单选题The condition where a ship on the end of a tow line is riding a wave crest at the same time as its tug rides a wave crest is known as riding in().AsynchronismBharmonyCcheckDstep

The condition where a ship on the end of a tow line is riding a wave crest at the same time as its tug rides a wave crest is known as riding in().









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以下语句错误的是:______ 。A.Do while(Condition) Statements LoopB.Do Statements Loop while(condition)C.Do until(condition) Statements LoopD.Do until(condition) Statements end do

With a large tow astern,there is immediate danger to the tug in the event of the ______.A.Tug losing powerB.Tow line partingC.Bridle twistingD.Tow broaching

You are in the process of adding a barge to your tow.A line run from your power capstan and around timber heads on your tow is made fast on the new barge so that it can be pulled into position.This line is called a ______.A.Scissors wireB.Capstan lineC.Spring lineD.Fore and aft line

Where do fatigue failures of wire rope mooring lines usually occur ________.A.In the middle part of the line lengthB.Near the socketed end fitting adjacent to the anchorC.At the point where the line touches the bottomD.At the place the anchor buoy is attached to the line

A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel ______.A.by a tow line ahead of the vesselB.forward on either bow of the vesselC.approximately amidships of the vesselD.on the vessel’s quarter

单选题A condition where two currents meet at the downstream end of a middle bar can be determined by a().Asmall whirlpoolBsmooth patch of waterCV-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing downstreamDV-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing upstream

单选题The center line condition of the transmission shaft can be checked by()Athe border flange’s excursion and flectionBthe both end shafts line’s accordanceCthe border flange’s flection and the both end shafts line’s accordanceDthe border flange’s accordance and both end shafts flection degree

单选题Apparent wind speed blowing across a ship under tow can be measured by a(n)().AbarometerBwind vaneCanemometerDthermometer

单选题Why should the SES operators be very careful when the ship enters the area where three ocean regions overlap? Because().Athe weather is always terribleBthe condition there is complicatedCthe signals are too strongDtheir SES may receive the signals from unwanted satellite

单选题A tug would NOT assist a ship to steer if the tug is made up to the large vessel().Aby a tow line ahead of the vesselBforward on either bow of the vesselCapproximately amidships of the vesselDon the vessel's quarter

单选题You are docking a vessel in a slip which has its entrance athwart the tide.You land the ship across the end of the pier,stemming the tide,preparatory to breaking the ship around the corner.You have one tug to assist.Where would you generally tie up the tug().AHave her on a hawser from the sternBTie her up on the inshore bow to hold the ship off the endCTie her up on the offshore bowDTie her up on the inshore quarter to lift the stern

单选题When connecting the tow bridle to a tug, the end of the bridle is passed with a().Aheaving lineBshot lineChigh lineDmessenger line

单选题In towing,heaving lines are used for().Apassing a tow bridle to the tugBpassing a messenger lineCheaving in the tow bridleDservice lines with rocket line throwers

多选题Which three are true regarding the use of outer joins? ()AYou cannot use IN operator in a condition that involves an outerjoin.BYou use (+) on both sides of the WHERE condition to perform an outerjoin.CYou use (*) on both sides of the WHERE condition to perform an outerjoin.DYou use an outerjoin to see only the rows that do not meet the join condition.EIn the WHERE condition, you use (+) following the name of the column in the table without matching rows, to perform an outerjoin.FYou cannot link a condition that is involved in an outerjoin to another condition by using the OR operator.

单选题Where must the master or person in charge of a ship record the date of each test of emergency lighting and power systems and the condition and performance of the equipment().AOn the Certificate of InspectionBOn the station billCIn the Operations ManualDIn either the official or unofficial log

单选题If the situation arose where it became necessary to tow a disabled vessel,which statement is TRUE concerning the towing line?().AThe towing line between the two vessels should be clear of the waterBThe towing line should be taut at all times between the vesselsCThere should be a catenary so the line dips into the waterDNone of the above

单选题If a vessel under tow starts jumping on its tow line,the most appropriate action to alleviate the condition is to().Achange courseBslow downCheave toDadjust tow line length

单选题The hatch at the after end of the canopy in a lifeboat()the after lifting hook, painter, and tow line.Agive access toBlinks up withChave contact withDis constructed of

单选题I am ready()tow line.AcastBto cast ofCcast offDto cast off

单选题When a ship in loaded condition floats at arbitrary water line, its displacement is to the relevant mass of water displaced by the ship()AequalBlargerCsmallerDequivalent

单选题A vessel being towed astern,where the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters,will exhibit ().Atwo balls in a vertical lineBa diamond shape where it can best be seenCa ball on each end of the towDno dayshape

单选题In towing it is desirable for the tug and the vessel to ride wave crests simultaneously because().Ashock loading on the tow line is reduceBtowing speed is improvedCthe vessel is more visible from the tugDthe catenary of the tow line is reduced

单选题A tow that veers to the side on the end of the towline is said to().AyawBsurgeCswayDswing

单选题The condition where a ship on the end of a tow line is riding a wave crest at the same time as its tug rides a wave crest is known as riding in().AsynchronismBharmonyCcheckDstep

单选题Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the().Adip of the lineBstretch of the lineCstrain on the lineDlength of the line

单选题When towing in an open seaway,it is important to use a towing line().Amade only of wire rope,due to possible weather conditionsBthat will have the tow on a crest while your vessel is in a troughCthat will have the tow on a crest while your vessel is on a crestDwith little dip to gain maximum control of the tow

单选题If a steering motor becomes overloaded, the ()Aoverload condition of 5 % will trip the motor off the line immediatelyBoverload condition will be indicated visually in the machinery spaceCmotor running indicator will begin to flash on and off in response to the sustained overload conditionDstandby steering pump will start automatically and come on the line

单选题Where must the 0mster or person in charge of a ship record the date of each test of emergency lighting and power systems and the condition and performance of the equipment?()AOn the Certificate of InspectionBOn the Muster List (Station Bill)CIn the Operations ManualDIn either the official or unofficial log