名词解释题hardware address硬件地址

hardware address硬件地址


解析: 暂无解析


地址转换协议ARP的功能是( ) A.将硬件地址转换成Internet地址B.将Internet地址转换成硬件地址C.将硬件地址转换成逻辑地址D.将逻辑地址转换成Internet地址


基于Windows 2003操作系统的双协议栈主机中,如果输入“ipconfig /all”命令后获得的IP地址是 2001:251:e101::36,那么该IP地址是一个(31)。A.单播地址(unicast address)B.组播地址(multicast address)C.任意播地址(anycast address)D.广播地址(broadcast address)

某公司使用Windows 2003 DHCP服务器对内部主机的IP地址进行管理,DHCP服务器的新律作用域及新建保留配置如图2和图3所示。某DHCP客户机从该DHCP服务器获取IP地址过程中,在客户机捕获的报文及相关分析如图4所示。请补充图4中 (11) 到 (15) 的信息。DHCP:——DHCP Header——DHCP: Boot record type=2 (Reply)DHCP: Hardware address type=1(lOM Ethernet)DHCP: Hardware address length=6 bytesDHCP: Hops=0DHCP: Transaction id=2219231DDHCP: Elapsed boot time=0 secondsDHCP: Flags=0000DHCP: 0=no broadcastDHCP: Client self-assigned address=[]DHCP: Client address= (14)DHCP: Next Server to use in bootstrap=[]DHCP: Relay Agent=[]DHCP: Client hardware address=001122334455DHCP: Message Type=5 (DHCPAck)DHCP: Address renewel interval=345600 (seconds)DHCP: Address rebinding interval=604800 (seconds)DHCP: Request IP Address lease time=691200 (seconds)DHCP: Subnet mask= (15)图4在DHCP客户机上捕获的报文及第4条报文的分析(11)

地址FF02::2属于IPv6的(22)地址类型。A.单播地址(unicast address)B.组播地址(multicast address)C.任意播地址(anycast address)D.广播地址(broadcast address)

When two hosts are trying to communicate across a network, how does the host originating the communication determine the hardware address of the host that it wants to "talk" to?() A. RARP requestB. Show Network Address requestC. Proxy ARP requestD. ARP requestE. Show Hardware Address request

● 在 Linux 操作系统中,对 DHCP 配置文件的参数描述错误的是(63) 。(63)A. fixed-address ip 用于分配给客户端一个固定的地址B. hardware 用于指定网卡接口类型和 MAC 地址C. max-lease-time 用于指定最大租赁时间长度D. option 用于设置可分配的地址池

DHCP服务将主机的MAC地址和IP地址绑定在一起的方法是在( )文件中添加“host主机名{hardware Ethernetxx xx.xx.xx.xx.xx fixed-address}”配置项;A./etc/dhcpd.confB./etc/dhcp.confC./networks/dhcpd.confD./networks/dhcp.conf

在MGWR4上配置的IP地址,从用途上可以分成().A、IP Address for SignalingB、IP Address for TrafficC、IP Address for OMD、IP Address for Backup

关于下例Maya Hardware [Maya硬件渲染]的描述,错误的是()。A、硬件渲染是通过计算机硬件来实现渲染的,通常比软件渲染速度快B、不是所有的显卡都支持Maya Hardware渲染方式C、Maya硬件渲染支持IPR交互渲染D、Maya硬件渲染支持运动模糊效果

hardware address硬件地址

Source address源地址

计算机硬件(Computer hardware)



ARP(地址解析协议),Address Resolution Protocol,实现MAC地址到IP地址的转换;RARP(逆向地址解析协议),Reserve Address Resolution Protocol,实现IP地址到MAC地址的转换.


Which of the following processes, is used to find the hardware address of a LAN device?()A、Inverse-ARPB、Reverse-ARPC、Proxy ARPD、ARP

When two hosts are trying to communicate across a network, how does the host originating thecommunication determine the hardware address of the host that it wants to "talk" to?()A、RARP requestB、Show Network Address requestC、Proxy ARP requestD、ARP requestE、Show Hardware Address request

Which layer of the OSI reference model uses the hardware address of a device to ensure message delivery to the proper host on a LAN?()A、physicalB、data linkC、networkD、transport

ARP and RARP map between which of the following? ARP和RARP协议是下面哪两个之间的映射?()A、32-bit addresses in IPv4 and 48-bit hardware addresses.32位IPv4地址和48位硬件地址B、32-bit hardware addresses and 48-bit IPv4 addresses.32位硬件地址和48位IPv4地址C、DNS addresses and IPaddresses.DNS地址和IP地址D、32-bit hardware addresses and 48-bit IPv6 addresses.32位硬件地址和48位IPv6地址

A network for a two-node cluster has been planned. The network administrator has explained that the networkdoes not support gratuitous ARP. Which of the following steps will ensure that clients are able to connect tothe cluster after a failover takes place?()A、Implement heartbeating over IP aliasesB、Implement persistent service IP addressesC、Implement IPAT aliasing with hardware address takeover (HWAT)D、Implement IPAT replacement with hardware address takeover (HWAT)

单选题Which of the following processes, is used to find the hardware address of a LAN device?()AInverse-ARPBReverse-ARPCProxy ARPDARP

名词解释题计算机硬件(Computer hardware)

单选题关于下例Maya Hardware [Maya硬件渲染]的描述,错误的是()。A硬件渲染是通过计算机硬件来实现渲染的,通常比软件渲染速度快B不是所有的显卡都支持Maya Hardware渲染方式CMaya硬件渲染支持IPR交互渲染DMaya硬件渲染支持运动模糊效果

单选题Which layer of the OSI reference model uses the hardware address of a device to ensure message delivery to the proper host on a LAN?()AphysicalBdatalinkCnetworkDtransport

单选题When two hosts are trying to communicate across a network, how does the host originating thecommunication determine the hardware address of the host that it wants to "talk" to?()ARARP requestBShow Network Address requestCProxy ARP requestDARP requestEShow Hardware Address request