单选题_____AAt Leech’s school.BIn the police station.COn the phone.DAt Mrs. Smith’s home.


At Leech’s school.


In the police station.


On the phone.


At Mrs. Smith’s home.




单选题_____AThey are free.BThey are charged.CThey are expensive:DThey are cheap.


单选题_____AHe has got the required knowledge.BHe is satisfied with the salary offered.CHe thought he could be hired by the company.DHe wanted to have better chances for development.

单选题The line manager is responsible for _____.Agiving a pay raiseBsigning a contractCarranging annual leaveDhelping with personal affairs

填空题The tall building ____ (complete) last month is our new classroom building.

填空题It is well-known that sports will (strength) ____ the friendship between nations.

单选题The representative of the company demanded that part of the agreement _____ revised.Awill beBisCto beDbe

填空题Although the small town has been changing slowly, it looks quite (difference) ____ from what it was.

单选题The manager tried to create a situation in which all people present would feel comfortable.A经理在设法创造条件,让所有的人都得到令人满意的礼物。B经理试图营造一种氛围,让所有在场的人都感到轻松自在。C经理在设法创造一种条件,让所有人都能够显得心情舒畅。

单选题The writer of the letter enclosed a pre-paid postcard to _____.Arequest a written replyBmake an appointmentCget more informationDexpress her thanks

单选题_____ATo make an apology.BTo place an order.CTo ask about delivery.DTo cancel an appointment.

填空题Tom has made the (decide) ____ to apply for a job in the company.


单选题_____AWife and husband.BTeacher and student.CClerk and guest.DEmployer and employee.

填空题Before (write) ____ an application letter, you should be aware what kind of people the employer needs.

填空题The (late) ____ model of the racing car will be on display at the exhibition this week.


单选题Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards?AOffering different language courses.BProviding modern training facilities.CStarting training courses overseas.DDeveloping quality standards.

填空题With such a short time (leave) ____, it’s impossible for us to finish this complicated experiment.

填空题All visitors to the lab (expect) ____ to take off their shoes before they enter.

填空题I’ve heard that the musical group will set off for Hong Kong to give a three-day (perform) ____.

填空题She managed to settle the argument in a (friend) ____ way.

填空题What will happen if a visitor breaks this agreement?The visitor will be denied access to this____.

单选题For safety, all passengers are required to review this card and follow these instructions when needed.A为了安全,请各位乘客反复阅读本卡片,务必按照各项规定执行。B为了保险起见,请各位乘客务必阅读本卡片,并参照相关内容认真执行。C为了安全,要求所有乘客仔细阅读本卡片各项内容,必要时照其执行。

单选题The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be _____.AlimitedBexpectedCdiscouragedDrecommended


单选题_____AYes, of course.BYou’re welcome.CIs it true?DNo, thanks.

填空题This hospital, which (equip) ____ with modern facilities, is one of the best in the country.