单选题The synonyms charge and accuse mainly differ in_________.AemotionBdialectCformalityDcollocation

The synonyms charge and accuse mainly differ in_________.











______ refers to items that mean the same, or nearly the same. A. SynonymsB. AntonymsC. HyponymsD. Collocation

听力原文:M: What margins will the lending bank charge?W: Margins mainly depend on these factors: evaluation of credit risk, maturity of credit, and the starting point from which onwards the rate of interest shall be firm.Q: How many factors do margins charged by the lending bank mainly depend on?(12)A.Four.B.Two.C.Three.D.Five.

The two words" collaborator" and "accomplice" are examples given to illustrate that synonyms may differ._____. A in styleB in their emotive or evaluative meaningC in their collocationD slightly in what they mean

Mothers are often the ones who provide __________ support for the family. A.emotionB.emotionalC.emotionlessD.unemotional

“die” and “pass away” are synonyms. They differ in ________.A、connotative meaningB、emotive meaningC、stylistic meaningD、all the above

__________ refers to items that mean the same, or nearly the same. A、HyponymsB、AntonymsC、SynonymsD、Collocation

The experiment in physics is Prof Strong.__________A.in’charge ofB.taking charge ofC.in the charge ofD.taking the charge of

Which aspect do students focus on when they learn the usage of vocabulary?A.Spelling.B.Lexical rules.C.Collocation.D.Pronunciation.

The synonymous pair "_________" differ in degree of formality.A.pass away and pop offB.accuse and chargeC.poison and jailD.tap and faucet

Synonyms are words with________meanings.A.oppositeB.similarC.severalD.different

According to Britain linguist F. Palmer, there are no real synonyms. Though"cast" and"throw" are considered synonyms, they are different in__________.A.styleB.collocationC.emotive meaningD.regions where they are used

The synonyms "charge" and "accuse" mainly differ in_________.A.emotionB.dialectC.formalityD.collocation

The words “amaze” and “astound” are( ). A.dialectal synonyms B.semantically different synonyms C.stylistic synonyms D.collocational synonyms

When using IPAT via Aliasing, what is the default distribution preference for the placement of the service IPlabels?()A、CollocationB、Anti-CollocationC、Collocation with persistentD、Anti-Collocation with persistent


单选题Checking accounts differ () saving accounts.AwithBonCbetweenDfrom

单选题According to Britain linguistAstyleBcollocationCemotive meaningDregions where they are usedEPalmer, there are no real synonyms. Though "cast"and"throw"are considered synonyms, they are different in_________.

单选题The synonyms charge and accuse mainly differ in_________.AemotionBdialectCformalityDcollocation

单选题The two passages differ in their perspectives on the debate between industrialists and environmentalists mainly in that Passage 1 emphasizes ______.Amathematics, while Passage 2 emphasizes psychologyBdeficiencies in the debate, while Passage 2 emphasizes progress in the debateCthe irrelevance of externalities, while Passage 2 emphasizes their importanceDthe impact on taxpayers, while Passage 2 emphasizes the views of politiciansEpollution, while Passage 2 emphasizes recycling

单选题According to Britain linguist F. Palmer, there are no real synonyms.Though cast and throware considered synonyms, they are different in_______.AstyleBcollocationCemotive meaningDregions where they are used

单选题I’ll be _____ the whole factory next week when the director’s away.AchargeBin the charge ofCin charge ofDtake charge of

单选题La bouche accuse _____ le cœur absout.AlorsqueBalors queCbien queDparce que

单选题According to Britain linguist Palmer, there are no real synonyms. Though daddy and father are considered synonyms, they are different in________AstyleBcollocationCemotive meaningDregions where they are used

单选题Ernest Rutherford, a scientist when measuring the charge and mass of alpha particles, discovered that they are virtually identical to the nuclei of helium atoms.Aa scientist when measuring the charge and mass of alpha particlesBa scientist who measured the charge and mass of alpha particlesCa scientist which measured the charge and mass of alpha particlesDmeasuring the charge and mass of alpha particles, was a scientist when heEbeing the one who measured the mass and charge of alpha particles as a scientist

单选题According to Britain linguist F . Palmer, there are no real synonyms . Though cast and throw are considered synonyms, they are different in ______ .AstyleBcollocationCemotive meaningDregions where they are used

单选题The bus was _____ the driver.Ain charge ofBin the charge ofCtake charge ofDfree of charge

单选题When using IPAT via Aliasing, what is the default distribution preference for the placement of the service IPlabels?()ACollocationBAnti-CollocationCCollocation with persistentDAnti-Collocation with persistent

单选题The third officer is () (负责)the fire-fighting equipment.AresponsibleBtake charge ofCin charge ofDcontrol