




单选题Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!()This is not the end of the world.AGood luck.BCheer up.CGo ahead.DNo problem.

单选题There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside with the outside world has()poverty.Afallen intoBconsisted inCresulted inDcome up to

单选题A: What time is it now? B: It's()Aten to nineBfifty past eightCfifty eight

单选题Renting luxury for employees _____.Ais encouraged by many companiesBis harmful for the company imageCis going to cost the companies moreDis made possible by companies’ increasing budget




单选题Tell me about your new friend.()is he like?AHowBWhatCWhy

单选题Institutions of higher education can work out elastic regulations to attract better students.AadaptableBindecentCconstantDimplicit

单选题The music sounded(). I enjoyed every minute of it.AwellBboringCwonderfullyDbeautiful

单选题All of them are () at Lana"s achievement.AamazedBinterestedCfondDproud

单选题According to Dr. Small, _____.Aleft-handers may start brain aging later than right-handers doBlearning a foreign language does not help to keep our brain from getting oldCdoing crossword puzzles is a good way to keep us from memory lossDmental exercises plus healthy diet alone cannot keep us from brain aging

单选题There's a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? ()AFine. But it‘s my treat this time.BIt‘s newly decorated.CLet‘s look at the menu first.DI have no idea about what to order.

单选题Ancient Greece is the()of western civilization.AsorcesBsourceCorigin


单选题Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only _____ the crisis.AprecedesBprevailsCascendsDaccelerates

单选题Excuse me. Is this table taken?()AWe haven‘t booked the dishes.BWe haven‘t ordered the dishes.CYeah. I‘m saving these seats for friends.DYeah. I‘m stuffed.

单选题The population of the world is growing at a dangerous()AmeasureBrateCincreaseDprogress

单选题The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people.AinternalBcompulsoryCcompetentDnatural

单选题Who has done your hair,Susan?()AMy hair has been doneBThat hair stylistCMy hairstyle is coolDI have it cut

单选题We can()wait to hear the news.ArarelyBhardlyCnearlyDseldom

单选题We moved to the front row()we could hear and see better.Aso asBso thatCbecauseDsuch that

单选题Many types of rock are _____ from volcanoes as solid, fragmentary material.AejectedBinjectedCpropelledDflung

单选题I wish you success in your career.()AYou are welcome.BI think soCYes, please.DThe same to you.



单选题Is there anything serious, doctor? ()AI‘m going to have another check-up.BThe results of the blood test are wrong.CNo. Just stay in bed and drink more water.DYes. You can go home tomorrow.

单选题He does nothing that violates the interests of the collective.Aruns forBruns againstCruns overDruns into