The George Char Broiler Company wants to create its own locale file to accommodate a non-supported German language among its customers from Brunswick. This is the first locale file the company has tried to create. Which tag number will it assign to this locale?()A、0B、1C、U0D、U1E、It is impossible to create a locale with Cisco Unity Express.F、There will be no tag number, since it is only possible to create one locale.

The George Char Broiler Company wants to create its own locale file to accommodate a non-supported German language among its customers from Brunswick. This is the first locale file the company has tried to create. Which tag number will it assign to this locale?()

  • A、0
  • B、1
  • C、U0
  • D、U1
  • E、It is impossible to create a locale with Cisco Unity Express.
  • F、There will be no tag number, since it is only possible to create one locale.


— George, I would like to introduce a friend of mine, if I may: Albert Snow.Albert, this is George Smith.— ____________ A.How have you been?B.Pleased to meet you, George.C.Mind if call you George?D.The pleasure’s mine.

以下与库函数strcpy(char *p, char *q)功能不相等的程序段是()。 A.strcpy1(char *p, char *q){ while ((*p++=*q++)!='\0')}B.strcpy2( char *p, char *q){ while((*p=*q)!='\0'){p++ q++}}C.strcpy3(char*p, char *q){ while (*p++=*q++)}D.strcpy4(char *p, char *q){ while(*p)*p++=*q++}

Can you imagine ____________ the dinner for his family? A.George to cookB.George to be cookingC.George cookingD.George’s cooking

下面判断正确的是A.char*a="china";等价于char *a;*a="china";B.char str[5]={"china"};等价于char str[]={"china"};C.char*S="china";等价于char *S;S="china";D.char c[4]="abc",d[4]="abc";等价于char c[4]=d[4]="abc";

Dialogue ThreeGeorge: Did you hear about the robbery?Johnny: No, I didnt hear about it.George: A man tried to rob the bank next to our building this morning.Johnny: __8__George: Yes, he tried to rob the bank at gunpoint.Johnny: __9__George: Oh, everyone in the bank is OK.Johnny: Thats good to hear.George: He did get away, though.Johnny: That is horrible.George: __10__Johnny: Im sure theyll catch him eventually.A. Did anyone get hurt?B. Thank the lucky stars.C. Are you serious?D. The cops dont know who the guy is.8 ______9______10______请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

下列判断正确的是( )。A.char a="ABCD";等价于char*a:*a="ABCD";B.char str[10]={"ABCD"};等价于char str[10];str[]={"ABCD"};C.char*s="ABCD";等价于char s;*s="ABCD";D.char c[5]="ABCD",d[5]="ABCD";等价于char c[5]=d[5]="ABCD";

创建S表时,SNo使用CHAR(5)并且唯一,SName使用CHAR(30),Status使用CHAR(8),City使用CHAR(20)。请在下列用于创建表S的SQL语句空缺处填入正确的内容。CREATE TABLE S(SNo CHAR(5),SName CHAR(30),Status CHAR(8),City CHAR(20),______;


_____ was famous for his abdication because of his marriage with a divorced American: A.Edward VIIIB.Edward VIIC.George VID.George VII

阅读下面程序: include void funl(char a,char b) { char c; c=a;a=b;b=C; } void f 阅读下面程序:include<iostream.h>void funl(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=C;}void fun2(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;}void fun3(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=C;}void main(){char a,b;a='A';b='B';funl(a,b);cout<<a<<b;a='A';b='B';fun2(a,b);cout<<a<<b;a='A';b='B';fun3(a,b);cout<<a<<b;}则该程序的输出为【 】。

建立一个“职员”表,表中有5个字段:职员号、姓名、性别、年龄、部门。要求职员号属性的值唯一,并且不能为空值。建立该表的SQL语句可以是______。A.CREATE TABLE 职员(职员号 CHAR(6),姓名CHAR(8),; 性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))B.CREATE TABLE职员(职员号CHAR(6)NULL,姓名CHAR(8),; 性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))C.CREATE TABLE 职员(职员号CHAR(6)NOT NULL UNIQUE,; 姓名CHAR(8),性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))D.CREATE TABLE职员(职员号CHAR(6)UNIQUE,姓名CHAR(8),: 性别CHAR(2),年龄INT(4),部门CHAR(12))

下列程序输出的结果是()。includesub1(char a,char b){char c:c=a:a=b:b=c; }sub2(char 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> sub1(char a,char b) {char c:c=a:a=b:b=c; } sub2(char*a,char b) {char c:c=*a;”a=b;b=c;} sub3(char*a,char*b) {char c;c=*a;”a=*b;*b=c;} void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B':sub1(a,b);putchar(a):putchar(b): a='A';b='B'; sub2(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B'; sub3(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); putchar('\n'); }A.ABABABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

定义如下变量:char one_char,则语句cin>>one_char等价于C语言中的( )语句。A.printf(one_char);B.prinft("%c",one_char);C.scanf(one_char);D.scanf("%c", one_char);

Actionscript. 中如何申明全局变量() A. global.myName ="George";B. _global.myName ="George";C. global myName ="George";D. myName ="George";

下列程序输出的结果是()。includesub1(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c:}sub2(char* 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> sub1(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c:} sub2(char*a,charb) {charc;c=*a;”a=b:b=c;} sub3(char*a,char*b) {char c;c=*a;”a=*b;*b=c:} void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B';sub1(a,b);putchar(a);pA.ABABABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

下列程序输出的结果是()。includeun1(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;}fun2(char*a 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> un1(char a,char b){char c;c=a;a=b;b=c;} fun2(char*a,char b){char c;c=*a;*a=b;b=c;} fun3(char*2,char*b){charc;c=*a;*a=*b;*b=c;} void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B';funl(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b);A.BABBABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

下列程序输出的结果是()。includesubl(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c; }sub2(cha 下列程序输出的结果是( )。 #include<stdio.h> subl(char a,char b) {char c;c=a;a=b;b=c; } sub2(char*a,char b) {char c;c=*a;*a=b;b=c;} sub3(char*a,char*b) { char c;c=*a;*a=*b;*b=c; } void main() { char a,b; a='A';b='B';subl(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B';sub2(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); a='A';b='B';sub3(a,b);putchar(a);putchar(b); putchar('\n'); }A.BABBABB.ABBBBAC.ABBABAD.ABABBA

What happened to George and Richard in the end?A. Both George and Richard became millionaires.B. Both of them realized their original ambitions.C. George established a successful business while Richard was missing.D. Richard became a millionaire while George had no great success.

Washington named after( ). A.The U.S.President George Washington B.Christopher Columbus C.Both George Washington and Christopher Columbus D.None of them

Which two valid declarations of a char? ()A、 Char ch = “a”;B、 Char ch = ‘“‘ ‘;C、 Char ch = ‘cafe‘;D、 Char ch = “cafe”;E、 Char ch = ‘“ucafe‘;F、 Char ch = ‘“u10100‘;G、 Char ch = (char) true;


下列数组的定义不合法的是()A、char c[][]=new char[2][4]B、char c[][]=new char[2][]C、char [][]c=new char[][3]D、int []a[] = new int[5][5]

下列选项中,能有效声明一个字符的语句有()。A、char ch=’a’;B、char ch=’/’’;C、char ch=’cafe’;D、char ch="cafe";E、char ch=’/ucafe’;F、char ch=’/u10100’;G、char ch=(char)true;

The 8859-1 character code for the uppercase letter A is 65. Which of these code fragments declare and initialize a variable of type char with this value?()  A、char ch = 65;B、char ch = ’¥65’;C、char ch = ’¥0041’;D、char ch = ’A’;E、char ch = "A";

以后哪项是合法的数组声明?()A、char[10]sB、char s[ ]C、char sD、char s [10]


单选题ABecause George thinks it is too expensive.BBecause George has evening class that night.CBecause George don’t want to sit in the front.DBecause George don’t like listening to the piano.