





单选题What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe exploration of a little-known coral reef must be continued.BRainbow Warrior is determined to forbid bottom trawling in international waters.CRainbow Warrior will unearth crucial evidence to stop the bottom trawling.DThe UN is determined to forbid bottom trawling in international waters.


单选题AHe saw them during his visits to Britain.BThey were increasing in numbers in London.CHe studied them at school.DHe once saw them eating.



问答题Who do you need to impress most according to the passage?

单选题AThere is no evidence showing that memory aids are invalid.BHuman beings’ brain functions mainly through memory aids in an effective way.CMemory aids encourage an organised approach which helps the brain function effectively.DMemory aids have little effect on the brain.

单选题What is the best title for the passage?AA Moratorium on Bottom Trawling Is Urgently Needed.BThe Oncoming Exploration to the Deep Sea.CThe Disaster of Deep Sea Life.DRainbow Warrior Sets Out to Save Deep Sea Life.

单选题Which of the italicized parts functions as a complement(补语)?AWe were greatly encouraged by the news of China’s having launched another man-made satellite.BHis wish is everyone’s having a good time.CI saw an old man getting on the bus.DThe smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother

单选题What is true about the parent children relationship?AChildren should respect parents despite parents’ ill-treatment.BParents without gratitude to children are not worth respect.CParents should tolerate children’s occasional moodiness.DChildren should be grateful to parents unconditionally.

单选题The author’s neighbor mentioned in the last paragraph most cared about _____Awhen spring would arrive.Bhow to pass the long winter.Cthe neighborhood gathering.Dthe pruning for the apple tree.


单选题She _____ that it was a trick to get her involved in the matter, for she knew them too well.AdoubtedBsuspectedCconceivedDconvinced

单选题The old gentleman was a very _____ looking person, with grey hair and gold spectacles.ArespectfulBrespectedCrespectiveDrespectable

单选题What is the main idea of the passage?AHuman activities are changing the climate.BDams make local meteorological conditions worse.CDams alter local weather and make themselves unsafe.DExtreme precipitation events around large dams have increased.


单选题AAsk their professor for advice.BMeet again to discuss their research.CInterview people who survived the flu.DChange the topic of their oral report.

单选题The indecisive man was _____ persuaded to change his mind again.AgenerallyBfreelyCreadilyDfinally


单选题Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time she finished the _____ tale.AdramaticBpatrioticCpatheticDsympathetic

问答题What does “He” in the fifth paragraph refer to?

问答题What did Mother Rigby decide to make after breakfast?


单选题Several students were surprised to learn that instructors expect two to three hours of study for each hour _____ in class.AspendingBspentCto spendDto have spent

单选题Which of the following could NOT get benefit from the devaluation of US dollar?AForeign visitors in the US.BForeign investors.CExporters of America.DAmerican visitors to other countries.

单选题Laura would have been more considerate if she had changed a little bit, _____?Ahadn’t sheBhasn’t sheCwouldn’t sheDdidn’t she
