单选题The discovery of new oil- fields in various parts of the country filled the government with ______ hope.AeternalBinfiniteCceaselessDeverlasting

The discovery of new oil- fields in various parts of the country filled the government with ______ hope.











单选题According to the passage, scientists can’t observe some of the earliest steps in brain activity becausee.Athose changes are subtle and masked by some reactionsBsubtle changes in blood flow began earlierCthe imaging techniques are out of placeDthe flow of blood to increase to an area of the brain is slow

单选题The word “particulars” underlined in Paragraph 1 means ______.Aminor errorsBspecific factsCsmall distinctionsDindividual people

单选题The word “resolution” underlined in Paragraph 5 probably means.Aa firm decisionBthe process of breaking up into partsCan act of resolvingDthe power of a scientific instrument to give a clear picture of things

单选题The tall fellow over there is no others but the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself.Ano other butBno one thanCno other thanDnone other than

问答题Passage 1  What is the substance of discovery? Can we obtain the experience of 1 who discover and make their work generally 2 or must each generation of scientists and inventors 3 again? Why do some scientists burn out 4 young while others remain creative 5 old age? Why are so many discoveries and inventions 6 by those who work in poorly funded institutions? 7 scientists have no idea how they do science 8 historians of science have no idea how scientists do science, then who does?  The strange thing is that we 9 as if discovery were the inevitable by-product 10_well-organized research programs and as if the 11 management techniques appropriate to 12 bridges, motorways and power stations were 13 to the generation of new ideas. We 14 of cost-effective science and of 15 resources into centers of excellence. By 16 such ideas to their conclusion, however, we 17 reduce the gene bank of cultural diversity to such a(n) 18 that we would produce only scientific clones-specialist technicians at 19 -whose imaginative powers, never awaked. 20 , planned research is essential, and scared resources need saving but, since science is essentially a journey into the unknown, there must be a place for occasional detours to examine the unexpected.1. A. them      B. which    C. those     D. people2. A. available   B. free     C. open     D. convenient3. A. absorb     B. learn    C. practice   D. understand4. A. at       B. by      C. from     D. when5. A. into      B. as      C. even if    D. though6. A. collected   B. made     C. caused    D. produced7. A. when      B. Since    C. If      D. As8. A. yet      B. but     C. also     D. and9. A. act      B. function   C. appear    D. perform10. A. in      B. by      C. of      D. for11. A. aim      B. project   C. assignment  D. activity12. A. build     B. building   C. building of  D. the building13. A. applicable  B. right    C. accurate   D. just14. A. consider   B. argue    C. talk     D. examine15. A. fastening   B. making    C. fixing    D. concentrating16. A. observing   B. chasing   C. following   D. obeying17. A. might     B. must     C. should    D. can18. A. range     B. spread    C. stretch    D. extent19. A. last     B. large    C. best     D. length20. A. However    B. Of course  C. In addition  D. Besides

单选题According to the passage, some states choose to provide tax breaks because they want to.Acast aside these promotionsBpinch state budget booksCslow down local economyDencourage their economies

单选题He was tried for theft in a law court but was lucky enough to ______.Aget throughBget byCget offDget away

问答题Practice 6新型工业化  我们要推进产业结构优化升级,坚持走新型工业化道路。依靠科技进步,围绕提高自主创新能力,推动产业结构调整。加快开发对经济增长有重大带动作用的高新技术,以及能够推动传统产业升级的共性技术和关键技术。抓紧制定若干重大领域关键技术创新的目标和措施,务求尽快取得新突破。完善鼓励创新的体制和政策体系。坚持引进先进技术和消化吸收创新相结合,增强自主开发能力。大力发展高新技术产业,积极推进国民经济和社会信息化。加快用高新技术改造提升传统产业。以重大工程为依托,推动装备制造业振兴。在专门项目指导下,继续加强能源、重要原材料等基础产业和水利、交通、通信等基础设施建设。积极发展现代配送、旅游、社区服务等第三产业。既要加快发展资金技术密集型产业,又要继续发展劳动密集型产业。