单选题_____ANothing serious.BNo, thank you.CYes, I have.DIt’s terrible.


Nothing serious.


No, thank you.


Yes, I have.


It’s terrible.


本题考查日常交际用语。题目问的是“你收到我的信了吗?”,对于一般疑问句的回答,肯定回答一般为“Yes, I have”,表示已经收到。所以正确答案为C。
【录音原文】Have you received my letter?


单选题It wasn’t such a good job _____ she had read about in the advertisement.AlikeBwhichCasDwhat

单选题They had talked only for a few minutes _____ they found they were of different opinions.AunlessBwhileCbeforeDonce

填空题When we arrived, there was a smell of cooking (come) ____ from the kitchen.

单选题This person always gave students the feeling that he had high expectations of them, and then all of the students did their best to live up to what those expectations were.A这个人总是让学生们觉得他对他们期望很高,而所有学生就努力不辜负他的期望。B这个人总是让学生们觉得他对他们期望很高,于是所有的学生都尽力按那些希望生活。C这个人总给学生一种他对于他们有过高期望的感觉,因此所有的学生都尝试着摆脱这种生活。

单选题People now have more leisure time, which is the reason why the demand for services has increased so rapidly.A如今人们有更多的时间去娱乐,从而影响了劳务资源的快速上升。B如今希望有时间娱乐的人越来越多,这是因为服务质量在迅速提高了。C如今人们有了更多的闲暇时间,因而对各种服务的需求增长得如此快。

填空题When did the family car become common in America?In the early ____.

填空题What may happen to the user’s account if it is inactive for 9 months?The Gmail team may have to ____ the user’s account.

单选题_____AThe host of the houseBFreud’s friend.CA burglar.DThe host’s brother.

单选题The general manager sat there, _____ to the report from each department.Ato listenBlistenCbeing listenedDlistening


单选题_____ATo finish her work.BTo attend a meeting.CTo meet somebody.DTo get an important paper.

单选题_____ a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!AWhereBHowCWhatDThat

单选题When applying for Wildlife Watch membership, a Rockwatch member can enjoy _____.Afree membershipBa special discountCa Rock Artist prizeDguided road shows

单选题My impression of the service in the hotel was that it had really _____.AimaginedBimpliedCimportedDimproved

单选题The small company is _____ to handle this large order.AableBprobableCreasonableDpossible

填空题Successful companies concentrate (much) ____ on selling their products to their existing customers than to their new ones.



单选题She didn’t go to the party last night, _____ she had to finish her term paper.AifBthoughCtillDbecause

填空题Why is there an extra cost of 50 cents for a tourist ticket?For the tourist to keep the ticket as ____.

单选题_____AAt Leech’s school.BIn the police station.COn the phone.DAt Mrs. Smith’s home.

单选题This article is well written because special attention _____ to the choice of words and style of writing.Ahad been paidBhas been paidCwill be paidDwill have been paid

填空题You should send me the report on the program (immediate) ____.

填空题(Work) ____ as a team, the foreign and Chinese engineers cooperated closely and successfully.

填空题What is the main purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest?To invite ____ to participate in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.


单选题_____AOne of a cheaper price.BOne of a different color.COne of a fashionable style.DOne of a smaller size.

填空题Sandy made quite a number of (apply) ____ for a management position but failed every time.