











Which of the following activities can be considered as part of risk mitigationA risk identificationB purchasing insuranceC assessment of outcomesD assessment of probabilitiesE C and D only

The lab ceased to exist as an independent drug research __________in January2004.A. instanceB. insuranceC. instructionD. institution

The annual change in______is -0.2 degree east in this water area.A.mean high waterB.marine insuranceC.magnetic variationD.maritime accident

___ is similar to whole life insurance except that the insured pays premium for only a limited number of years. A.term life insuranceB.whole life insuranceC.limited payment life insuranceD.endowment life insurance

The annual change in ______ is 0.2 degree.A.Magnetic VariationB.Marine InsuranceC.Maritime AccidentD.Mean High Water Spring

() can be considered as part of risk mitigation.A.Risk identificationB.Purchasing insuranceC.Assessment of outcomesD.Assessment of probabilities

He obviously displays a great appreciation for some of your poems.A:consent B:admirationC:respect D:pleasure

汉译英:“合同;发票”,正确的翻译为( )。A. country ; insurance B. contract ; insuranceC. country; invoico D. contract; invoice

The()doesn't cover household items.A、intelligenceB、insuranceC、instanceD、insult

( )can be considered as part of risk mitigation. A、Risk identificationB、Purchasing insuranceC、Assessment of outcomesD、Assessment of probabilities


单选题() means the person designated by the Company for ensuring that a ship security assessment is carried out; that a ship security plan is developed, submitted for approval, and thereafter implemented and maintained and for liaison with port facility security officers and the ship security officer.AShip security officerBCompany security officerCPort facility security officerDPSC officer

单选题()means the person on board the ship, accountable to the master, designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship, including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and for liaison with the company security officer and port facility security officers.AShip security officerBCompany security officerCPort facility security officerDPSC officer

单选题What is an ideal Cisco solution to protect a campus network and services from potential security breaches?()ACisco Security Device ManagerBCisco Security AgentCCisco VPN ClientDCisco Intrusion Detection System

单选题()shall set security levels and provide guidance for protection from security incidents.AThe Contracting GovernmentsBThe Port AuthoritiesCThe MasterDThe Company Security

单选题Which Cisco security tool can best determine it a Cisco ISR router is properly secured? ()A Cisco SDM Security AuditB Cisco Security MARSC Cisco Security Agent MCD Cisco Security IntelliShieldE CAN

单选题When the ship security alert system is activated, it shall not()Ainitiate a ship-to-shore security alertBtransmit a ship-to-shore security alertCinitiate an alert identifying the ship, its locationDraise a security alarm on-board the ship indicating that the ship is under threat

单选题()means the person designated as responsible for the development, implementation, revision and maintenance of the port facility security plan and for liaison with the ship security officers and company security officers.AShip security officerBCompany security officerCPort facility security officerDPSC officer

单选题A System p administrator needs to set the default password length for all users to six characters.  Which of the following files needs to be edited to accomplish this ()A/etc/security/limitsB/etc/security/mkuser.sysC/etc/security/privD/etc/security/user

单选题Which statement describes a security zone?()AA security zone can contain one or more interfaces.BA security zone can contain interfaces in multiple routing instances.CA security zone must contain two or more interfaces.DA security zone must contain bridge groups.

单选题n what way does Cisco SMARTnet help customers protect their network investments?()A allows them to acquire replacement hardware as needed instead of carrying it in inventoryB includes upgrade insuranceC includes Cisco Learning Credits for staff trainingD provides them with trade-in incentives for their end-of-life products

单选题The ship security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating()Athe ship security planBthe company security planCthe port security planDthe national security plan

单选题Which operational mode command displays all active IPsec phase 2 security associations?()Ashow ike security-associationsBshow ipsec security-associationsCshow security ike security-associationsDshow security ipsec security-associations

单选题According to the ISPS Code, for a sailing ship, the following except()should be onboard.Aa ship security planBa ship security officerCa company security officerDcertain onboard equipments

单选题What does SSO stand for regarding ship security?()AShip security officeBShip security officerCShip security operatorDShip safety office

单选题()means a plan developed to ensure the application of measures designed to protect the port facility and ships, persons, cargo, cargo transport units and ships stores within the port facility from the risks of a security incident.AShip security planBCompany security planCPort facility security planDNational security plan

单选题()means a plan developed to ensure the application of measures on board the ship designed to protect persons on board, cargo, cargo transport units, ship’s stores or the ship from the risks of a security incident.AShip security planBCompany security planCPort facility security planDNational security plan

单选题Which file contains the attributes used to setup a new user account when executing ’mkuser’ without any flags?()A/etc/security/userB/etc/security/passwdC/etc/security/mkuser.sysD/etc/security/mkuser.default