单选题When entering a channel from seaward,the numbers on buoys().Aare the same as their Light List numberBare marked in 6 inch figures with retroreflective materialCincrease with the even numbers to starboardDdecrease with the odd numbers to starboard

When entering a channel from seaward,the numbers on buoys().

are the same as their Light List number


are marked in 6 inch figures with retroreflective material


increase with the even numbers to starboard


decrease with the odd numbers to starboard


解析: 暂无解析


Preferred channel buoys indicate the preferred channel to transit by ______.A.odd or even numbersB.the color of their top bandC.the location of the buoy in the channel junctionD.the buoy’s light rhythms

Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a ______.A.red triangle with the letter RB.white triangle with the letters RGC.green square with the letter GD.white square with the letters GR

When can routine communications be resumed on a frequency or channel on which radio silence has been imposed ________.A.After determining that the frequency or channel appears to be no longer in useB.After determining that geographic distance from the distress situation will prohibit any other signal from interfering with emergency communicationsC.After the Rescue Coordination Center transmits a message on the frequency or channel being used for emergency communications stating that such traffic has concludedD.Routine communications can resume if,in the Master's opinion,communications on that frequency or channel will not interfere with emergency communications

When landing a lifeboat through heavy surf with a strong current running parallel to the beach(from right to left when facing from seaward)the recommended procedure is to______.A.approach while coming to the left to take advantage of the currentB.drop an anchor outside the surf line,then pay out anchor line over the bow while the seas carry the boat toward the beachC.approach slow enough so that the boat can be brought around to meet breaking seas on the bowD.rig a drogue with tripping line over the bow,back ashore with drogue tripped between breakers

材料:MV Magellan was inbound from Rotterdam to berth 207 at Southampton Container Terminal.At 0530 the pilot boarded the ship at the Nab Tower pilot station.The pilots and the masters passage plans were exchanged and the ships pilot card was given to the pilot.The passage continued along the East Solent,during which time there were various VHF radio conversations between vessels and Southampton VTS,about restricted visibility.The VTS officer gave the pilot a countdown from 5 to 2 cables to the Gurnard buoy.This was given so that the pilot could judge the timing of the wheel-over manoeuvre for the 141° turn into the narrow Thorn Channel.The wheel-over occurred at about 0652 and the ship began to turn.At this time,the W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys,which are at the entrance to Thorn Channel,could not be seen because of restricted visibility.Various helm and engine movements were made during the turn.However,when W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys appeared,the pilot realized that the ship was in the wrong position for the heading she was on.Despite further helm and engine orders,the vessel grounded soon after,at 0700.It was not until about 0710 that the escort harbor launch informed VTS of the grounding.With the assistance of two tugs,the ship was refloated near the time of high water,and she safely berthed at 1232.问题:MV Magellan applied wheel at ________ to turn into the narrow Thorn Channel.A.0530B.0652C.0700D.0710The important navigational mark or marks at the entrance to the Thorn Channel is(are)________.A.Southampton Container TerminalB.the East SolentC.the Nab TowerD.the W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoysThe suggestion of a countdown from 5 to 2 cables to the Gurnard buoy is ________.A.for the pilot to judge easily when the wheel should be used to make the turn into the narrow Thorn ChannelB.to remind the pilot that the depth around there is not sufficient for MV MagellanC.to inform the pilot that the visibility around the buoy is reduced furtherD.to request the pilot that further consideration should be given to the wheel-over manoeuvre for the 141° turnIt can be concluded that the cause of the grounding was that ________.A.the Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys were disappearedB.the VHF radio conversations between vessels and Southampton VTS,about restricted visibility,were insufficient and improperC.Thorn Channel was too narrowD.there was an error of judgment by the pilot during the execution of the turn into Thorn Channel请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

When configuring unified ports on a 5548 switch, which port ordering must be respected?()A、 Fibre Channel ports must be configured from the first port in the module.B、 Ethernet ports must be configured from the last port in the module.C、 Fibre Channel ports must be configured from the last port in the module.D、 Ethernet ports must be configured from the first port in the module.

In the SSCT, when you need to see the Channel Prices, what is the right action to take?()A、Download the BP version of SSCT from PartnerWorldB、Enter the IBM authorized password in SSCT under User Access Level menuC、Get the country price list from your country BP organization and import into SSCTD、Apply the country channel discounts under the Quote menu choosing the Discount/Uplift option

单选题The device, which is installed in the compressor suction line to prevent liquid from entering the compressor when hot gas defrosting, is called a()Are-evaporatorBreceiverCdehydratorDsolenoid

单选题Entering from seaward,triangular-shaped daymarks are used to mark().Athe starboard side of the channelBthe centerline of the channelCan obstruction where the preferred channel is to starboardDspecial purpose areas

单选题When entering from seaward,a buoy displaying a single-flashing red light would indicate ().Aa junction with the preferred channel to the leftBa sharp turn in the channel to the rightCthe starboard side of the channelDa wreck to be left on the vessel's port side

单选题A nun buoy will().Abe green in colorBhave an even numberCbe left to port when entering from seawardDbe cylindrical in shape

单选题When can routine communications be resumed on a frequency or channel on which radio silence has been imposed? ()AAfter determining that the frequency or channel appears to be no longer in useBAfter determining that geographic distance from the distress situation will prohibit any other signal from interfering with emergency communicationsCAfter the Rescue Coordination Center transmits a message on the frequency or channel being used for emergency communications stating that such traffic has concludedDRoutine communications can resume if,in the Master's opinion,communications on that frequency or channel will not interfere with emergency communications

单选题At 0230 on 13 August,you are at mile 610.5 AHP when you see about a mile ahead lights on the water near the left bank. What might you see when you come abreast of these lights? ()APrivately maintained buoys at a yacht clubBGovernment buoys marking the Hurricane Point dikesCBarges moored at the Dennis Landing TerminalDA pipeline discharging dredge spoil

单选题When can routine communications be resumed when radio silence has been imposed?()AAfter determining that the frequency or channel appears to be no longer in useBAfter determining that geographic distance from the distress situation will prohibit any other signal from interfering with emergency communicationsCRoutine communications can resume after the Rescue Coordination Center transmits a message on the frequency or channel being used for emergency communications stating that such traffic has concludedDIf,in the Master's opinion,communications on that frequency will interfere with emergency communications

单选题Strainers are commonly used in hydraulic systems to ().Aprotect the pump from fine soluble contaminantsBprevent solid particles from entering the pumpCprevent solid particles from entering the filterDprotect the directional control valves

单选题The required fireman’s outfits required for ship’s are not to be used for any other purpose EXCEPT for the().Aoxygen and explosion meter when it is used for detection of flare gasesBself-contained breathing apparatus,when used as protection from gas leaking from a refrigeration unitCboots and gloves that are made of rubber or electrically non-conductive material,if used when repairing electrical equipmentDlifeline,if used by personnel entering a compartment which might be deficient of oxygen

单选题Fuel oil tank vents are fitted with a screen which will stop().Aoil from flowing out of the tank ventBair from entering the tank ventCvapors from leaving the tank ventDflames on deck from entering the tank vent

单选题Entering from sea,a daymark on the port side of the channel would be indicated on a chart by a().Ared triangle with the letter RBwhite triangle with the letters RGCgreen square with the letter GDwhite square with the letter GR

单选题Preferred channel buoys indicate the preferred channel to transit by().Aodd or even numbersBthe color of their top bandCthe location of the buoy in the channel junctionDthe buoy's light rhythms

单选题When landing a lifeboat through heavy surf with a strong current running parallel to the beach (from right to left when facing from seaward) the recommended procedure is to().Aapproach while coming to the left to take advantage of the currentBdrop an anchor outside the surf line,then pay out anchor line over the bow while the seas carry the boat toward the beachCapproach slow enough so that the boat can be brought around to meet breaking seas on the bowDrig a drogue with tripping line over the bow,back ashore with drogue tripped between breakers

单选题The light rhythm of Morse (A) is shown on().Apreferred-channel buoysBstarboard- or port-side buoysCspecial marksDsafe water buoys

单选题Two navigational hazards are located near to each other,but each is marked by an individual cardinal buoyage system. The buoys of one cardinal system may be identified from the other system by().Athe differing light colorsBone system having odd numbers while the other system has even numbersCone system using horizontal bands while the other system uses vertical stripesDthe difference in the periods of the light

单选题When steering a tow downstream around the shape of a sand bar,and staying on the proper side of the buoys,an operator should be cautious of().Aeddies under the barBswift current under the bar causing loss of controlCcross-currents pushing the tow away from the barDcross-currents pushing the tow into the bar

单选题On entering from seaward,a starboard side daymark will().Ashow a fixed red light if lightedBshow a Morse (A) white lightCbe square in shapeDhave an even number if numbered

单选题When entering a channel from seaward,the numbers on buoys().Aare the same as their Light List numberBare marked in 6 inch figures with retroreflective materialCincrease with the even numbers to starboardDdecrease with the odd numbers to starboard

单选题The changes in the channel’s sands and buoys on this coast are()this chart can not be considered as a safe guide of the channel.AfrequentBso frequentCfrequent thatDso frequent that

单选题Buoys which only mark the left or right side of the channel will never exhibit a light with which characteristic? ()AFlashingBQuick flashingCComposite group flashingDEqual interval (isophase)

单选题When cutting wire rope,seizings are put on each side of the cut.The seizings prevent the wire from unlaying and also().AMaintain the original balance of the tension in the wires and strandsBPrevent moisture from entering between the wires at the cut endCForces lubricant from the core to protect the raw,cut endDAll of the above