单选题______Ainvented Bproduced Cdiscovered Ddeveloped













问答题“十五”时期国民经济和社会发展主要情况  过去五年,我们摆脱了亚洲金融危机带来的冲击,战胜了非典疫情和重大自然灾害,不失时机地推进改革开放,进一步发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,加强和改善宏观调控,保持了经济平稳较快发展。我国工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化进程明显加快,社会生产力、综合国力和人民生活水平都跃上一个新台阶,城乡面貌发生了很大变化。  五年来,我国经济实力显著增强。农业特别是粮食生产出现重要转机,主要工业产品产量大幅度增长,高技术产业快速发展,基础产业和基础设施建设成就斐然,在水利、能源、交通、通信等领域建成或新开工一大批重大工程。经济社会信息化程度迅速提高。五年来,改革开放成果丰硕。农村、国有企业、金融、财税、投资等改革和市场体系、社会保障体系建设都取得重大进展。我国加入世界贸易组织,对外开放进入新的阶段。


单选题For years an acrimonious debate over how to protect heroin users impeded efforts in the U.S. to control the spread of AIDS.Aconvoluted Bbelied Cstoked Dencumbered

问答题“十五”时期国民经济和社会发展主要情况  过去五年,我们摆脱了亚洲金融危机带来的冲击,战胜了非典疫情和重大自然灾害,不失时机地推进改革开放,进一步发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,加强和改善宏观调控,保持了经济平稳较快发展。我国工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化进程明显加快,社会生产力、综合国力和人民生活水平都跃上一个新台阶,城乡面貌发生了很大变化。  五年来,我国经济实力显著增强。农业特别是粮食生产出现重要转机,主要工业产品产量大幅度增长,高技术产业快速发展,基础产业和基础设施建设成就斐然,在水利、能源、交通、通信等领域建成或新开工一大批重大工程。经济社会信息化程度迅速提高。五年来,改革开放成果丰硕。农村、国有企业、金融、财税、投资等改革和市场体系、社会保障体系建设都取得重大进展。我国加入世界贸易组织,对外开放进入新的阶段。

单选题Human civilization is now the dominant cause of change in the global environment.Asupreme Bsuspicious Cparamount Dautonomous


单选题According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?AConnections with businesses overseas.BAbility to speak the client’s language.CTechnical know-how.DBusiness experience.

单选题They soon moved back to the country because they did’t used to city life.Ausedn’t to Bwouldn’t used toChadn’t used toDcouldn’t get used to


单选题______Adraining Bworking Ctouching Ddrilling

单选题Many economic studies have tried to isolate effects of deficits.Aseparate Bgive up Creject Dchange

单选题______Anear Bunder Con Dabove

单选题Why did the professional conduct committee delay its heating of the case under question?ABecause the committee said it had been too busy then.BBecause the doctor said that he had hurt his back.CBecause the doctor was too busy with his NHS to his patients.DBecause the committee was different on the doctor’s behavior.

单选题______Aproduction Bstorage Cprovide Dsupply

单选题______Amix Bjoin Cput Dshare

单选题The plane was circling over the landing field for l5 minutes when the pilot was told that he should use the Westside Field.AisBWould beChas beenDhad been

单选题______Aspecial Bpeculiar Cgross Dtotal

单选题AMD’s K6 chip includes graphics technology equivalent to Intel’s MMX and costs much less than Intel equivalents.Asingular Bcounterpart Cinductive Dspectacular

单选题There is something suspect about unanimous praise in this context.Acoincidental Bunacceptable Cconcordant DFormidable


问答题Working Together Against the Infectious Diseases  There is another area that really may sound like it’s outside the range of politics and Iraqi people where we’re cooperating together, but it’s an area that is vital to the well-being of the Chinese people, the American people, the people in the world, and it’s now we’re working together to deal with the dangers inherent in infectious diseases.  China’s sobering experience with SARS stands as a lesson to all countries on the challenge of infectious diseases. I have called HIV/AIDS the world’s greatest weapon of mass destruction today. It threatens to kill tens of millions of men, women and children—in the Caribbean, in Latin America, in the subcontinent, especially in Africa—and yes, it is a danger to China as well.  And China’s government is facing up to this crisis, working with us. The United States has told China we are ready to help. Last month, our Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson spoke in China of President Bush’s interest in furthering our practical cooperation on HIV/AIDS and other health issues. Specialists from our Centers for Disease Control are working on the ground with their Chinese counterparts. Our National Institute of Health has granted $14.8 million to help China upgrade its health care infrastructure.  My friends, it is upon such concrete forms of cooperation on issues of regional and global importance that a 21st century US-China relationship will be built, issue by issue, experience by experience, challenge by challenge, initiative by initiative, program by program.  As China participates more actively in world affairs, we will extend our welcome. Building and sustaining a healthy overall relationship is good for America, it is good for China, it is good for the region, and good for the international community.

问答题Is There Life on Mars?  The American space agency, NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration), has drawn up a short list of ten research projects that will form the basic of an ambitious program to explore the planet Mars in a mission scheduled for launch in 2007. Scientists are being asked to use their ingenuity to devise novel ways to explore the red planet using intelligent robots and probes that might perhaps answer the biggest question of all—-is there life on Mars?  NASA chose the ten projects from a list of 43 hopefuls. It has included missions for returning samples of Martian dust and gas to Earth, networks of small landers, orbiting constellations of microprobes and a rover that would try to date the precise age of rocks and soils. The ten concepts are part of the Mars Scout program to be launched in six years. This follows a decade of the most intensive interest in Mars since the two Viking probes of 1976 which sent back eerie images of the Martian landscape some 400 million kilometers away.  But the history of Mars exploration is littered with failure—more than half of the 30 missions to date have ended in fiasco. It was NASA’s announcement in August 1996 of possible signs of life  in a Martian meteorite which had fallen to Earth that rekindled intense interest in Earth’s nearest neighbor. It was assumed that liquid water had once flowed on Mars and an ancient atmosphere might have supported living organisms. However, opposing camps of scientists bitterly disputed NASA’s evidence for primitive life-forms in the Martian meteorite ALH84001. This led to the conclusion that the only way of finding out whether life ever existed on Mars is to go there and have a look.  NASA planned a bold series of increasingly complex missions involving the launch of a couple of space probes every year for a dozen years. One of the most successful so far was the shoe-box-sized So-journer rover which thrilled a world Internet audience when it was wheeled out in 1997. Since then, however, NASA has suffered a series of setbacks.  In September 1999 its Mars Climate Orbiter was lost as a failed rocket bum plunged it into the Martian atmosphere. NASA blamed it on one of its team using imperial units and another using metric. Three months later, NASA lost contact with its Polar Lander as it approached touchdown on the frozen South Pole of the planet. Space commentators muttered darkly about Mars being a cosmic equivalent of the Bermuda triangle.  The year of 2001 saw the successful completion of the Global Surveyor mission, an orbiting probe that took pictures of what some scientists say are channels in the dust where water may still occasionally flow from underground well. More recently, the Mars Odyssey probe was launched without hitch and is due to arrive in 2008.  Meanwhile, the European Space Agency is planning its own visit to the red planet with the launch of its Mars Express mission scheduled for take-off in .June 2003. Britain is designated to take a lead role in the project with the Beagle 2 Lander, a small craft, the size of a kitchen sink designed to shuffle over the Martian landscape taking soil and rock samples, analyzing them for signs of life and transmitting the data back to Earth. Beagle 2—framed after the ship that carded Charles Darwin on his voyage of discovery—will weigh just 60 kilograms and will cost about US $225,000 to build, a fraction of the cost of building the Viking space probes more than 25 years ago.  Beagle 2 will look for water, minerals and organic matter. Although it will reach Mars before NASA’s Scout mission is even launched, it will be considerably less sophisticated in tea’ms of analytical technology. The focus now for NASA is on what instruments and robots to put on the Mars Scout mission in six years. Ed Weiler, NASA’s associate administrator for space science, had to decide on a top ten to concentrate NASA’s limited resources.  Each project is to receive a grant of $150,000 to see them through the next six months of development. It all has to come out of a total project budget capped at $300 million. These Scout concepts embody the spirit I first thought about more than a year ago; and will enable us to explore the diversity of Mars in new ways, Dr Weiler said.


单选题We tried moving the piano,but it looked better while it was originally.AwhereBwhen CasDthan

单选题On January 20, 1778 Captain James Cook took his two vessels into a small harbor on the island of Kauai.Aassistants Bships Cvehicles Dguns

单选题______ApositivelyBnegativelyCsubjectively Dobjectively

单选题That play has puzzled authorities for generations, but to my father has the clarity and the simplicity of a medieval moral play.Aperplexed Bdisordered Canguished Dseduced