"information literacy "一般翻译为()A、信息检索B、信息素养C、信息安全D、信息评价

"information literacy "一般翻译为()

  • A、信息检索
  • B、信息素养
  • C、信息安全
  • D、信息评价


There's no entrance information on your ticket 的中文翻译为:您的卡上没有进站信息。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。


the purpose of british education is not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children. ()

With the widespread use of the personal computer, many authorities in the field of(56)have pointed out the need for computer literacy.Unfortunately, there is no(57)agreement as to what the term "computer literacy" means. Some feel that computer literacy means knowing how to make the computer "compute"; that is knowing how to program computers in one or more programming languages.Others feel that knowing how to program is merely a small segment of computer literacy. These people(58)the major emphasis in schools should be on teaching how to effectively use the many software packages that are available.Still others suggest that computer literacy education is not required. They suggest that computers are being so rapidly integrated into our society that using a computer will be as(59)as using a telephone or a video tape recorder, and that special education will not be necessary. (60)of one's definition of computer literacy, it is recognized by most that learning to use a computer is indeed an important skill in modern society.A.cultureB.scienceC.educationD.industry





There ’s no entrance information on your car 270的中文翻译为:您的卡上没有进站信息。



车辆翻车一般分为( )。A、侧翻B、前翻C、后翻D、大翻E、仰翻





In terms of information literacy, an information literate student is able to()A、determine the nature and extent of the information needed and access needed information effectively and efficiently.B、evaluate information and its sources critically and incorporate selected information into his or her knowledge base and value system.C、use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose individually or as a member of a group.D、understand many of the economic,legal,and social issues surrounding the use of information and access and use information ethically and legally.


名词解释题信息素养(information literacy)



单选题"information literacy "一般翻译为()A信息检索B信息素养C信息安全D信息评价

填空题Adult literacy programs are sponsored by public libraries.____


多选题车辆翻车一般分为( )。A侧翻B前翻C后翻D大翻E仰翻

判断题“科学素质”一词译自英文Scientific Literacy。A对B错

单选题The data mentioned in line 13 most likely include information regarding ______.Athe literacy levels of different countriesBthe best methods for teaching infants to speakCthe ability of primates and other mammals to communicateDthe structure of the human brainEthe intricacy of the expression of human language