The annual change in______is -0.2 degree east in this water area.A.mean high waterB.marine insuranceC.magnetic variationD.maritime accident
The annual change in______is -0.2 degree east in this water area.
A.mean high water
B.marine insurance
C.magnetic variation
D.maritime accident
如果max_number_of_sdcchs=24number_of_sdcchs_preferred=16sdcch_need_low_water_mark=16sdcch_need_high_water_mark=4那么在第一次由TCH向SDCCH再配置时,有多少个SDCCH已经被占用?() A.12B.21C.20D.13
In Trial 9, the electrical force exerted by Sphere Y on Sphere X and the electrical force exerted by Sphere X on Sphere Y were exerted in which direction(s)?A.east; eastB.east; westC.west; westD.west; east
This district is getting more and more ________ and bustling。 A.prosperousB.amateurC.favoriteD.annual
阅读以下技术说明和C代码,将C程序中(1)~(5)空缺处的内容填写完整。[说明]某种传感器的输出值Ratio依赖于环境温度temp(-40℃≤temp≤50℃)。对一组环境温度值(ITEMS个),已经测量得到了相应的Ratio值(如表4-10表格所示)。表4-10粗略地描述了曲线Ratio(temp)。校正系数K是Ratio的倒数,因此也依赖于环境温度temp。在数据处理中,需要用更多的列表值细致地描述曲线K(temp),如表4-11所示。在表4-11中,各温度值所对应的K值是对表4-10进行线性插值再求倒数得到的,具体的计算方法如下。1) 根据temp值,在表4-10中用二分法查找;2) 若找到相应的温度值,则按相应的Ratio值求倒数得到K值;3) 若没找到相应的温度值,则可确定temp所在的温度区间[Tp1,Tp2],同时获得了相应的Ratio1和 Ratio2,再按如下公式计算K值:在程序中,当temp高于50℃或低于-40℃C时,设定K=0。[C程序]includetypedef struct {int Temp; /* 环境温度 */double Ratio; /* 传感器的输出值 */}CURVE;define ITEMS 7double GetK(int Temp,CURVE *p,int n){ /* 用二分法在n个元素的有序表p中查找与Temp对应的传感器输出值 */int low, high, m;double Step;low = 0;high = n-1;if ((Temp<p->Temp) || (Temp>(p+high)->Temp))return 0.0; /* 超出温度范围时返回 0.0 */while (low<=high){ m=(1);if (Temp==(p+m)->Temp)return (2);if (Temp<(p+m) >Temp)high=m-1;elselow=(3);}p+=high;Step=( (4) )/((p+1)->Temp-p->Temp);return 1.0/ (p->Ratio + Step*( (5) ) ;}void main(){ int Degree;double k;CURVE Curve [ITEMS]={{-40,0.2},{-20,0.60.},{-10,0.8},{0,1.0},{10,1.17},{30,1.50},{50,1.8}};printf ("环境温度 校正系数\n");for (Degree=-40;Degree<=50;Degree++){ k=GetK ( Degree, Curve, ITEMS);printf("%3d %4.2f\n",Degree,k);}}
下列程序段的执行结果为 a=95 If a > 60 Then degree=1 If a > 70 Then degree=2 If a > 80 Then degree=3 If a > 90 Then degree=4 Print"degree=";
MOTO参数中已知:max_number_of_sdcch=24、number_sdcch_preferred=16sdcch_need_high_water_mark=4、sdcch_need_low_water_mark=16,当sdcch被占用几个时,TCH会向sdcch转换() A.24B.21C.12D.13
The annual change in ______ is 0.2 degree.A.Magnetic VariationB.Marine InsuranceC.Maritime AccidentD.Mean High Water Spring
A large oil fire on the deck of a ship can be fought most effectively with ______.A.dry chemicalB.foamC.high-velocity fogD.water (cartridge-operated)、
Most of the companies have a policy stating that each employee must _______ a formal, annual, and written performance appraisal by their manager.A.give given giving D.have given