You()to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A、needn't to comeB、don't need comeC、don't need comingD、needn't come

You()to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

  • A、needn't to come
  • B、don't need come 
  • C、don't need coming
  • D、needn't come


You _____do that, if you don't want to. A.won'tB.mustn'tC.needn'tD.shouldn't

“Do I have to hand in the paper today?” “No, you ______ .” A.mustn’tB.needn’tC.don’t needD.won’t

— I'm afraid I have spilled some coffee on the table cloth.— ____________ A.Oh, don't worry about that.B.You needn’t apologize.C.I feel sorry for that.D.Oh, you shouldn’t have done that.

—May I watch TV for a while?—No,you .You have to finish your homework first.A.shouldn't B.needn't C.mustn't D.won't

--Must we finish our homework now? --No, you ______. You _______ finish it after school. A.needn't , mayB.mustn't , mayC.can't , canD.needn't , must

“Must we finish the work today?” “No, you() . ” A. mustn’ tB. can’ tC. don’ tD. needn’ t

48. Sorry,we don-t have the coat_________ you need.A.whatB.whoC.whomD.which

I should have told you! You ______ the entire house. Our cleaning lady phoned she's coming tomorrow.A. didn't need to cleanB. needn't have cleanedC. don't need to cleanD. mustn't have cleaned

1.I ______they ______tomorrow.A. think; won’ t comeB. don- t think ; comeC. don't think; will comeD. think; come


There she ( )! We ( ) any longer. A、is coming/ don’t need to waitB、has come/ don't need waitC、comes/ needn’t waitD、comes/ needn’t to wait

A squirrel doesn't hibernate in winter, but it ( ) worry about its foo A、needs notB、needn't toC、needn'tD、doesn’t need

You ( ) such a long report.The new boss never likes reading a report over 200 words, but you’ve written more than 500 A、needn't have writtenB、needn’t writeC、didn't need writeD、didn’t need to write

Must I stay at the office this afternoon? ---No, you ______.A、don’tB、needn’tC、don’t needD、can’t

“you really ______ tickets, there were plenty of seats available.“ A. needn’t have bookedB. shouldn’t have bookedC. didn’t need to bookD. cannot have booked

I ________ help. I can do it myself. A.need toB.don’t needC.needn’tD.need

I won' t go unless you_____ this afternoon.A、comeB、cameC、are comingD、will come

As you worked late yesterday, you ______ have come this morning.A. needn’tB. mayn’tC. can’tD. mustn’t

--You didn't attend the party last night?--No, I__________, for the party was put off for some reason.A.couldn't have B.needn't haveC.didn't need toD.don't have to

--You didn't attend the party last night?--No, I__________, for the party was put off for some reason.A.couldn't haveB.needn't haveC.didn't need toD.don't have to

To travel from England to Scotland you__a passport.A.mustn't haveB.haven't gotC.don't needD.needn't

—You didn't attend the party last night —No, ! __________, for the party was put off for some reason.A.couldn't haveB.needn't haveC.didn’t need toD.don’t have to

--You didn′ t attend the party lastnight?--No, I ___________, for the party was putoff for some reason.A.couldn' t have B.needn' t haveC.didn't need to D.don't have to

I put my coat here? Sorry, you()AMay; mustn'tBDo; don'tCcan; needn'tDMay; can't

I () help. I can do it myself.A、need toB、don’t needC、needn’tD、need

单选题You()to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.Aneedn't to comeBdon't need comeCdon't need comingDneedn't come

单选题I put my coat here? Sorry, you()AMay; mustn'tBDo; don'tCcan; needn'tDMay; can't