() can be considered as part of risk mitigation.A.Risk identificationB.Purchasing insuranceC.Assessment of outcomesD.Assessment of probabilities

() can be considered as part of risk mitigation.

A.Risk identification
B.Purchasing insurance
C.Assessment of outcomes
D.Assessment of probabilities


解析:()可以被认为是风险缓解的一部分。A、风险识别B、购买保险C、成果评估D、概率评估注意题干中:as part of.


The Risk of NOT meeting project quality objectives:A . can be minimized through continuous monitoring.B . considered a long term risk.C . will be reflected in the "in-service" life of the product or service.D . B and CE . All of the above.

Project Risk Management is based on which of the following premises:A the future is unknown.B unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.C we cannot control risk events.D project risk impact can be measured and controlledE All of the above.

The Utility Theory _____ .A considers risk propensity of the decision maker.B attempts to formalize management's risk considerations.C works well with decision tree analysis.D is considered highly theoretical.E All of the above.

The Quality Risk _____ .A is minimized through continuous monitoring.B is considered a long term risk.C will be reflected in the in-service life of the project result.D B and CE All of the above.

Sensitivity analysis can be used in risk analysis to:A Substitute for uncertainty analysis in risk quantificationB estimate the level of risk aversion adopted by managementC estimate the effect of change of one project variable on the overall projectD A and BE All of the above.

Risk can be divided into two basic types; business risk and pure (or insurable risk). Of the following, which one(s) fall(s) under business risk?A liability lossB direct property lossC profit lossD personnel-related lossE B and C

Giving a part of project work to a contractor is an example of:A risk mitigationB risk assignmentC risk delegationD risk deflectionE risk assumption

Which of the following activities can be considered as part of risk mitigationA risk identificationB purchasing insuranceC assessment of outcomesD assessment of probabilitiesE C and D only

184 Which of the following activities can be considered as part of risk mitigationA. risk identificationB. purchasing insuranceC. assessment of outcomesD. assessment of probabilitiesE. C and D only

196 Giving a part of project work to a contractor is an example of:A. risk mitigationB. risk assignmentC. risk delegationD. risk deflectionE. risk assumption

91 The Risk of NOT meeting project quality objectives:A. can be minimized through continuous monitoring.B. considered a long term risk.C. will be reflected in the "in-service" life of the product or service.D. B and CE. All of the above

108 Project Risk Management is based on which of the following premises:A. the future is unknown.B. unknowns can result in risks or opportunities.C. we cannot control risk events.D. project risk impact can be measured and controlledE. All of the above

53 The Quality Risk _____ .A. is minimized through continuous monitoring.B. is considered a long term risk.C. will be reflected in the in-service life of the project result.D. B and CE. All of the above

60 The Utility Theory _____ .A. considers risk propensity of the decision maker.B. attempts to formalize management's risk considerations.C. works well with decision tree analysis.D. is considered highly theoretical.E. All of the above

173 The Risk of NOT meeting project quality objectives:A. can be minimized through continuous monitoring.B. considered a long term risk.C. will be reflected in the "in-service" life of the product or service.D. B and CE. All of the above.

Wu Bin considered________ (take) part in the long jump.

听力原文:Seeking to maximize profits by assuming inappropriately large financial risk can cause investors to lose sleep.(2)A.Assuming inappropriately large financial risk can cause investors to lose sleep.B.Financial risk will not cause investors to lose sleep.C.Seeking to maximize profits appropriately can cause investors to lose sleep.D.No matter how much they earn, the investors will lose sleep.

听力原文:Although it is a normal part of banking, excessive interest rate risk can pose a significant threat to a bank's earnings and capital base.(4)A.Interest rate risk is a normal part of banking operations.B.Interest rate risk is a terrible threat to banking operations.C.A bank's earnings and capital base is a normal part of banking.D.A bank's earnings and capital base can pose a significant threat to banking.

Which three steps are considered part of the initial configuration?() A.SNMPB.hostnameC.root passwordD.user passwordE.management access interface

( ) can be considered as part of risk mitigation.A.Risk identificationB.Purchasing insuranceC.Assessment of outcomesD.Assessment of probabilities

Although a natural alternative,such as honey,can be used to sweeten food if this is necessary,we can in fact do without it.Nowadays fibre is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet.In white bread,for example,the fibre has been removed.But it is( )in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables.A.currentB.substantialC.presentD.essential

( )can be considered as part of risk mitigation. A、Risk identificationB、Purchasing insuranceC、Assessment of outcomesD、Assessment of probabilities

Which three steps are considered part of the initial configuration?()A、SNMPB、hostnameC、root passwordD、user passwordE、management access interface

单选题Risk of collision is considered to exist if().Afour vessels are nearbyBa vessel has a steady bearing at a constant rangeCthere is any doubt that a risk of collision existsDa special circumstance situation is apparent

单选题To be considered a hormone, a chemical produced in the body must _____.Abe part of the digestive processBinfluence the operations of the nervous systemCaffect processes in a different part of the bodyDregulate attitudes and behavior

单选题Due to lapse of time the risk in these areas to surface navigation is now considered ()than the ordinary risks of navigation,but a very real risk still exists with regard to anchoring,fishing or any form of submarine or seabed activity.Amore seriousBnot less seriousCmore dangerousDno more dangerous

多选题Which three steps are considered part of the initial configuration?()ASNMPBhostnameCroot passwordDuser passwordEmanagement access interface

问答题Would you risk your life for a country that considered you a second-class citizen?