单选题______Afeatures Befforts Cchanges Dattempts












Although he failed in his attempts, his mother’s __ drove him on to continue his efforts. A.motivationB.encouragementC.intentionD.compulsion

Which of the following is most likely to be discussed in the part succeeding this text?[A] Relations of St. T. Aquinas’ achievements to previous efforts.[B] How St. T. Aquinas worked out in the balance in discussion.[C] Other endeavors on the relationship of reason and revelation.[D] Outstanding features of the mature period of Scholasticism.

By default,how does the router handle changes to its operational configuration?() A.Changes are not implemented,but are saved automatically.B.Changes are no timplemented and must be written into memory.C.Changes are implemented immediately and save dautomatically.D.Changes are implemented immediately,but must be written intomemory.

By default,how does the router handle changes to its operational configuration?()A、Changes are not implemented,but are saved automatically.B、Changes are no timplemented and must be written into memory.C、Changes are implemented immediately and save dautomatically.D、Changes are implemented immediately,but must be written intomemory.

Which item is the most important factor during deployment of high-availability features?()A、Test major changes before deployment and defer minor changes until during deployment. B、Document and verify rollback procedures.C、Ensure consistency of code versions across the network.D、Progressively modify procedures and documentation during implementation.

For the following attempts, which one is to ensure that no one employee becomes a pervasive securitythreat, that data can be recovered from backups, and that information system changes do not compromisea system’s security?()A、Strategic security planningB、Disaster recoveryC、Implementation securityD、Operations security

Which of the following features sets IBM apart from competitors in the area of partitioning?()A、Software supportB、Hardware isolationC、Static changes in partitionsD、Micro-Partitioning

Your database initialization parameter file has the following entry:   SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=3   Which statement is true regarding this setting?()A、 It drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail for any user.B、 It is enforced only if the password profile is enabled for the user.C、 It locks the user account after the specified number of attempts.D、 It drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail only for users who have the SYSDBA privilege.

Which statement is true regarding this setting?()A、It drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail for any user.B、It is enforced only if the password profile is enabled for the user. C、It locks the user account after the specified number of attempts. D、It drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail only for users who have the SYSDBA privilege.

Your company has a server that runs Windows Server 2008. Certification Services is configured as a stand-alone Certification Authority (CA) on the server. You need to audit changes to the CA configuration settings and the CA security settings. Which two tasks should you perform()A、Configure auditing in the Certification Services snap-in.B、Enable auditing of successful and failed attempts to change permissions on files in the %SYSTEM32% /CertSrv directory.C、Enable auditing of successful and failed attempts to write to files in the %SYSTEM32%/CertLog directory.D、Enable the Audit object access setting in the Local Security Policy for the Certification Services server.

Your company has a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. Active Directory Certificate Services  (AD CS) is configured as a standalone Certification Authority (CA) on the server. You need to audit changes to the CA configuration settings and the CA security settings. Which two tasks should you perform()A、Configure auditing in the Certification Authority snap-in.B、 Enable  auditing  of  successful  and  failed  attempts  to  change  permissions  on  files  in  the %SYSTEM32%/CertSrv directory.C、Enable auditing of successful and failed attempts to write to files in the %SYSTEM32%/CertLog directory.D、Enable the Audit object access setting in the Local Security Policy for the Active Directory Certificate  Services (AD CS) server.

单选题Which of the following is most likely to be discussed in the part succeeding this text? _____ARelations of Staquinas’ achievements to previous efforts.BHow Staquinas worked out in the balance in discussion.COther endeavors on the relationship of reason and revelation.DOutstanding features of the mature period of Scholasticism.

单选题The bos.perf package is part of the base operating system. Performance Diagnostic tool, PDT, is a part of bos.perf.  All of the following statements are true EXCEPT?()A PDT attempts to identify performance problems automatically by collecting and integrating a wide range of performance, configuration and availability data.B PDT consists of three components, the collection component comprises a set of programs that periodically collect and record data, the retention component periodically reviews the collected data and discards data that is obsolete, and the reporting component periodically produces a diagnostic report from the current set of historical data.C PDT contains  motif-based, AIX licensed programs that can easily access tools for system and network performance tuning, monitoring, and analysis.D PDT assesses the current state of a system and tracks changes in workload and performance. It attempts to identify incipient problems and suggest solutions before the problems become critical.

单选题I'd like to take()of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts.AprofitBbenefitCoccasionDadvantage

单选题The Progressive Movement was()Aan organized campaign with definite goalsBa movement aiming at exposing the dark sides of societyCnot an organized campaign with efforts to improve people's living standardDa number of diverse efforts aiming at achieving political,social and economic reforms

单选题The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes().Ageographical positionBspeedCheadingDlongitude

单选题An operational amplifier, as used in todays consoles, has a calculated gain of 5This means that when the input changes ()A5 volts, the output changes 10 voltsB10 volts, the output changes 5 voltsC2 volts, the output changes 10 voltsD10 volts, the output changes 2 volts

多选题Your company has a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. Active Directory Certificate Services  (AD CS) is configured as a standalone Certification Authority (CA) on the server. You need to audit changes to the CA configuration settings and the CA security settings. Which two tasks should you perform()AConfigure auditing in the Certification Authority snap-in.BEnable  auditing  of  successful  and  failed  attempts  to  change  permissions  on  files  in  the %SYSTEM32%/CertSrv directory.CEnable auditing of successful and failed attempts to write to files in the %SYSTEM32%/CertLog directory.DEnable the Audit object access setting in the Local Security Policy for the Active Directory Certificate  Services (AD CS) server.

单选题When the derrick changes its ()(角度), its lifting capacity changes correspondingly.AangelBlengthCheightDangle

单选题Which statement is true regarding this setting?()AIt drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail for any user.BIt is enforced only if the password profile is enabled for the user. CIt locks the user account after the specified number of attempts. DIt drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail only for users who have the SYSDBA privilege.

单选题Success depends______ he efforts of the organization.AfromBinConDof

单选题For the following attempts, which one is to ensure that no one employee becomes a pervasive securitythreat, that data can be recovered from backups, and that information system changes do not compromisea system’s security?()AStrategic security planningBDisaster recoveryCImplementation securityDOperations security

单选题Which of the following features sets IBM apart from competitors in the area of partitioning?()ASoftware supportBHardware isolationCStatic changes in partitionsDMicro-Partitioning

单选题The merchant undertakes that no claim or allegation shall be made against any servant,agent or subcontractor of the carrier which()to impose upon any of them or any liability whatsoever in connection with the goods.Asupplies or attempts to supplyBimposes or attemptsCcomplies or attempts to complyDprovides or attempts to provide

多选题Your company has a server that runs Windows Server 2008 R2. Active Directory Certificate  Services (AD CS) is configured as a standalone Certification Authority (CA) on the server. You  need to audit changes to the CA configuration settings and the CA security settings.     Which two tasks should you perform()AConfigure auditing in the Certification Authority snap-in.BEnable auditing of successful and failed attempts to change permissions on files in the %SYSTEM32%/CertSrv direCEnable auditing of successful and failed attempts to write to files in the %SYSTEM32%/CertLog directory.DEnable the Audit object access setting in the Local Security Policy for the Active Directory Certificate Services

单选题Which item is the most important factor during deployment of high-availability features?()ATest major changes before deployment and defer minor changes until during deployment. BDocument and verify rollback procedures.CEnsure consistency of code versions across the network.DProgressively modify procedures and documentation during implementation.

单选题Your database initialization parameter file has the following entry:   SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=3   Which statement is true regarding this setting?()A It drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail for any user.B It is enforced only if the password profile is enabled for the user.C It locks the user account after the specified number of attempts.D It drops the connection after the specified number of login attempts fail only for users who have the SYSDBA privilege.

单选题When preparing benefit changes, companies shouldAtreat employees as customers.Bstress the benefits of the changes.Ctalk employees into accepting the changes.Dact quickly according to the reactions of employees.