单选题China is ______ in natural resources.AexcessiveBadequateCrichDenough

China is ______ in natural resources.









句意:中国资源丰富。rich意为“富于……的,含大量的……”,如fish rich in oil意为“含油丰富的鱼”;excessive意为“过多的,过分的”,如excessive drinking意为“酗酒”;adequate意为“适当的,足够的”,如The skater’s technique was only adequate. 意为“这位滑冰者的技术只能说是差强人意”;enough意为“足够的”,如Two male people are quite enough for the job. 意为“两个男人干这件事就够了。”


() that this region was so rich in natural resources. A.Little he knewB.Little did he knowC.Little he did knowD.Little he had known

DImagine,one day,getting out of bed in Beijing and being at your office in Shanghai in only a couple of hours,and then,after a full day of work,going back home to Beijing and having dinner there.Sounds unusual,doesn't it? But it's not that unrealistic,with the development of China’s high—speed railway system.And that’s not a11.China has an even greater high—speed railway plan—to connect the country with Southeast Asia,and eventually Eastern Europe.China is negotiating to extend its own high·-speed railway network to up to 17 countries in 1 0 to 15 years,eventually reaching London and Singapore.China has proposed three such projects.The first would possibly connect Kunming withSingapore via Vietnam and Malaysia.Another could start in Urumqi and go through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan,and possibly to Germany.The third would start in the northeast and go north through Russia and then into Western Europe.If China’s plan for the high-speed railway goes forward,people could zip over from London to Beiling in under two days.The new system would still follow China’s high—speed railway standard.And the trains would be able to go 346 kilometers an hour,almost as fast as some airplanes.China’s bullet train(高速客车),the one connecting Wuhan to Guangzhou,already has the World’s fastest average speed.It covers 1,069 kilometers in about three hours. Of course,there are some technical challenges to overcome.There are so many issues that need to be settled,such as safety,rail gauge(轨距),maintenance of railway tracks.So,it’s important to pay attention to every detail.But the key issue is really money.China is already spending hundreds of billions of yuan on domestic railway expansion.China prefers that the other countries pay in natural resources rath er than with capital investment.Resources from those countries could stream into China to sustain development.It’11 be a win-win project. For other countries,the railway network will definitely create more opportunities for business,tourism and so on,not to mention the better communication among those countnes.For China,such a project would not only connect it with the rest of Asia and bring some much-needed resources,but would also help develop China’s far west.We foresee that in the coming decades,millions of people will migrate to the western regions,where the land is empty and resources unused.With high-speed trains,people will set up factories and business centers in the west once and for a11.And they’11 trade with Central Asian and Eastern European countries.67.China’s new high-speed railway plan will be a win-win project because .A.China will get much-needed resources and develop its western regionsB.China and the countries involved will benefit from the project in various waysC.China will develop its railway system and communication with other countriesD. the foreign countries involved will develop their railway transportation,business and tourism

下面说明不正确的是A.char a[10]="china";B.char a[10],*p=a;p="china"C.char *a;a="china";D.char a[10],*p;p=a="china"

下面判断正确的是A.char*a="china";等价于char *a;*a="china";B.char str[5]={"china"};等价于char str[]={"china"};C.char*S="china";等价于char *S;S="china";D.char c[4]="abc",d[4]="abc";等价于char c[4]=d[4]="abc";

This was the last place the explorers would leave, for it lay riches and natural resources. 这是那些探险家最后离开的地方,因为那里蕴藏着财富和自然资源。()

- Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China -() A、No, you can’t. Bank of China is not responsible for exchanging foreign currency.B、Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank.C、No, you can’t. Bank of China is not open on Sundays.

What does CAAC stand for?A. Civil Air&Aviation Corp.B. China Air&Aviation CivilC. China Air Administration Corp.D. Civil Aviation Administration of China

听力原文:Many banks in America now carry accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.(5)A.Many banks in America accept accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.B.Many banks in America start business with the Bank of China, Shanghai.C.Many banks in America have accounts with the Bank of China, Shanghai.D.Many banks in America owe money to the Bank of China, Shanghai.

函数UPPER("China=中国")的值是( )。A.China=中国B.CHina=中国C.CHINA=中国D.china=中国

下面判断正确的是( )。A.char *a="china";等价于char *a;*a="ghina";B.char str[5]={"china"};等价于char str[]={"china"};C.char*s="china";等价于char*s;s="china";D.charc[4]="abc",d[4]="abc";等价于char c[4]=d[4]="abc";

若有以下程序则程序的输出结果是A.China!B.to China!C.me you to China!D.you to China!

若要在文本型字段执行全文搜索,查找"china"字符串,则下列条件表达式中正确的是( )。A.Like" china"B.Like" * china"C.Like" china *"D.Like" * china *"

The weather in South China is d_________ from that in North China.

16.A. china .B.china'sC.ChineseD.China

Yalu river forms a natural boundary between China and North Korea.A:border B:stringC:spot D:zone


中国移动英文全称的表述是?()A、China Mobile Communication CorporationB、China Mobile Corporation CommunicationC、China Mobile Cellular CorporationD、China Mobile Corporation Cellular



中国银联英文名称的正确描述是()。A、China UnionpayB、China Union PayC、ChinaUnionPayD、China UnionPay

单选题_____ the first to use nuclear weapons.AAt no time China will beBNever China will beCWill China never beDAt no time will China be

单选题Which of the following correctly describes the word stress? _____AExpert, imPortant, CHina, baBoonBexpert, imporTant, CHina, BaboonCExpert, Important, china, baBoonDexPert, imPortant, CHina, Baboon

问答题Although there is disagreement within the scientific community about the extent of global warming, humans would be playing with fire if we were to ignore the danger it poses .As individuals, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, use less electricity and adopt lifestyles that minimize the use of natural resources. On the governmental level, most of the world’s industrialized nations have pledged to cut gas emissions under the Kyoto Agreement in 1997.

单选题China plans to double its gas use in the next decade ______.Ato bolster the sales of its natural gas.Bto cut pollution.Cto reduce its reliance on the imports.DAll of the above except (A).

单选题China is _____ in natural resources.AexcessiveBadequateCrichDenough

单选题_____AProduction.BFinance.CMarketing.DHuman Resources.

单选题下面的说明中,错误的是()。Achar a[10]= “china”;Bchar a[10], *p=a; p=“china”;Cchar *a; a=“china”;Dchar a[10], *p; p=a=“china”;

单选题China is rich in natural resources, but they are not evenly_______.AdismissedBcontributedCdisturbedDdistributed