Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities( ) from 113,000 to almost 200,000. A. has increasedB. have increasedC. are increasedD. was increased

Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities( ) from 113,000 to almost 200,000.

A. has increased
B. have increased
C. are increased
D. was increased


解析:解题指导: 由since1999可知应用现在完成时;the number做主语,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。故答案为A。


Since he was ______ to the post of school principal, he has had complaints from the students and their parents. A.assignedB.awardedC.arrangedD.afforded

The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since1990.A. is B. are C. has been D. have been

What’s the main idea of the text?A. Universities have received more applications.B. Economics is attracting an increasing number of studentsC. College students benefit a lot from economic uncertaintyD. Parents are concerned with children’s subject selection.

The opportunity to study abroad should be something that sounds very exciting. For most students, going abroad is a life-changing experience. There are benefits for the host country as well. Not only do foreign students spend money on tuition, housing, food and clothing, but they also often take home positive impressions of their stay and the people they met.But Japan, which hosts over 100,000 foreign students a year, is having trouble making the most of its foreign students. “I’ve been here for three years,” says a 26-year-old Chinese student in Osaka. “I don’t have any Japanese friends, I’ve never been invited to a Japanese home, and I’ve never felt very welcome here.”That’s hardly the kind of impression that the Japanese government wants foreign students taking home to their families and classmates, but it seems to be a widespread sentiment(情感). One newspaper complained that, “If foreign students tell everyone how they hate this country when they go home, we should ask for what purpose we are hosting them to begin with.”Many of the students arrive with hopes to learn Japanese and stay on for a few years working for a Japanese company. However, that doesn’t always work out. Many foreign students graduate from a Japanese university only to discover that “Japanese companies don’t hire foreigners because they think they cannot trust non-Japanese people,” says one job-seeker from the Philippines.This is a problem for universities. With the Japanese birth rate one of the lowest in the world, Japanese schools are turning to foreign students to fill their classrooms.The government has actively tried to increase the number of foreign students, up from fewer than 10,000 only 20 years ago. But, as one student in Tokyo says, “Japan’s policy is one of persuading people to come and then dissuading them from staying.”1). According to the author, studying abroad ________.A. does good to most foreign students and the host countryB. ensures a chance to get promotedC. has a great effect on most foreign studentsD. both A and C2). How is life in Japan in the eyes of most foreign students?A. Helpful and meaningful.B. Busy yet attractive.C. Boring and disappointing.D. Tiring yet rewarding.3). The word “dissuading” in the last paragraph probably means ________ .A. discouragingB. encouragingC. advisingD. informing4). Which of the following is NOT true?A. Japan is one of the countries with the lowest birth rate worldwide.B. The present situation in Japan lies in the slow action by the government.C. It is almost impossible for foreign graduates to work in Japanese companies.D. learning Japanese and having work experience are the hopes of many arrivals.5). A suitable title for this passage might be ________.A. Poor Reception in JapanB. Japanese Foreign PoliciesC. Japanese Shifting PopulationD. Successful Careers in Japan

The number of students in our school is __________. A. on the riseB. in the riseC. at the riseD. from the rise

We can learn from the passage that .A. many foreign drivers have been fined by Britain policeB. 300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every yearC. 25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety testsD. British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law

The report from the US Department of Education shows that______.A. the number of the expulsions is not large.B. the number of the expulsion is wrong.C. there are soldiers hiding among the students.D. guns are out of control in the US schools.

Oxbridge graduates make ______only two percent of the total number of students who graduate from British universities.A. ofB. toC. upD. about

From the second paragraph, we can see that in the early years,______.A. those colleges and universities were the sameB. people, young or old, might study in the collegesC. students studied only some languages and scienceD. when the students finished their school, they became lawyers or teachers

Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities ________ from 113,000 to almost 200, 000. A.has increasedB.ave increasedC.are increasedD.was increased

Now read the passageand decide if the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). HELPING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MAKE FRIENDS One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends. Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder. Ms. Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities, such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties, sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together. She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students. She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career.1. A study showed that 38% foreign students had many close American friends.()2. Universities have been working on improving the relationships between foreign and American students.()3.Ms. Gareis thinks taking part in some activities is a good way to improve the relationship.()4.Ms. Gareis says the activities shouldn’t be held repeatedly throughout the term.()5.Making friends when they begin school is helpful for the students to create long lasting friendships.()

In Zurich,a leading canton in the Swiss Confederation,it has been proposed to teach one foreign language—English—in primary schools.This would represent a change【C1】______Zurichs elementary school kids now study English and French.Voters will decide whether French will be【C2】______. Some educators believe that two foreign languages are too much for kids.Supporters of one foreign language believe that kids fail to reach strong【C3】______in German, the mother tongue for schoolchildren in Zurich. In fact, Zurich kids speak Swiss German, which is【C4】______an oral language.In school they have to learn standard German, which in some ways is a foreign language.【C5】______you add them all together Zurich kids are learning four languages. All of Switzerland will watch what Zurich voters decide because Zurich is an influential canton and others may【C6】______.Yet some German-speaking cantons have already decided to reject plans to reduce the number of foreign languages. Regardless of what happens, Swiss kids will be fluent in more than one language which is a definite asset in todays【C7】______economy.It is also a definite asset in learning other subjects.Studies【C8】______in American universities have found that kids who study in dual-language schools outperform. their【C9】______who are taught in English only.Apparently, kids educated in two languages develop a mental agility that monolingual kids lack.Perhaps four languages are too many in elementary school,but two is not【C10】______at all.【C1】A.whichB.sinceC.even that

If the 10% rule is applied, ______.[A]the best white high school students can get into colleges[B]public universities can get excellent students[C]students from poor rural families can go to colleges[D]good minority students can get into public universities

The fact that "almost one-fourth of engineers in America who earned Ph.D. s are foreign born" implies that( )[A] the majority of American people are not interested in getting Ph.D.[B]foreign students are more eager to get Ph. D.[C] the American education has lagged behind in the New Economy[D]American students are not as clever as foreign students

Below is a housing guide for students going to London.Below is a housing guide for students going to London. University accommodation (住所) officesMany university accommodation offices have their own list of registered landlords (房东). Others also provide information on accommodation agencies and other housing organization. The advantage of using your university accommodation is that you can get support if you have a problem. The disadvantage is that they are unlikely to have enough registered landlords to houses all their students.Property papers: Loot and RentingLoot is an important source (来源) of information about private housing for co-renters. The offers are from private landlords, agencies and individuals looking for other co-renters. They also have a website: The advantage of using Loot is that there are some excellent bargains. The disadvantage is that there is no quality control over the offers.Renting is another useful paper. The offers in this paper are mainly from accommodation agencies. Their website is at www. agenciesThe majority of rented accommodation in London is probably advertised through accommodation agencies. The advantage of using accommodation agencies is that you will have access to a large number of accommodations. A good agent will listen to your requirements and can save you time in looking for the right accommodation. The disadvantage is that they will make a range of charges to potential renters.NoticeboardsAround the universities you will find a number of noticeboards where offers of accommodation will be posted. These will either be from landlords or from students. Some universities will also have online noticeboards where students can advertise to other students. Advertisements from students can be an excellent way to find accommodation. However, advertisements from landlords can be problematic.Word of mouthSome of the best housing in London is never advertised but is passed on from one group of students to another by word of mouth. It might be that you can find out about good offers from final year students. However, don’t suppose that just because you have found out about housing from a friend it is necessarily going to be better than that found through any other source.FamilyFaced with the very high rents charged in London, some students and their parents will consider buying as an alternative. In some cases this might be a good choice.45. What is the advantage of using Loot?A. It has more offers from accommodation agencies than Renting.B. It gives you personal information about other co-renters.C. Their website is designed mainly for students.D. There are some good bargains.

Since 1999, the number of foreign students at German universities( ) from 113,000 to almost 200,000. A. has increasedB. have increasedC. are increasedD. was increased

An increase in students applying to study, economics at university is being attributed to the global economic crisis awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works. Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January, according to UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were also up. Professor John Beath, the president of the society and a leading lecture at St Andrews University, said his first-year lectures which are open to students from all departments--were drawing crowds of 400, rather than the usual 250. "There are a large number of students who are not economics majors, who would like to learn something about it. One of the things I have done this year is to ~'elate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasn't traditionally done. " He added. University applications rose 7% last year. But there were rises above average in several subjects. Nursing saw a 15%,jump, with people's renewed interest in caters in the pubic sector, which are seen as more secure in economic crisis. A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters, and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on, although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain. Zack Hocking, the head of Child Trust Funds, said: "It's possible that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation that's financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty."What's the main idea of the text?A. Universities have received more applicationsB. Economics is attracting an increasing number of studentsC. College students benefit a lot from economic uncertaintyD. Parents are concerned with children's subject selection

The last time she was recruiting for her export-sales team,Sarah Grain hired a Lithuanian who speaks Russian,Polish and German.Her two previous hires for Eriez Magnetics,which makes in-dustrial equipment in South Wales,were an Italian who also speaks French,and a Venezuelan who speaks Spanish and Portuguese.All of them speak fluent English."There were no British applicants who had the requisite language skills,"she says.Ms Grain's conclusion is not unusual for a British company.In 2012 a European Commission survey tested the foreign-language proficiency of 54,000 students aged 14 and 15,in 14 nations.Sweden came top,with 82qo of pupils reaching an"independent"or"advanced independent"standard.The average for all 14 states was 42%.England came bottom,with just 9%.Part of the explanation is that many people's second language is English,while many Britons continue to believe that,as native speakers,they do not need to bother with foreign languages.They may be right-in tenns of commurucation.But it means that,not only are they missing out on much cultural interaction,they may also be harming their own job prospects.they have not been helped by the educational policies of successive govemments.In 2004 Tony Blair's hbour govemment abolished the requirement to learn a language after the age of 14,causing the numbers taking a language CCSE exam at 16 to fall by half in state schools over the next seven years.Concerned about this rapid decline,the coalition govemment brought in a new performance indicator called the English Baccalaureate,or EBacc,in 2011.A modern language was one of its five core disciplines.Language teachers-an embattled breed-rejoiced.The number of students ente-ring a GCSE language exam in 2013,the first year the changes took effect,rose by 20%.Now,however,those gains could be lost,as the govemment has seemingly loosened the re-quirement.From 2016,under a new initiative called Progress 8,it has extended the number of core subjects to eight,appearing to make learning a language voluntary.This has pleased some teachers,who felt the EBacc was too narrow,but linguists are shocking.The decline of languages at GCSE has inevitably had an effect higher up the academic food chain.Though the number of those studying languages to A Level will increase thanks to the GCSE cohort of 2013-2014,it is likely to fall back again.French and German are half as popular as they were 20 years ago.The number of universities offering language degrees has fallen,too:by 50%for Cerman and 40%for French since 1998.The number offering Spanish has also fallen.Degrees in other languages,such as Chinese and Arabic,are becoming more popular,but they are still rare.The economy and the labour market bear the consequences.In 2012 the British Chambers of Commerce found,in a survey of 8,000 BriLish companies,that 96%had no foreign-language speakers.First-lime exporters cited language as a barrier to entering intemational markets.Though Britain makes up 12%of the population of the EU,less than 5qo of EU civil servants in Brussels are British.Not enough Bricons can fulfil the language requirement of being able to work in French or Cerman.And even if monoglot Brits can get jobs at multinationals,claims Richard Hardie,non-executive chairman of the British arm of UBS,a bank,"the chances of getting to the top if you only have English are much lower than before".Tony Blair held that A.most British candidates lacked language skillsB.native speakers didn't need to learn foreign languagesC.mastering only one language would be less competitiveD.English had lost its predominance as a foreign languageE.a majority of British firms had no foreign-language speakers.F.the requirement for students to learn foreign language was unnecessary.G.students'foreign-language proficiency differed greatly among countries.

Text 4 Britain's private schools are one of its most successful exports.The children of the well-heeled flock to them,whether[rom China,Nigeria or Russia:the number of foreign pupils rose by l.4%in the last year alone.One headmaster recendy asked a room full of pupils whether they flew business class to Britain.Only a few hands went up,sugSesting they were not quite as spoiled as he had thought.Then a boy explained:many of the pupils fly first class instead.Yet foreign studenLs,whether educated in British pnvate schools or elsewhere,are decreasingly likely to go to English universities.According Lo the Higher Education Funding Council for England,307,200 0verseas students began their studies in the country in 2012-2013,down from 312,000 two years earlier and the first drop in 29 years.Student numbers from the rest of the EU fell-probably a result of the increase in annual tuition fees in England from 6,000 a year 10 9,000.But arrivals from India and Pakistan declined mosL sharply.In conLrast to the visa regime for private schools,which is extremely lax(the Home Office counts private schools as favoured sponsors),student visas have been tightened.Foreign students used to be allowed to work for up to two years after graduating.They now have only four months to find a job paying upwards of 20,600 if they want to stay in Britain.This change was intended to deal with sham colleges ihat were in effect offenng two-year work visas.BuL it seems to have put off serious students too.Nick HiUman of the Higher Education Policy Institute says the government has sent unclear messages about the sort of immigration it wants to restrict.An emphasis on holding down net immigration influences young Indians and Pakistanis in particular.Australia 8nd America,which have more relaxed entry criteria for students,are becorrung more favoured destinations.Colin Riordan,Cardiff University's vice-chancellor,adds that Britain's student-visa regime has become more strict and difficult.As a result,Britain is losing oul to other counLries in the contest for Lalent-an oddity,given how often the prime minister bangs on about the"global race".Its unwelcoming standpoint will harm its long-term prospects.And the drift of foreign studenLs from leadinS;British private schools to American colleges may have another,somewhat happier,consequence:America might become raLher better at cricket.The number of foreign students in Britain is decreasing possibly due to_____A.the increase of living costB.the rising cost of schoolingC.the impact of fmancial crisisD.the decrease of tuition subsidy

The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities __________ rising steadily in the past ten years.A.wasB.wereC.has beenD.have been

The George Char Broiler Company wants to create its own locale file to accommodate a non-supported German language among its customers from Brunswick. This is the first locale file the company has tried to create. Which tag number will it assign to this locale?()A、0B、1C、U0D、U1E、It is impossible to create a locale with Cisco Unity Express.F、There will be no tag number, since it is only possible to create one locale.

单选题From 1997 to 1998 the number of students enrolled in advanced mathematics courses increased by the same percent that student enrollment in advanced mathematics courses dropped from 1996 to 1997. What was the approximate number of students enrolled in advanced mathematics courses in 1998?A420B440C450D460E480

问答题A number of colleges and universities have announced steeptuition increases for next year--much steeper than the current, verylow, rate of inflation. They say the increases are needed because ofa loss in value of university endowments heavily investing in common    1.______stock. I am skeptical. A business firm chooses the price thatmaximizes its net revenues, irrespective fluctuations in income; and    2.______increasingly the outlook of universities in the United States isindistinguishable from those of business firms. The rise in tuitions    3.______may reflect the fact that economic uncertainty increases the demand for   4.______education. The biggest cost of being in the school is foregoing       5.______income from a job (this is primarily a factor in graduate andprofessional-school tuition) ; the poor one’s job prospects, the      6.______more sense it makes to reallocate time from the job market to education,in order to make oneself more marketable.  The ways which universities make themselves attractive to        7.______students include soft majors, student evaluations of teachers, givingstudents a governance role, and eliminate required courses.         8.______Sky-high tuitions have caused universities to regard their students ascustomers. Just as business firms sometimes collude to shorten       9.______the rigors of competition, universities collude to minimize the cost tothem of the athletes whom they recruit in order to stimulate alumnidonations, so the best athletes now often bypass higher education in order toobtain salaries earlier from professional teams. And until they were stoppedby the antitrust authorities, the Ivy League schools colluded to limitcompetition for the best students, by agreeing not to award scholarshipson the basis of merit rather than purely of need--just like businessfirms agreeing not to give discounts on their best customer.        10.______

单选题You need to design a student registration database that contains several tables storing academic information. The STUDENTS table stores information about a student. The STUDENT_GRADES table stores information about the student's grades. Both of the tables have a column named STUDENT_ID. The STUDENT_ID column in the STUDENTS table is a primary key. You need to create a foreign key on the STUDENT_ID column of the STUDENT_GRADES table that points to the STUDENT_ID column of the STUDENTS table. Which statement creates the foreign key?()ACREATE TABLE student_grades (student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), CONSTRAINT student_id_fk REFERENCES (student_id) FOREIGN KEY student (student_id));BCREATE TABLE student_grades(student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id));CCREATE TABLE student_grades(student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student (student_id));DCREATE TABLE student_grades(student_id NUMBER(12),semester_end DATE, gpa NUMBER(4,3), CONSTRAINT student_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES students (student_id));

单选题The number of international students at our university ______ steadily, but a number of universities in the state ______ international student enrollment decline.Ahas grown; has seenBhave grown;has seenChave grown;have seenDhas grown;have seen

单选题According to the passage, the British Library ______.Ais going to buy back Rushdie’s personal archive from Amory UniversityBopposes the American universities’ acquisition of archives from British literary peopleChas discussed with Salman Rushdie about the acquisition of his personal archiveDhas expressed much concern over foreign buyers’ acquisition of Britain’s literary heritage

问答题Part of the reform in university education is collecting tuition from students. University education used to be almost free, but since a few years ago, many universities have required their students to pay for their education, and mostly at very high price. What do you think is the result of this? Write a composition of about 400 words to explain some of the important consequences. You may discuss both positive and negative ones. The title has been provided for you.Results of Collecting Tuition  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring, what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

单选题Which of the following statements can not be used to describe universities in Britain?AAll universities are private institutions.BAll students have got high marks in “A” Level.CThey have their own governing councilsDThey now derive nearly all of their funds from state grants.