




问答题What’s the major problem of the author?

单选题AThe chance to meet interesting people.BThe opportunity to improve her acting.CThe efficiency of theatre management.DThe entire atmosphere of theatre.

单选题AHer great-grandfather died during a major epidemic.BHer great-grandfather worked in the field of public health.CHer great-grandfather was affected by the 1918 epidemic.DHer great-grandfather was a soldier in World War l.

单选题AUpbringing and innate differences.BWorry and anxiety.CTheir aptitude.DThe environment.


单选题Lisa’s home can best be described as _____Adangerous.Bcrude.Cbeautiful.Ddirty.

单选题The main holiday was once confined to August; now it _____ into September.AexpandsBextendsCenlargesDamplifies

单选题She _____ that it was a trick to get her involved in the matter, for she knew them too well.AdoubtedBsuspectedCconceivedDconvinced

单选题The mayor is a woman with great _____ therefore deserves our political and financial support.AintentionBinstinctCintegrityDintensity

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as an attribute(定语)?AI don’t know when the plane takes off.BHe was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.CI still remember the day when I first met Jennifer.DI have no idea when the game will begin.


单选题One of the main goals of the modern woman’s liberation movement, which started in the early 1960s, was to _____ sex discrimination in the workforce, and to open up careers for women that were previously reserved for men.AabolishBeliminateCdiminishDextinguish


单选题The lady in this strange tale very obviously suffers from a serious mental illness. Her plot against a completely innocent old man is a clear sign of _____.AimpulseBinsanityCinspirationDdisposition

单选题Many countries have adopted systems of _____ education in order to promote the average level of education.AconstrainedBcompulsoryCcardinalDconventional


单选题AHe missed the tuition due date.BHe has not been paid.CHis bank lost his paycheck.DHis tuition payment got lost.

单选题With prices _____ so much, it is difficult for the school to plan a budget.AvibratingBfluctuatingCflutteringDswinging


单选题That our environment has little to do with our abilities, characters and behavior _____ central to his theory.AisBareChas beenDhave been

单选题Many countries have adopted systems of _____ education in order to promote the average level of education.AconstrainedBcompulsoryCcardinalDconventional

单选题Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the first two paragraphs?ASome cities in Albania have completely solved the problem of urban wastes.BThere is lack of an adequate system for the collection and transportation of solid waste.CThe country has not elaborated a strategy on urban solid waste.DThere is a continuous danger for the infection of drinking waters with sewage waters in some cities.

单选题From the passage, we can draw a conclusion that _____.Afamily has deep influence on a personBcompliments are very important to a personCone should treasure the relationship between othersDwhen facing tough time, one should never say die





单选题The author’s experiences during the childhood indicate all of the following EXCEPT that _____.Athe author is the first child of the familyBhis family led a very hard lifeChis mother gave less attention to himDhis mother treated him as more than an assistant