doing business” is a technical term that implies a substantial presence in the state. This would include the ownership or leasing of real property, the maintenance of a stock of goods for local sale; employees and the like. Selling products to local customers, either directly or through an independent sales representative or distributor, would not in itself constitute “doing business.”  The states actually exercise little control over the qualification process other than to ensure that the qualifying entity’s name is not confusingly similar to an already registered entity and that all registration fees and taxes are paid (qualification is basically a form of taxation). In most states, qualification for a non-U.S. corporation consists of a relatively easy application, a registration fee, and a notarized or legalized copy of the corporation’s articles of incorporation English or a certified translation).

单选题You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that accepts messages from clients when they are started. The message is defined as follows. [MessageContract] public class Agent { public string CodeName { get; set; }public string SecretHandshake { get; set; } } You have the following requirements: "The CodeName property must be sent in clear text. The service must be able to verify that the property value was not changed after being sent by the client. "The SecretHandshake property must not be sent in clear text and must be readable by the service. What should you do?()A Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the CodeName property and set the ProtectionLevel to Sign. Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set the protectionLevel to EncryptAndSign.B Add a DataProtectionPermission attribute to the each property and set the ProtectData property to true.C Add an XmlText attribute to the CodeName property and set the DataType property to Signed. add a PasswordPropertyText attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to true.D Add an ImmutableObject attribute to the CodeName property and set its value property to true. Add a Browsable attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to false.

单选题You are creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that accepts messages from clients when they are started. The message is defined as follows:[MessageContract] public class Agent { public string CodeName { get; set; } public string SecretHandshake { get; set; }}You have the following requirements: The CodeName property must be sent in clear text. The service must be able to verify that the property value was not changed after being sent by the client. The SecretHandshake property must not be sent in clear text and must be readable by the service.What should you do?()AAdd a MessageBodyMember attribute to the CodeName property and set the ProtectionLevel to Sign. Add a MessageBodyMember attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set the ProtectionLevel to EncryptAndSign.BAdd a DataProtectionPermission attribute to the each property and set the ProtectData property to true.CAdd an xmlText attribute to the CodeName property and set the DataType property to Signed. Add a PasswordPropertyText attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to true.DAdd an ImmutableObject attribute to the CodeName property and set its value property to true. Add a Browsable attribute to the SecretHandshake property and set its value to false.

问答题Practice 3  Equity securities are known as shares (or stock) in a corporation. Stockholders are considered owners of the corporation. The Articles of Incorporation must state the number of shares and the characteristics of the stock. To issue stock is actually to offer shares of stock for sale. The corporation’s Board of Directors controls when and to whom the corporation’s shares are offered and sold.  Outstanding shares—Outstanding shares are shares already issued and purchased by the shareholder or stockholder.  Par value—Par value is an arbitrary value assigned to each share in the Articles of Incorporation but does not necessarily reflect the true market value of the stock. Shares may not be issued and sold by the corporation for less than their par value therefore it is sometimes advisable not to state any par value at all or state a par value lower than the estimated market price. No par value allows the Board of Directors to decide each time shares are issued what the price per share will be. In a very large corporation where the stock is publicly traded at a public exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange, the public demand for the stock of the corporation rather than the Board of Directors determines the selling price of the stock.  Capital account—The capital account of a corporation is an entry in the books of the corporation and is determined by multiplying the par or stated value of the corporation’s stock by the number of shares outstanding. For example, if the corporation had sold 1,000 shares of stock which had $10 par value, the capital account would be $10,000.

单选题You have a custom button, with should have a Property "IsActive", one must be able to bind this Property on a class Property.()ADependency PropertyBINotifyPropertyChangedCnet Property

单选题下列属性中,用于设置和获取通知的内容的是()。A@property(nonatomic)NSInteger applicationIconBadgeNumberB@property(nonatomic,copy)NSDate*fireDateC@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString*soundName;D@property(nonatomic,copy)NSString*alertBody;