单选题The building suffered _____ damage as a result of the big fire.AmoderateBconsiderableCconsiderateDconcrete

The building suffered _____ damage as a result of the big fire.











(ii) Explain whether or not Carver Ltd will become a close investment-holding company as a result ofacquiring either the office building or the share portfolio and state the relevance of becoming such acompany. (2 marks)

Passage TwoThere was a big pile of bricks on the top of a tall building and a manhad to bring them down to the ground. He had a long rope which went over a pulley(滑轮) at the roof of the building. The other end was fastened to a big box.First he pulled the box up to the top of the building, and fastened the end of the rope so that thebox could not come down. Then he climbed up the ladder and filled the box with bricks. Nexthe climbed down the ladder and untied the rope. Unfortunately the box of bricks was heavier thanthe man, and as a result he was pulled up by the: rope. Half-way up, the box of bricks hit him as it was coming down.When he reached the top, his head hit the pulley. The box of bricks hit the ground and broke.As a result the bricks fell out. The box was then lighter than the man and consequently he beganto come down and the box began to go up.Half-way up, the box hit the man. The man still held on to the rope and the box therefore Continued togo up. The man then reached the ground. Then he let go the rope to rub his head. The box, ofcourse, then fell down and hit the man on the head again. As a result, an ambulance came and tookhim to hospital40. Why did the man fasten the end of the rope before he climbed up the ladder?A. He was afraid that someone would steal his box.B. Because he wanted to climb up along the rope.C. He fastened the end of the rope in order to keep the box unmoved.D. Because he wanted to prevent the box from coming down.

Forces other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes (龙卷风) . Sometimes,as the wind passes a house, the walls and ceiling burst apart as if a bomb had gone off inside. This explosion is caused by the low air pressure at the center of a tornado.The pressure at the center of a tornado is usually 13 pounds per square inch. However,inside the house the air pressure is normal, about 15 pounds per square inch.The difference of 2 pounds per square inch between the inside and outside pressure may not seem like much. But suppose a tornado passes over a small building that measures 20 by 10 by feet. On each square inch of the building, there is 2 pounds of pressure from the insidethat is not balanced by air pressure outside the building. On the ceiling, that adds up to an unbalanced pressure of 57600 pounds. The pressure of the four walls adds up to 172800 pounds.If windows are open in the building, some of the inside air will rush out through them.This will balance the pressure inside and outside the building.But if the windows are shut tightly, the huge inside pressure may cause the building to burst.Unfortunately, heavy rain often occurs in the storms that later produce tornadoes,so people often shut their windows. This may cause far worse damage later.21、 What did the paragraph before this passage most probably discuss?A、 Measuring rainfall from a stormB、 The kinds of damage caused by explosionsC、 The powerful winds of tornadoes22、 Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?A、 How tornadoes can be preventedB、 When tornadoes usually occurC、 Why tornadoes cause so much damage23、 Tornadoes can destroy buildings because the()A、 force of a tornado increases the air pressure in a buildingB、 air pressure inside a tornado is less than the air pressure inside a buildingC、 air pressure at the center of a tornado is over 172000 pounds24、 What is the difference per square inch between the air pressure inside a building and the air pressure inside a tornado?A、 2 poundsB、 13 poundsC、 15 pounds25、 What would happen if the windows are shut tightly in the stormy weather?A、 Tornadoes may be formedB、 The house may be apartC、 There may not be any pressure inside the building

An even worse consequence of medical ID theft is______.A.some trouble in obtaining insurance paymentsB.a big loss of money and damage to credit ratingC.the widely spread medical information of the victimD.the difficulty in changing the wrong medical history

I must hold ______ for any damage which may result from the accidents you have caused.A.your responsibleB.you responsibleC.you are responsibleD.your are responsible

A claim for cargo damages may be held against the shipowner if such damage is the result of failure of the ship's officers to ______.A.ensure the fitness and safety of cargo spacesB.ensure adequate packaging of the cargoC.prevent delays due to quarantine restrictionsD.correct all defects in the ship's construction

The invariable result of ______ average is that the loss falls on the owner of the particular property which has suffered the damage,whether that damage was due to deliberate sacrifice or to an accident.A.specialB.particularC.generalD.total

If the Charterer sends the vessel on her last voyage at a time when there is no expectation that she will be redelivered within a reasonable time of the end of the period of the Charterparty,and she is in fact redelivered late,he ______.A.has properly fulfilled the contractB.is not guilty of a breach of contractC.is entitled a right to take legal action against any loss or damage he suffered in this connectionD.is guilty of a breach of contract

What is considered a Serious Marine Incident?A.an allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dockB.an injury to a crewmember,passenger,or other person which requires professional medical treatment beyond first aidC.grounding of a vessel on a sandbar that does not result in injuries and/or any damage to the vesselD.None of the above

材料:Some older decisions have held that the carrier,in order to rebut the presumption of liability resulting from the arrival in damaged condition of GOODs shipped undamaged,must prove not only that the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the carriers part.Most more recent decisions and authors,however,uphold the view that,in general,the carrier may rebut the claimants prima facie case simply by proving that the loss was caused by an excepted peril.At that point,the onus switches to the cargo claimant to prove that the true cause of the loss was the carriers negligence.Nevertheless certain Hague and Hague/Visby Rules exceptions,expressly or implicitly,also require the carrier to negative its own negligence in proving the exception itself.For example,a clause in the said rules expressly imposes on the carrier the burden of proving that the loss or damage occurred without its actual fault or privity and without any fault or neglect on the part of its servants or agents.The carrier,however,must truly prove the existence of one or more of the exceptions and their causative role in respect of the loss or damage.Conjectures and speculation do not take the place of hard evidence.A court has held:“Mere speculation will not overcome the prima facie evidence of a clean bill of lading”.问题:The carrier will be held liable for the loss or damage if _______.A.it is proved that he has privity to the loss or damageB.it is proved that the fault or neglect on his part is not the true cause of the loss or damageC.it is too onerous for him to demonstrate that the loss or damage is caused by what is beyond his controlD.if there are conjectures and speculationIn accordance with old decisions,the carrier will not be excused unless he has proved that _______.A.not only the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the his partB.the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perilsC.the harm did not result from any negligence on his partD.there are conjectures and speculationIn accordance with most more recent decisions and authors,the carrier will not be excused unless he has proved that _______.A.not only the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perils,but also that the harm did not result from any negligence on the his partB.the loss or damage was caused by one of the excepted perilsC.the harm did not result from any negligence on his partD.there are conjectures and speculationIt is concluded that _______.A.The carrier is not in a position to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perilsB.It can not be decided that whether the carrier has to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils because there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby RulesC.The carrier does not have to prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils due to the fact that there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby RulesD.The carrier must truly prove the loss or damage is substantially caused by one or more of the excepted perils even there are some differences between the decisions and authors and requirements of Hague and Hague/Visby Rules请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

This house is full of crevices as a result of the vicious earthquake that hit the city last night.A:debrisB:gapsC:constructionD:building

( )package will result in the damage t() t He goods during the long-- distance transportation.A. Suitable B. Good C. Improper D. Strong

While the trade fight isn’t affecting most of the economy yet in a big way,many industries are worried that the damage could quickly______。A.get lostB.get betterC.get worseD.get strong

NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.Aworking classBelderlyCeducatedDbetter-off

NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.A、working classB、elderlyC、educatedD、better-off

特大型站房 especially big passenger building

A power loss during a firmware update would MOST likely result in which of the following?()A、Increased heat outputB、Damage of the hardwareC、Loss of storage dataD、Decreased performance

单选题A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is a reddening of the skin but no other apparent damage. Using standard MEDICAL terminology,this is a().AMinor burnBSuperficial burnCExtremity burnDFirst-degree burn

单选题What is considered a Serious Marine Incident? ()Aan allision that results in $500 damage to a boat dockBan injury to a crewmember,passenger,or other person which requires professional medical treatment beyond first aidCgrounding of a vessel on a sandbar that does not result in injuries and/or any damage to the vesselDNone of the above

单选题The phrase “this element of the unknown” (Paragraph 3) refers to ______.Athe extension of earthquake zonesBthe percentage of earthquake occurrencesCwhen and where earthquakes may occurDwhat big damage earthquakes may cause

单选题A man has suffered a burn on the arm. There is extensive damage to the skin with charring present. How is this injury classified using standard medical terminology?()ADermal burnBThird-degree burnCMajor burnDLethal burn

单选题Cargo damaged due to water being present in a cargo hold,as a result of a leak in the hull plating,is said to be damage by(). ① Free moisture ② Transfer of hygroscopic moistureA① onlyB② onlyCBoth ① and ②DNeither ① nor ②

单选题The building suffered _____ damage as a result of the big fire.AmoderateBconsiderableCconsiderateDconcrete

单选题I must hold()for any damage which may result from the accidents you have caused.Ayour responsibleByou responsibleCyou are responsibleDyour are responsible

单选题If the Charterer sends the vessel on her last voyage at a time when there is no expectation that she will be redelivered within a reasonable time of the end of the period of the Charterparty,and she is in fact redelivered late,he().Ahas properly fulfilled the contractBis not guilty of a breach of contractCis entitled a right to take legal action against any loss or damage he suffered in this connectionDis guilty of a breach of contract

单选题A claim for cargo damages may be held against the shipowner if such damage is the result of failure of the ship’s officers to().Aensure the fitness and safety of cargo spacesBensure adequate packaging of the cargoCprevent delays due to quarantine restrictionsDcorrect all defects in the ship's construction

名词解释题特大型站房 especially big passenger building

单选题A claim for cargo damages may be held against the ship owner if such damage is the result of failure of the ship’s officers to().Acorrect all defects in the ship's constructionBensure the fitness and safety of cargo spacesCensure adequate packaging of the cargoDprevent delays due to quarantine restrictions