单选题AMD’s K6 chip includes graphics technology equivalent to Intel’s MMX and costs much less than Intel equivalents.Asingular Bcounterpart Cinductive Dspectacular

AMD’s K6 chip includes graphics technology equivalent to Intel’s MMX and costs much less than Intel equivalents.











单选题People buy insurance in order to substitute a small, certain, tolerable loss for a large, uncertain, catastrophic one.Adominate Binput Cexchange Dmanipulate

问答题温家宝谈朝鲜、伊朗核问题  中国政府一贯主张通过对话和谈判解决朝鲜半岛核问题,实现半岛无核化,维护半岛和平与稳定,这是有关各方的共识,也是国际社会的期待。我们希望大家都为此作出努力。目前半岛形势十分敏感,有关各方均应保持冷静和克制,不要有任何可能导致局势恶化的言行,努力为尽早恢复六方会谈创造条件。  和平解决伊朗核问题有利于中东局势的缓和,也有利于世界和平与稳定,是符合各方利益的最好选择。目前伊朗对于一揽子协议已经做出答复,国际原子能机构也提出了相应报告。有关各方要继续保持耐心,体现灵活,争取关于伊核问题的会谈早日恢复。伊朗方面应当重视国际社会的关切,采取建设性的措施。  解决朝鲜半岛和伊朗核问题需要坚持不懈的外交努力。我们的目标是最终和平解决问题,制裁未必能实现这一目标,甚至可能适得其反。各方在制裁问题上要十分谨慎。

问答题One Number Gets It All—Phone, Fax or Voice Mail  Tired of having to remember different numbers for your office phone, fax, pager or mobile phone? No room on your business card for the raft of numbers that are now part of everyday business contacts?  The answer is at hand—or rather in a number. One number can now be used for all your different devices and communications, thanks to a new system devised by a technology company which uses the science available in the high-growth, hi-tech modem world.  Instead of numbers belonging to different devices, the company assigns you one number belonging to you, the person. You have one number for phone, fax, pagers and mobile phones. All your calls and contacts come to this one number so that you can divert unwanted callers politely to your voice mail if you want.  Voice messages that come into the same personal number can be turned into emails for delivery to the desktop of your computer or to another person’s computer. You can have trouble-free call-forwarding anywhere in the world. Those are some of the features of Bloodhound, a new service offered by Auckland-based computer telephony integrator—Powercall Technologies Ltd. General manager Nick Little said the company, a subsidiary of the Brocker Technology Group,  came to the new one-number system when they wanted to set up in a new office. It would have cost $US 250 (RMB ¥2,000) a month to lease a small phone switchboard. To avoid the capital outlay or the hardware in the office, they set out instead to develop a switchboard based on a PC computer. Then, realizing the market was awash in such products, the company looked at ways to use its experience in voice mail, interactive voice response and unified messaging to develop new subscriber-based services.  Mr. Little said Bloodhound, which costs $US 20 (RMB ¥160) a month for full phone, fax and messaging, side-stepped the number portability issue (whether phone owners can use the same number in different phone company systems or not) because subscribers were given not a telephone number, but their own personal number.  “The number we issue is a virtual number belonging to the person. It does not terminate on a  physical device, Mr. Little said. The subscriber sets up devices behind the scenes.  Bloodhound runs on NT servers and subscribers pay their telephone carriers for line connection and any toll charges. They also pay for calls received on mobile phones via Bloodhound at US$ 25c (RMB ¥2) a minute. But they can change phone carrier company or exchange without having to change all their stationery.  Callers are greeted by an automated virtual assistant, which locates the Bloodhound subscriber or takes messages. Calls can be screened, with known callers announced to the subscriber who can choose to accept a call or divert it to another person or voice mail. Fax can be forwarded to any location for printing, without the cellular charges associated with cellphone-based fax services. And if users have a sudden inspiration, they can call Bloodhound and dictate a message for recall later.  Simon Morgan from advertising and direct marketing agency Carpe Diem has been a pilot user of the service throughout the year 2000. He said Bloodhound helped his five-person company present a consistent and professional face to the world.  One of our staff works from home part-time, but with a Bloodhound number available to the world as her office number. As far as the world is connected, she works in the office. It’s also useful if I’m working at a client site. I can use the ‘I am Here’ feature and get calls forwarded through.

单选题Elvis Presley blazed a trail in pop music and was considered one of the greatest pop icons in American history.Aprevailed Bpioneered Cignited Dburnt



问答题每天平均睡觉七小时最佳  成年人每天至少需要8小时睡眠才可以保持身体健康,这条真理不再适用,因为越来越多的证据表明少于8小时的睡眠可能更好。  三次大规模的研究发现,每晚睡7小时左右的人寿命最长。日本研究者的最新研究报告中提到,他们在大约10年时间内跟踪调查了104,010位成年人。一开始,参与者回答了有关睡眠方式、健康状况、精神状况和生活习惯的问卷调查,这些因素都可能影响寿命。  分析了上述因素后,发现平均每天睡7小时的成年人的死亡率最低。令人惊讶的是,更少的睡眠时间,甚至少到每晚4小时,都不会显著提高男性的死亡率。而如果女性的平均睡眠小于4小时,她们的寿命则会缩短。但是睡眠时间超过7小时的成年人,特别是女性,很可能在10年内去世。  加州大学圣迭戈(San Diego)分校医学院的睡眠研究者、精神病医生丹尼尔.克里普卡(Daniel Kripke)在《睡眠》杂志上发表评论说,“医生不应该要求所有病人都至少睡8小时。”因为黑暗或其他由长时间睡眠引起的未知生理反应会导致荷尔蒙发生变化,这会影响寿命。