单选题Annual inspection of vessel cranes shall be conducted by().AHASBthe person in chargeCa qualified inspectorDthe crane operator

Annual inspection of vessel cranes shall be conducted by().



the person in charge


a qualified inspector


the crane operator


解析: 暂无解析


Where shall we stow cargo on a vessel?

In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be over-taken has to take action to permit safe passing, the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding appropriate signal. This means that ________ .A.the vessel to be overtaken shall sound appropriate signal firstB.the overtaking vessel shall sound appropriate signal firstC.the overtaking vessel shall take action to permit safe passingD.the vessel to be overtaken shall take action to permit safe passing before hearing appropriate signal

If the vessel encountered rough voyage,the captain of the vessel shall ________ his note of protest to harbor authorities after vessel's arrival.A.typewriteB.conveyC.submitD.take down

At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be ______.A.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationB.at the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationC.generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailD.equivalent to the inspection required for certification

The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT ______.A.evaluate the danger of each closing visual or radar contactB.adjust speed with due regard for the weather and visibilityC.reduce speed only where local speed limits are postedD.enter all required test and inspection results in the vessel's log or other record carried on board

No oil or mixture containing oil ______ into Singapore waters from any vessel.A.shall not be dischargedB.shall be dischargedC.shall be filledD.shall not be filled

If the Vessel is accepted after the inspection by the Buyers,the sale shall become ______,subject only to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,provided the Sellers receive written notice of acceptance from the Buyers within 72 hours after completion of such inspection.A.pressing and urgentB.impetuousC.persecutedD.outright and definite

The Master of a vessel berthed,moored or anchored within the area of jurisdiction and who wishes to move his vessel to another berth,mooring or anchorage within that area ______ from‘Bahrain Port Control’prior to moving.A.shall not request permissionB.shall request permissionC.shall,if in convenience,request permissionD.shall send his permission to the Harbour Master

翻译:The Owners shall have the option to place the Vessel in drydock

We shall prepare for(港口国)()inspection.A、PSCB、ARPAC、GPSD、ECDIS

We shall ()for PSC inspection.A、preparingB、prepareC、preparedD、prepares

If a vessel subject to PSC inspection, PSC Officer shall give the inspection to the Captain, the given timeframe for rectification of each deficiency is commonly given in a coded form which called “action code”, which code listed below is used for indication of detention of the vessel?()A、10B、30C、17D、16

单选题If the Vessel is accepted after the inspection by the Buyers,the sale shall become(),subject only to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,provided the Sellers receive written notice of acceptance from the Buyers within 72 hours after completion of such inspection.Apressing and urgentBimpetuousCpersecutedDoutright and definite

单选题The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT().Aevaluate the danger of each closing visual or radar contactBadjust speed with due regard for the weather and visibilityCreduce speed only where local speed limits are postedDenter all required test and inspection results in the vessel's log or other record carried on board

单选题Once a vessel has loaded packaged hazardous cargo,the cargo spaces shall be inspected. The spaces shall also be inspected at least once in every 24 hours. The only exception to daily inspection is when().Aa vessel is equipped with an automatic smoke or fire detecting systemBthe cargo hatches are of steel constructionCthe cargo is of a nonflammable typeDthere is sufficient fire protection located on the main deck adjacent to the cargo hatch

单选题If a vessel subject to PSC inspection, PSC Officer shall give the inspection to the Captain, the given timeframe for rectification of each deficiency is commonly given in a coded form which called “action code”, which code listed below is used for indication of detention of the vessel?()A10B30C17D16

单选题A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limitof the channel which lies on her starboard side as it is safe and practicable.Which one of the followings does the statement express?().AA vessel shall proceed near the other vessel on her starboard side on the narrow channel since it is safe and practicableBA vessel shall avoid proceeding near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel as long as it is safe and practicableCA vessel shall avoid proceeding along the channel because it is not safe and practicableDA vessel shall proceed near the starboard outer limit of a narrow channel to the degree in which it is safe and practicable

单选题At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be().Aat the discretion of the inspector,but in no greater detail than required for original certificationBat the discretion of the inspector,but in no lesser detail than required for original certificationCgenerally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification,but in less detailDequivalent to the inspection required for certification

单选题Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel’s fire extinguishing systems shall be()on board until the vessel’s Certificate of Inspection expires.AconsealedBdetainedCcontainedDkept

单选题Records of tests and inspections of a cargo vessel’s fire extinguishing systems shall be kept on board().Afor 1 yearBfor 2 yearsCuntil the next Coast Guard inspectionDuntil the vessel's Certificate of Inspection expires

单选题Annual inspection of vessel cranes shall be conducted by().AHASBthe person in chargeCa qualified inspectorDthe crane operator

单选题On a ship,a fire drill shall be conducted once every().AweekBmonthCcrew changeDother week

单选题What shall be conducted during a fire and boat drill?()AAll watertight doors which are in use while the vessel is underway shall be operatedBAll lifeboat equipment shall be examinedCFire pumps shall be started and all exterior outlets openedDAll of the above

单选题Inflatable liferafts shall be serviced at an approved servicing facility every 12 months or not later than the next vessel inspection for certification. However,the total elapsed time between servicing cannot exceed().A12 monthsB15 monthsC17 monthsD18 months

单选题In which case is the IOPP Certificate of an inspected vessel NOT invalidated? ()AThe required oily-water separator malfunctionsBThe ship is transferred to Liberian registryCAn annual survey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certificate issuanceDA 15 ppm oily-water separator is replaced by a 100 ppm oily-water separator

单选题What is NOT a requirement of the reinspection for a tank barge with a certificate of inspection valid for two years? ()AThe reinspection will be made between the fourteenth and sixteenth monthsBThe inspector shall examine all accessible parts of the vessels's hullCThe inspector shall examine the vessel's machinery as well as equipmentDThe scope of the reinspection shall be the same as for the inspection for certification,but in less detail

单选题Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE?().AA vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of her beam shall reduce her speed to bare steeragewayBA vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her enginesCA vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam shall navigate with cautionDIf a vessel determines by radar that a close-quarters situation is developing,she shall take avoiding action in ample time

单选题Which statement is TRUE,according to the Rules().AA vessel not under command shall keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverBA vessel not under command shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draftCA vessel constrained by her draft shall keep out of the way of a vessel engaged in fishingDA vessel engaged in fishing while underway shall,so far as possible,keep out of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver