单选题______ApositivelyBnegativelyCsubjectively Dobjectively












单选题A female mantis does not hesitate to devour her own mate if she is hungry.Aignore Bfight Cconsume Dhurt

单选题John Adams, one of the American Revolution’s most devoted patriots, was the lawyer who successfully defended the British soldiers charged with murder after the Boston Massacre.Adisloyal Bdaring Cdedicated Dpersuasive

单选题______AHoweverBThen CFor example DInstead

单选题The author of this passage tries to __________.Apresent certain facts of how the development of a person’s attitude can be influencedBshow that our society is not doing enough to help children shape their attitudesCpoint out that teachers are the only people who can influence the children’s attitudesDprove that speeches and books are the only factors to indoctrinate children

问答题发展教育  我们要优先发展教育。要大力推进素质教育,加强学校思想政治工作,促进学生德智体美全面发展。加强基础教育,特别是加快贫困地区和少数民族地区普及九年义务教育步伐。推进农村义务教育以县为主的管理体制改革,保证教师工资按时足额发放。  积极发展高中阶段教育。稳步发展普通高等教育,适应新形势,调整学科结构。大力发展中等和高等职业教育。改革课程教材,更新教学内容,提高教育质量。继续推进高校内部管理体制改革和后勤社会化。全面提高教师思想和业务素质。加快教育信息化建设,积极发展现代远程教育。加大政府对教育的投入。鼓励、支持和规范社会力量办学、中外合作办学。

问答题“十五”时期国民经济和社会发展主要情况  过去五年,我们摆脱了亚洲金融危机带来的冲击,战胜了非典疫情和重大自然灾害,不失时机地推进改革开放,进一步发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,加强和改善宏观调控,保持了经济平稳较快发展。我国工业化、城镇化、市场化、国际化进程明显加快,社会生产力、综合国力和人民生活水平都跃上一个新台阶,城乡面貌发生了很大变化。  五年来,我国经济实力显著增强。农业特别是粮食生产出现重要转机,主要工业产品产量大幅度增长,高技术产业快速发展,基础产业和基础设施建设成就斐然,在水利、能源、交通、通信等领域建成或新开工一大批重大工程。经济社会信息化程度迅速提高。五年来,改革开放成果丰硕。农村、国有企业、金融、财税、投资等改革和市场体系、社会保障体系建设都取得重大进展。我国加入世界贸易组织,对外开放进入新的阶段。

单选题Mary happened to meet her best friend in the middle school while she was in Paris on business.Aran over Bran after Cran into Dran down

单选题______Adirection Bway Cmethod Depoch

单选题A newly developed plastic, prized by engineers for its low weight and its durability , has been developed.Alow cost Bflexibility Clong life Dversatility

单选题What is the author’s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?ACritical.BPrejudiced.CIndifferent.DPositive.

单选题Very little was said about the matter, wasn’t it?Ais it Bwas there Cwas itDwasn’t he

问答题San Francisco  San Francisco, open your Golden Gate, sang the girl in the theatre. She never1 finished her song. That date was 18th April, 1906. The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed2 to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San Francisco stretch over more than forty steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean  The best way to see this splendid city, where Spanish people were the first to make their homes, is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues. Fares are cheap;they have not risen, I’m told, for almost a hundred years4.  You leave5 the palm trees in Union Square—the heart of San Francisco—and from the shop signs and the faces around you, you will notice that in the city live people from many nations—Austrians, Italians, Chinese and others—giving each part a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China. Here, with Chinese restaurants,  Chinese post-boxes, and even odd telephone-boxes that look like pagodas, it is easy to feel you are in China itself.  Fisherman’s Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is at the end of the ride. You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable Car on its turntable(a city custom), and then set out to find a table in one of the gay little restaurants beside the harbor. As you enjoy the fresh Pacific seafood you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbor and watch the traffic crossing beneath the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon.


单选题______Adraining Bworking Ctouching Ddrilling

问答题信息时代  伴随着信息量不断增长的是技术的发展,这些技术使得人们能够比过去以更快的速度往更多的地方储存和发送更多的信息,这在以前是不可能的。计算机技术使人们可以把大量的数据储存到机读文件里,通过计算机编程找到某一信息,快速便捷地对信息进行处理。不久之后,电信技术的发展使人们能够通过电视、无线电和电子邮件发送的大量信息,对人们实施信息轰炸。人造卫星拓展了通信能力,可以对事件进行现场报道。通过远程会议,人们能在全世界分享专业知识,解决有争议的问题,而不需放下工作、别离家人,大老远去开会了。技术促进了信息分享、信息存储和信息传递,这就使更多的人能得到更多信息。  在这个多变而又复杂的世界里,对信息的要求最为重要。那些利用准确、可信、最新信息来解决日常问题以及他们工作、社会和家庭生活中出现的重要问题的人将会生存下去并取得成功。“知识就是力量”是再正确不过了,获取信息也许是所有人最迫切的要求。

单选题______Asupport Bsupply Ccompensate Doutearn

单选题They know that strong winds, mild and humid air, and cold air near to each other might trigger a really explosive weather situation.Acause Bimply Cforecast Dreduce

问答题中国的环保  我们高度重视资源节约和环境保护,把节能和减排(emission-reduction)作为国家的目标。近两年,又提出并实施节能减排综合性工作方案,建立节能减排指标体系、监测体系、考核体系和目标责任制(a system of accountabifity for reaching the targets),颁布了应对气候变化国家方案。依法淘汰一大批落后生产能力,关停小型火力发电厂产能(thermal power plants with a total capacity of)2157万千瓦、小煤矿1.12万处,淘汰落后炼铁设施(iron- smelting facilities)产能4659万吨、炼钢产能3747万吨、水泥产能8700万吨。启动十大重点节能工程。中央政府投资支持重点流域水污染防治项目691个。继续推进天然林保护、京津风沙源治理(control the factors causing sandstorms in Beijing and Tianjin)等生态建设,五年累计退耕还林3191万公顷,退牧还草3460万公顷。我们还加强土地和水资源保护。经过各方面努力,节能减排取得积极进展,去年单位国内生产总值能耗(energy consumption per unit of GDP)比上年下降3.27%,化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand)、二氧化硫(emission of sulfur dioxide)排放总量近年来首次出现双下降,比上年分别下降3.14%和4.66%。节约资源和保护环境从认识到实践都发生了重要转变。

问答题随着社会主义市场经济的逐步完善,中国大多数企业的社会责任意识也在不断增强。它们恪守诚信,合法经营,努力为国内外消费者提供高质量的商品,注重节约,保护环境,努力履行社会义务。一些企业还主动发布社会责任报告,公开履行社会责任状况,自觉接受社会监督。当然,受经济发展水平和发展阶段的制约,中国经济增长方式还比较粗放,能源资源消耗多,环境保护压力大,少数企业还存在一些片面追求经济效益、忽视社会责任的行为。  企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。

单选题As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves are only second with those of Kuwait.Acome second falling Bcome second with Care only second toDare second only to

单选题______Avillages Bareas Ctowns Dhouses


单选题Of course, there have been times, as a young man, when I got tired from study and devoted my time to playing.Atired ofBgot tired ofCtired upDused to tire of


问答题Guitar  Today we tell about a very popular musical instrument. Listen and see if you can guess what it is.  If you guess it was a guitar, you are correct. The Museum of Fine Arts in the eastern city of Boston, Massachusetts, recently began showing a collection of guitars. The exhibit is called Dangerous Curves: The Art of the Guitar. It shows how the instrument developed during the past four centuries.  Probably no other musical instrument is as poplar around the world as guitar. Musicians use the guitar for almost every kind of music. Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar. The traditional Spanish folk music called Flamenco could not exist without a guitar. The second of American blues music would not be the same without the sad cry of the guitar. And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument.  Music exports do not agree about where the guitar first was played. Most agree it is ancient. Some experts say an instrument very much like a guitar was played in Egypt more than a thousand years ago. Some other experts say that the ancestor of the modern guitar was brought to Spain from Persia sometime in the twelfth century. The guitar continued to develop in Spain. In the seventeen hundreds it became similar to the instrument we know today.  Many famous musicians played the instrument. The famous Italian violinist Niccolo Paganinni played and wrote music for the guitar in the early eighteen hundreds. Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some of his famous works.  In modem times Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia helped make the instrument extremely popular. One kind of music for the guitar developed in the southern area of Spain called Adalusia. It will always be strongly linked with the Spanish guitar. It is called Flamenco.  One guitar in the Boston Fine Arts display was played by Les Paul. It is a very old electric guitar. Mister Paul began experimenting with ways to make an electric guitar in the nineteen thirties. The Gibson Guitar Company began producing its famous Les Paul Guitar in 1952. The instrument has the same shape and the same six strings as the traditional guitar, but it sounds very different. Listen to a Les Paul recording. It was the fifth most popular song in the United States in 1952.  The guitar has always been important to blues music. The electric guitar Mister Paul helped develop made modem blues music possible: There have been many great blues guitarists. Yet, music experts say all blues guitar players are measured against one man and his famous guitar. That man is B-B King. Every blues fan knows that years ago B-B King named his guitar Lucille. Here B-B King plays Lucille on his famous recording of The Thrill Is Gone B-B King’s guitar, Lucille, is so important to American music that the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC has asked for it. They want to display the large, beautiful black guitar in one of the museums because it is a part of American culture.  Another famous guitar in American music also has a name. It belongs to country music star Willie Nelson. His guitar is as famous in country music as Lucille is in blues music. Its name is Trigger. Trigger is really a very ugly guitar. It looks like an old, broken instrument someone threw away. Several famous people have written their names on it. A huge hole was tom in the front of it a long time ago. It looks severely damaged. But the huge hole, the names and other marks seem to add to its sound. Listen while Willie Nelson and Trigger play of, Angel Flying Too Close To the Ground.

单选题A tamarin can be called any of the following exceptAa monkeyBa primateCa house catDa lion tamarin


单选题______Athing Breality Cfact Dconclusion