In China, you will find the following Multinational Hotel Groups as ( ).A. America's Cendant Corp.B. America's Marriott InternationalC. France's Accor Hotel GroupD. America's Hilton Hotels Corp.

In China, you will find the following Multinational Hotel Groups as ( ).

A. America's Cendant Corp.

B. America's Marriott International

C. France's Accor Hotel Group

D. America's Hilton Hotels Corp.


You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

The general manager of the hotel makes a point of explaining ( ) to all new hands.A. hotel's tariffB. hotel's cultureC. hotel's incomeD. business concept

有如下程序段#include "stdio.h"#include "string.h"#define N 10#define M 10char *find(char(*a)[M],int n){ char *q;int i; q=a[0]; for(i=0;in;i++) if(strcmp(a[i],q)0)q=a[i]; return q;}main(){ char s[N][M]={"tomeetme","you","and","he","china"}; char *p; int n=5; p=find(s,n); puts(p);}则执行后输出的结果为A.he B.and D.tomeetme

What is the correct syntax for applying node-specific parameters to each node in a chassis cluster?() A. set apply-groups node$B. set apply-groups (node)C. set apply-groups $(node)D. set apply-groups (node)all

WhichfeatureallowsuserstobegrantedgranularpermissionSetsbasedontheirresponsibilities?() A.OrganizationB.AAAC.RBACD.Groups

The word"motel" comes from"motor + hotel". This is an example of__________ in morphology.A.backformationB.conversionC.blendingD.acronym



以下对于字符串的相关操作,正确的输出结果是哪些选项?A.>>> 'Life is short, you need Python.'.find('you') 15B.>>> seq = [1, 2, 3, 4]; >>> sep = '+'; >>> sep.join(seq) '1+2+3+4'C.>>> print('{:5.3f}'.format(math.pi)) 3.1416D.>>> print('you' in 'Life is short, you need Python.') True

9、以下对于字符串的相关操作,正确的输出结果是哪些选项?A.>>> 'Life is short, you need Python.'.find('you') 15B.>>> seq = [1, 2, 3, 4]; >>> sep = '+'; >>> sep.join(seq) '1+2+3+4'C.>>> print('{:5.3f}'.format(math.pi)) 3.1416D.>>> print('you' in 'Life is short, you need Python.') True