单选题One problem of using pig organs on humans is ______.Athe size of the pig organs.Bthe quick rejection of the transplant by human bodies.Cthe speed of their maturity.Dthe technical complexity of the operational process.

One problem of using pig organs on humans is ______.

the size of the pig organs.


the quick rejection of the transplant by human bodies.


the speed of their maturity.


the technical complexity of the operational process.


细节理解题。根据题干信息定位到第二段第三句“The problem is,once the donor organ is stitched in place.the body rebels,rejecting it…”,由此可知,猪的器官植入人体后,人体很快就会起排异反应,reject“排斥”,故答案为B项。


Charlotte is the best friend of the pig and she helps him out of death.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

In Charlotte's Web Charlotte is the name of one of the pig's friends.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

On the (), the spider makes up words to describe the pig. Finally, Wilbur is saved by the spider’s labor, but the spider dies, leaving her babies. A、websB、branchesC、feetD、hands

Companies are trying to alter the pig's genetic code to prevent pig organs from being attacked by humans.()

We are having a ( ) technical problem with one of our engines.A.lightB.slightC.brightD.slim


下面关于Pig的描述中,哪个是错误的?() A. 在分布式环境下运行Pig程序的时候,需要编写专门的 MapReduce程序B.用户可以编写自己的函数来进行特殊用途的处理,达到扩充pig功能的目的C.Pig系统可以对用户编写的程序进行自动地优化,从而用户可以专注于语义,而非效率D.Pig不但可以在分布式模式下运行也可以在单机模式下运行

BGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Roy , and this is my show. This is a television show for all families, and I know you’ll enjoy it.Let’s start with a story. Once there was a proud pig on a farm . He thought he was the most important of all the animals on the farm. But it was not enough that he himself thought this: he had to be sure that other animals thought it, too. So he went up to a chicken and asked, “ Who is the most important animal on the farm?” The chicken answered, “ You are, Mr. Pig .” Then he asked a dog, and he got the same reply.Next, he asked a cow. When the cow seemed uncertained of the right answer, the pig looked angry, and showed his teeth, “ Oh, you are, of course, Mr. Pig.” said the cow. “ Of course, ” the pig said, “ there is no doubt about it. ”At last the pig asked a big horse the same question. The horse lifted one foot, rolled the pig over and placed his foot on the pig’s head. “ I think you know the answer now. ” said the horse.61. The Roy show is _________ .A. a family show on TV B. for kids only C. a sports show

When the pig asked a dog, the dog ________ .A. said nothing B. said the pig was the most importantC. said the pig was as important as the horse

The horse thought ________ was the most important on the farm.A. he himself B. the pig C. the cow

What’s the best title of this passage?__________ .A. A pig and a cow B. A farm C. The most important animal

According to the passage we can see that Chinese people think of the pig as a ______animal.A. cleverB. richC. goodD. all the above

A Westerner will call someone a pig if he ______that man.A. dislikesB. is afraid ofC. looks up toD. makes fun of

When you call a Westerner a pig, who was born in the year of the pig, most of them______.A. will be angryB. will be very surprisedC. can forgiveD. may quarrel with you

Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human construct,because no two parts are alike(at least above the statement level).If they are,we make the two similar parts into one,a(1),open or closed.In this respect software systems differ profoundly from computers,buildings,or automobiles,where repeated elements abound.Digital computers are themselves more complex than most things people build;they have very large numbers of states.This makes conceiving,describing,and testing them hard.Software systems have orders of magnitude more(2)than computers do.Likewise,a scaling-up of a software entity is not merely a repetition of the same elements in larger size;it is necessarily an increase in the number of different elements.In most cases,the elements interact with each other in some(3)fashion,and the complexity of the whole increases much more than linearly.The complexity of software is a(an)(4)property,not an accidental one.Hence descriptions of a software entity that abstract away its complexity often abstract away its essence.Mathematics and the physical sciences made great strides for three centuries by constructing simplified models of complex phenomena,deriving,properties from the models,and verifying those properties experimentally.This worked because the complexities(5)in the models were not the essential properties of the phenomena.It does not work when the complexities are the essence.Many of the classical problems of developing software products derive from this essential complexity and its nonlinear increases with size.Not only technical problems but management problems as well come from the complexity.4、____A.surfaceB.outsideC.exteriorD.essential

Software entities are more complex fortheir size than perhaps any other human construct, because no two parts arealike (at least above the statement level). If they are, we make the twosimilar parts into one, a(71 ), open or closed. In this respect software systems differprofoundly from computers,buildings, or automobiles, where repeated elementsabound.Digital computers are themselves morecomplex than most things people build; they have very large numbers of states.This makes conceiving, describing, and testing them hard. Software systems haveorders of magnitude more (72 )than computers do.Likewise, a scaling-up of a software entityis not merely a repetition of the same elements in larger size; it is necessarily an increase inthe number of different elements. In most cases, the elements interact witheach other in some( 73 )fashion,andthe complexity of the whole increases much more than linearly.The complexity of software is a(an)(74 )property, notan accidental one. Hence descriptions of a software entity that abstract awayits complexity often abstract away its essence.Mathematics and the physicalsciences made great strides for three centuries by constructing simplifiedmodels of complex phenomena, deriving properties from the models, and verifyingthose properties experimentally. This worked because the complexities(75 )in the modelswere not the essential properties of the phenomena. It does not work when thecomplexities are the essence.Many of the classical problems ofdeveloping software products derive from this essential complexity and its nonlinear increases withsize. Not only technical problems but management problems as well come from the complexity.A.statesB.partsC.conditionsD.expressions

Animal is a super-ordinate term, while cow, horse, pig, dog, cat, etc. are().




单选题PPL scientists will try to solve their problem by ______.Aremoving the sugar molecule on the surface of pig cells.Bdistinguishing human tissues form those of pigs.Cusing the sugar-free nucleus in cloning a pig.Dtaking out the sugar genes from the cell of a pig.

单选题The best title for this passage might be “______”.ADr Starzl and Transplant SurgeonsBTransplant Surgery in the USCThe Future of Transplant SurgeryDSuccess in Transplant Surgery and Shortage of Organs

单选题The “tissue factories” in the second paragraph most probably refers to ______.Athe five genetically identical piglets.Bplaces for the production of tissues.Canimals whose organs would be used for human consumption.Danimals which would be raised in quantity for transplant materials.

单选题What is TRUE of the history display of a target’s past positions on an ARPA?()AIt provides a graphic display to emphasize which vessel is on a collision courseBIn the true presentation,it provides a quick visual check to determine if a vessel has changed courseCThe display is one of the primary inputs and must be in use when using the trial maneuver capabilityDIt provides a graphic display of a target vessel's relative course,speed,and CPA

单选题One problem of using pig organs on humans is ______.Athe size of the pig organs.Bthe quick rejection of the transplant by human bodies.Cthe speed of their maturity.Dthe technical complexity of the operational process.

名词解释题移植排斥反应(transplant rejection reaction)

单选题Which of the following sentences would best be inserted before sentence 8?AThey let me drink a thimble-size glass of wine each night at dinner.BMy siblings were shy at first, but that soon changed.CThe guinea pig is named Grisounette,DWe go to the local church every Sunday morning.'ESometimes we have a baguette and chocolate spread for breakfast.
