单选题These tanks are called ()(双层底) tanks.AballastBdouble bottomCoilDfore deck

These tanks are called ()(双层底) tanks.



double bottom




fore deck


解析: 暂无解析



You are discharging cargo and the inert gas system is in operation to inert the tanks. The pressure in a tank being discharged starts to drop below the allowable limit. What action should you take?A.Cut in another IG fan to increase gas flowB.Open the pressure control valve until the pressure increasesC.Open the tank isolation valve to the fully open positionD.Reduce the pumping rate

The pneumatic containers which store bulk dry mud additives and cement on a ship are called ______.A.Mud hoppersB.Bulk binsC.P-tanksD.Mud tanks


水泥涂料用于淡水舱和双层底舱。()A、Primer is used for sea water tanks and double bottom tanks.B、Cement wash is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.C、Varnish is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.D、Bitumen is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks.



Cement wash is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks. ()A、沥青用于淡水舱和双层底舱。B、水泥浆用于淡水舱和双层底舱。C、水泥浆用于污水舱和双层底舱。D、沥青用于污水舱和双层底舱。

沥青用于污水舱和尖舱。()A、Bitumen is used in bilges and peak tanks.B、Paint is used in bilges and peak tanks.C、Bitumen is used in bilges and double bottom tanksD、. Varnish is used in bilges and peak tanks.

Bitumen is used for bilges and peak tanks.()A、沥青用于污水舱和尖舱。B、沥青用于淡水舱和尖舱。C、水泥浆用于污水舱和尖舱。D、水泥浆用于淡水舱和尖舱。




单选题You are on a cargo vessel carrying toluol in bulk in portable tanks. Which is a requirement for pumping the toluol? ()AHose connections to the tank must be made with a minimum of three boltsBThere must be water pressure on the fire mainCYou must shut down if another vessel comes alongsideDIf transferring at anchor,you must display a red flag by day and a red light at night

单选题The pneumatic containers which store bulk dry mud additives and cement on a ship are called().Amud hoppersBbulk binsCP-tanksDmud tanks

单选题The system of valves and cargo lines in the bottom piping network of a tank vessel that connects one section of cargo tanks to another section is called a().AcrossoverBrunaroundCcome-alongDmanifold

单选题The foremost part of the upper deck is called the().AforecastleBtweendeckChatchesDpeak tanks

单选题沥青用于污水舱和尖舱。()ABitumen is used in bilges and peak tanks.BPaint is used in bilges and peak tanks.CBitumen is used in bilges and double bottom tanksD. Varnish is used in bilges and peak tanks.



单选题Many vessels are provided with flume tanks,which also have a dump tank located under the flume tanks. In the event the ship is damaged,you could dump the flume tanks into the dump tank which would().Areduce the free surface effect and raise the KGBnot have any effect on free surface and raise the KGCreduce the free surface effect and lower the KGDnot have any effect on free surface and lower the KG

单选题You are discharging cargo and the inert gas system is in operation to inert the tanks. The pressure in a tank being discharged starts to drop below the allowable limit. What action should you take? ()ACut in another IG fan to increase gas flowBOpen the pressure control valve until the pressure increasesCOpen the tank isolation valve to the fully open positionDReduce the pumping rate

单选题A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks. In which situation should the cross-connection valve be closed? ()AThe tanks lie above the waterline and are filledBThe tanks are partially filled with dry cargoCThe tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoDThe tanks are filled and lie below the waterline

单选题Cement wash is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks. ()A沥青用于淡水舱和双层底舱。B水泥浆用于淡水舱和双层底舱。C水泥浆用于污水舱和双层底舱。D沥青用于污水舱和双层底舱。

单选题按照SOLAS的油船货油舱的隔离的要求:Cargo pump-rooms, cargo tanks, slop tanks and cofferdams shall be positioned forward of machinery spaces. However, oil fuel bunker tanks need not be forward of machinery spaces. Cargo tanks and slop tanks shall be isolated from machinery spaces by cofferdams, cargo pump-rooms, oil bunker tanks or ballast tanks. Pump-rooms containing pumps and their accessories for ballasting those spaces situated adjacent to cargo tanks and slop tanks and pumps for oil fuel transfer, shall be considered as equivalent to a cargo pump-room within the context of this regulation provided that such pump rooms have the same safety standard as that required for cargo pump-rooms.问:对于某29.7万载重吨的VLCC船型,关于货油舱的隔离,下列哪一项不必位于机器处所的前方:()A货油泵舱;B货油舱;C污油舱(SLOP TANK);D燃油舱

单选题Longitudinal and transverse separtions between the tanks,which are used to prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank into the other ,are called().Adouble bottomsBcofferdamCnavigating bridgeDsuperstructure

单选题Bitumen is used for bilges and peak tanks.()A沥青用于污水舱和尖舱。B沥青用于淡水舱和尖舱。C水泥浆用于污水舱和尖舱。D水泥浆用于淡水舱和尖舱。