单选题______Awith Binto Cout into Din






out into    




burst with充满。burst into突然发生。burst out大声喊叫。burst in闯入,打断;突然插嘴。由文中可知,音乐剧突然流行起来,所以应选B选项,burst into popularity。


整数加法的语句表示为( )。A、“+I IN1,OUT”B、“-I IN1,OUT”C、“+D IN1,OUT”D、“+R IN1,OUT”

整数减法的语句表示为( )。A、“+I IN1,OUT”B、“-I IN1,OUT”C、“+D IN1,OUT”D、“-D IN1,OUT”

高清终端哪些输出口可以显示组合画面() A.HD OUT1B.HD OUT2C.SD OUT1D.SD OUT2

高清终端哪个视频输出口可以显示组合画面?() A.HD OUT1B.HD OUT2C.HD OUT3D.HD OUT4

We regret to inform you that thematerials you ordered are ______.A.out of work B.out of reachC.out of stock D.out of practice

进行安全检查。()A、Carry out safety inspection.B、Carry out more detailed inspection.C、Carry out important inspection.D、Carry out relevant inspection.


有多少节锚链在外?()A、How many shackles are out ?B、How much shackles are out ?C、How much cable is out ?D、How many cable is out ?

高清终端哪些输出口可以显示组合画面()A、HD OUT1B、HD OUT2C、SD OUT1D、SD OUT2

单选题public class X {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  badMethod();  System.out.print(“A”);  }  catch (RuntimeException ex) {  System.out.print(“B”);  }  catch (Exception ex1) {  System.out.print(“C”);  }   finally {  System.out.print(“D”);  }  System.out.print(“E”);  }  public static void badMethod() {  throw new RuntimeException();  }  }  What is the result?()A BDB BCDC BDED BCDEE ABCDEF Compilation fails.

单选题Which constructs a DataOutputStream?()A New dataOutputStream(“out.txt”);B New dataOutputStream(new file(“out.txt”));C New dataOutputStream(new writer(“out.txt”));D New dataOutputStream(new FileWriter(“out.txt”));E New dataOutputStream(new OutputStream(“out.txt”));F New dataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(“out.txt”));

单选题进行安全检查。()ACarry out safety inspection.BCarry out more detailed inspection.CCarry out important inspection.DCarry out relevant inspection.

单选题64 A turned out B turned in C picked out D picked upAABBCCDD

单选题Preventive maintenance ().Ashould not be carried out during the watchesBcan only be carried out in portCis a kind of maintenances carried out prior to the occurrenceDis a kind of maintenances carried out after the occurrence

单选题What writes the text “ ” to the end of the file “file.txt”?()A OutputStream out= new FileOutputStream (“file.txt”);   Out.writeBytes (“ /n”);B OutputStream os= new FileOutputStream (“file.txt”, true);   DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(os);  out.writeBytes (“ /n”);C OutputStream os= new FileOutputStream (“file.txt”);   DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(os);  out.writeBytes (“ /n”);D OutputStream os= new OutputStream (“file.txt”, true);   DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(os);  out.writeBytes (“ /n”);

单选题public class X {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  badMethod();  System.out.print(“A”);  }  catch (Exception ex) {  System.out.print(“B”);  }  finally {  System.out.print(“C”);  }  System.out.print(“D”);  }  public static void badMethod() {  throw new RuntimeException();  }  }  What is the result? ()A ABB BCC ABCD BCDE Compilation fails.

单选题在Servlet中,下列语句可以正确获取PrintWriter对象的是()APrintWriter out = request.getWriter();BPrintWriter out = request.getPrinteWriter();CPrintWriter out = response.getWriter();DPrintWriter out = responce.getPrinteWriter();

单选题高清终端哪个视频输出口可以显示组合画面?()AHD OUT1BHD OUT2CHD OUT3DHD OUT4

单选题What’s the attitude of many old senior officers for a minor fire?()AThey would like to call out all hands out for itBThey would rather handle themselves, then call out all handsCThey prefer to put it out by themselvesDThey think it is difficulty to call out all hands for a minor fire

单选题When the power is shut off, the wire()Abecomes slackBcan not be paid out unless the brake is overhauled or recover wire unless manually operatedCwill be let out because the brake is out of workDmay be pay out due to no power

单选题下列代码将对象写入的设备是(  )。ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bout);Out.writeObject(this);Out.close();A内存B硬盘C屏幕D网络

单选题public class X {  public static void main(String [] args) {  try {  badMethod();  System.out.print(“A”); }  catch (Exception ex) {  System.out.print(“B”);  }  finally {  System.out.print(“C”);  }  System.out.print(“D”);  }   public static void badMethod() {} }  What is the result?()A ACB BDC ACDD ABCDE Compilation fails.

单选题送出两根尾缆。()ASend out two head lines.BSend out two stern lines.CSend out two breast lines.DSend out two spring.

单选题A fire _____ during the night and a large number of houses _____ to ashes.Abroke out, were burntBwas broke out, were burntCbroke out, burntDset out, were burned

单选题boolean bool = true; if(bool = false) { System.out.println(“a”); } else if (bool) { System.out.println(“c”); } else if (!bool) { System.out.println(“c”); } else { System.out.println(“d”); } What is the result?()A aB bC cD dE Compilation fails.

单选题64. A at B out C in D toAABBCCDD

单选题If one title is selected at random out of the total inventory, the chance that the title is available in print as either a paperback or hardcover or both is ______.A5 out of 30B7 out of 30C18 out of 30D23 out of 30

单选题If one title is selected at random out of the total inventory, the chance that the title is available in print in both paperback and hardcover is ______.A5 out of 30B7 out of 30C18 out of 30D23 out of 30