


motivate。考点:动词。motivate sb. to do sth.激励、促使某人做某事。inspire激发或者给人以灵感。结合实际,当政策制定者想要民众作什么事时,会通过出台一项措施,作为一种鼓励与刺激机制,引导公众朝某个方向发展。而不会去用言语劝说。故选D项motivate。




单选题_____ to get a definition for this word!AHow it is difficultBhow difficult is itCHow difficult it isDIt is how difficult

单选题ATrips to the moon.BTrips in the moon’s orbit.CTrips within the earth’s orbit.DTrips to the Mars.


单选题AHe saw them during his visits to Britain.BThey were increasing in numbers in London.CHe studied them at school.DHe once saw them eating.

单选题How is it _____ your roommate’s request and yours are identical?AifBsoCwhatDthat


单选题There _____ an old man and two bodyguards standing on the platform.Ato beBbeingCisDare






问答题Test 9  According to a report released by the Ministry of Education recently, Chinese students’ ability to hand-write Chinese characters is on the decline and due attention is needed to change such a trend.  Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:The Importance of Hand-Writing  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your view is.  In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

单选题Their diplomatic principles completely laid bare their _____ for world conquest.AadmirationBambitionCadministrationDorientation

单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the passage?ASunspots act like planet-sized hurricanes.BSunspots only suck in materials.CSunspots both suck in materials and spew out.DSunspots’ hurricane lasts for weeks.


单选题The ball _____ two or three times before rolling down the slope.AswayedBbouncedChoppedDdarted


单选题Astronomers at the University of California discovered one of the most distant _____.AparadoxesBparadisesCgalaxiesDshuttles

单选题Everyone has a right to enjoy his liberty, and _____ his life.AindeedBsoCmuch lessDmuch more

单选题Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time she finished the _____ tale.AdramaticBpatrioticCpatheticDsympathetic

单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the first two paragraphs?ASome cities in Albania have completely solved the problem of urban wastes.BThere is lack of an adequate system for the collection and transportation of solid waste.CThe country has not elaborated a strategy on urban solid waste.DThere is a continuous danger for the infection of drinking waters with sewage waters in some cities.


单选题_____ had she finished the poem _____ the students began to ask her questions.AAs soon as, thanBNo sooner, thanCAs soon as, whenDNo sooner, when

单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the passage?ABoth Pike Place Market and ACT are located at the Pine Street.BThe arts tour follows roughly the same course as the walking tour in Seattle.CPioneer Square is the real hub of Seattle’s art community.DOn the first Thursday of every month Seattle Art Museum stays open late.

问答题What does the word “haven” in the last paragraph refer to?