单选题We failed in our()to climb the mountain.AtrialBcontemptCdesireDattempt

We failed in our()to climb the mountain.









解析: 暂无解析


_________. we saw a great valley. A. To our great delightB.With our great delightC. For our great delightD. In our great delight

Then we start to shape our thoughts our own word and finish 78.

our writing in the g time. After that, we have to check our 79.

29. When it thunders, we always see the light before we hear the sound.______ It’s becauseA. our eyes are in front of our earsB. our eyes are cleverer than our earsC. our eyes can see but our ears can-tD.light goes faster than sound

We are quite sure that we can ______our present We Wearequitesurethatwecan______ourpresentdifficultiesandfinishthetaskaccordingtoschedule.A)getacrossB)getoverC)getawayD)getoff

In fact it was this silence that ________ all the last moments of our climb.A、dominatingB、dominatedC、dominatesD、dominate

What is the problem with human beings according to Amrit Desai?A、We have become addicted and greedy consumersB、We ignore the connection between our demands and the exploitation of Earth.C、We care for our earth a lot.D、We often abuse the natural resources for our well-being.

Perhaps we should climb out of the window and jump down? It's only two floors.()We'd better wait for the rescue.A. That's a good idea.B. No, we can't do that.C. I think we will kill ourselves.

Not only ______ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.A:we lostB:lost weC:we did loseD:did we lose

Here we found little snow, as most of it seemed _________ blown off the mountain. A. to have beenB. to beC. that it had beenD. that it was

We believe we must increase our export sales if we want to continue to grow, and we hope to increase exports to 40 % of production.

We failed to carry our plans through _____ great efforts. A.despite ofB.spite ofC.in spite ofD.in spite

In accordance with your request, we enclose our latest price-list.We think you will find our prices are possibly the lowest, commensurate with the high quality of our products.(英译中)

The sentence "But we pay for our sensitivity." in the third paragraph implies that______.A) we should pay a debt for, our feelingB) we have to be hurt when We feel somethingC) our pain is worth feelingD) when we feel pain, we are suffering it

30. What is the passage mainly about? 、A. We must make more friends.B. Don-t quarrel with our parents.C. What should we do when our parents quarrel.D. Sometimes we must stay away from our parents.

31一Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mum?— Wait till you are old enough, dear.A will you?B Why not?C I hope soD.I’m afraid not

We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are ______our environment with dangerous chemicals.A. protectingB. savingC. pollutingD. fighting

Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ______of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.A.outputB.surplusC.productionD.plenty

We experience a burst of pleasure when we share our thoughts,and this drives us to communlcate.It is a useful feature of our brain,because it ensures that knowledge,experience and ideas do not get buried with the person who first had them,and that as a society we benefit from the products of many minds.Of course,in order for that to happen,merely sharing is not enough.We need to cause a reaction.Each time we share our opinions and knowledge,it is with the intention of having an impact on others.Here's the problem,though:we approach this task from inside our own heads.When attempting to create impact,we reflect on what is persuasive to us,our state of mind.our desires and our goals.But if we want to affect the behaviours and beliefs of the person in front of us,we need to understand what goes on inside their head.

When we read,we construct a mental _______ of the text in our minds,much as we do when we took at an area of land and create a mental map in our heads.A.representationB.imaginationC.interpretationD.identification

We are told that it is() we are born that decides our nationality.Athe countryBanywhereCwhereDsomewhere

单选题If we carry out our plan with()we will surely achieve our goal sooner or later.AconditionsBdeterminationCcompetitionDfrowns

单选题When our imports ______ our exports, we say we have a favorable trade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable trade balance.Afall shortBfall short ofCrun out ofDare lack of

问答题Practice 6  In the course of our history, only a handful of generations have been asked to confront challenges as serious as the ones we face right now. But despite all of this—despite the enormity of the task that lies ahead—I stand here today as hopeful as ever that the United States of America will endure, that it will prevail, that the dream of our founders will live on in our time.  It is this thread that binds us together in common effort; that runs through every memorial on this mall; that connects us to all those who struggled and sacrificed and stood here before.  It is how this nation has overcome the greatest differences and the longest odds—because there is no obstacle that can stand in the way of millions of voices calling for change. There is no doubt that our road will be long, that our climb will be steep. But never forget that the true character of our nation is revealed not during times of comfort and ease, but by the right we do when the moment is hard. I ask you to help reveal that character once more, and together, we can carry forward as one nation, and one people, the legacy of our forefathers that we celebrate today. (We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial)

单选题We are beginning to learn that we __________.Acan control our physical environmentBcan never control our biological environmentChave no control over our physical environmentDcan control both our biological and physical environments

单选题What do we learn from the last paragraph?AIf we focus our attention on the thing, we might forget another.BMemory depends to a certain extent on the environment.CRepetition helps improve our memory.DIt we keep forgetting things, we’d better return to where we were.

单选题We stayed for the night at the foot of the mountain and _____ to climb it the next morning.Aset aboutBset offCset upDset out