单选题emergency medicine是()。A院前急救B重症监护C急诊科D急诊医学E急救护理学

emergency medicine是()。











解析: 暂无解析


A: Should I take some medicine? B: No, you () to take any medicine. A、should notB、don't needC、have not

We can infer by this label that ______.A.the medicine could cause some people to feel nervousB.children may take the same dosage as adults takeC.one may not take this medicine before going to bedD.the medicine is liquid

Can you tell me the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and_ w__________ medicine?


–Should I take some medicine?--No, you ______ to take any medicine. A. should notB. have notC. don’t need

A: Should I take some medicine? B: No, you don't ( )to take any medicine.A. shouldB. mustC. need

紧急后退三。A.Full astern!B.Double full astern!C.Emergency full astern!D.Emergency three astern!

EBM(EvidenCe—based MediCine)( )。

how do you maintain emergency battery ?

The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to _______on most large ships.A.distribution boardsB.section boardsC.emergency switch boardsD.main switch boards

A group of crew members standing by in case of an emergency in order to assist other teams in action if necessary is a ______.A.Fire teamB.Rescue teamC.Emergency teamD.Control team

在何种情况下,交换机会进入emergency operation?在emergency operation 下什么操作是不可进行的?如何退出emergency operation?

急救医疗服务体系是()。A、emergency medicineB、emergency medicine service systemC、department of emergencyD、nursing in emergencyE、prehospital emergency medicine care

Emergency Medical Kit指的是应急医疗箱。

紧急后退三。()A、Full astern!B、Double full astern!C、Emergency full astern!D、Emergency three astern!

Which of the following is not the emergency equipment?()A、Emergency power supply.B、Quick-close device.C、Emergency squad.D、derricks.

The emergency source of power for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units should be capable, having regard to starting currents and the transitory nature of certain loads, of supplying simultaneously at least the services specified in 5.3.6 of the 1989 MODU Code. Which one of the following service is not required to be supplied from the emergency power for a period of 18 hours?()A、Emergency lighting at every embarkation station on deck and over sidesB、Emergency lighting at the storage positions for firemen’s outfitsC、Fire and gas detection and their alarm systemD、Power to operate the watertight doors and their indicators

emergency medicine是()。A、院前急救B、重症监护C、急诊科D、急诊医学E、急救护理学

紧急停堆 emergency shutdown


单选题In the emergency alarm signals, if the alarm or whistle two long sounds followed by one short sound for 1 minute, it is the () emergency.Afire fightingBleakage blockingCabandon shipDintegration

单选题急救医疗服务体系是()。Aemergency medicineBemergency medicine service systemCdepartment of emergencyDnursing in emergencyEprehospital emergency medicine care

单选题The Master shall insure that the Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacon (EPIRB) is().Asecured inside the wheelhouseBtested annuallyCtested monthlyDsecured in the emergency locker

单选题emergency medicine是()。A院前急救B重症监护C急诊科D急诊医学E急救护理学

单选题In the voyage, when carrying out abandon ship drill () should be test every time.Athe emergency lighting system for muster and abandon shipBair oil emergency shut-downCME emergency operationDmain auxiliary steering gear changing

单选题If an emergency pump control is used as the emergency shutdown on a tank vessel,it must().Astop the flow of oil at the main deck manifoldBprevent the oil from leaving the shore facilityCprevent the oil from siphoning through the pumpDNone of the above

单选题() may have two emergency source of power, thus requiring two emergency switchboards.ALarge passenger vesselsBGeneral cargo shipsCContainer shipsDOil tankers

单选题If an emergency pump control is used as the emergency shutdown on a tanker,it must().Astop the flow of oil at the main deck manifoldBprevent the oil from leaving the shore facilityCprevent the oil from siphoning through the pumpDNone of the above