单选题We stayed for the night at the foot of the mountain and _____ to climb it the next morning.Aset aboutBset offCset upDset out

We stayed for the night at the foot of the mountain and _____ to climb it the next morning.

set about


set off


set up


set out


句意:我们在山脚下过夜,第二天早上开始爬山。set out to do开始做。set about doing着手做。set off for someplace出发去某地。set up建立,制定。


This hotel _____ me _____ the one we stayed in last year. (A) catches… sight of(B) appeals…to(C) attaches…to(D) reminds…of

_____ from the top of the tower ,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees . ( )A.SeenB.SeeingC.Have seenD. To see

With the guide _________the way, the rescue team set off on foot into the dark night.A. leadsB. ledC. leadingD. to lead

If you__________a little longer at the party last night, you would have met the pop star.A. have stayedB. stayedC. had stayedD. would have stayed

We need ______ here this evening.A、to stayB、stayC、stayingD、stayed

_________the heavy rain, we stayed at home.A: But forB: Due toC: Owing toD: As to

The car () at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about ten o’clock tonight. A、would goB、wentC、will be goingD、goes

There is an old temple ______ the foot of the mountain.A、atB、underC、belowD、on

The hotel reminds me ____________ the one we stayed in last year. A.withB.ofC.toD.for

I’ll never forget the days ________ we stayed together. A.whenB.in whichC.whichD.what

That's the hotel ______ last year.A、which we stayedB、at which we stayed atC、where we stayed atD、where we stayed

There was a house at ______A、the mountain footB、the foot of the mountainC、the feet of the mountainD、the mountain's foot

It's ________ that we had better go for a walk.A、so a beautiful nightB、such beautiful a nightC、a night so beautifulD、so beautiful a night

We can't see ______ light at ______ night. A、the,theB、the,/C、a,/D、/,/

If we had stayed at that port much longer, we ______ the tropical storm.A.will meet withB.met withC.would meet withD.would have met with

The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning.A:bottom of the mountain B:foot of the mountainC:top of the mountain D:starting point

We stayed up all night, talking about___________had happened in the last few months.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.why

The expedition reached the summit at 10:30that morning.A: bottom of the mountain B:foot of the mountainC:top of the mountain D:starting point

We have missed the last bus. It means()to walk over the mountain.Ato haveBhavingCmustDmight

We have missed the last bus. It means()to walk over the mountain.A、to haveB、havingC、mustD、might

单选题There was a house at()Athe mountain footBthe foot of the mountainCthe feet of the mountainDthe mountain's foot

单选题We failed in our()to climb the mountain.AtrialBcontemptCdesireDattempt

单选题We have missed the last bus. It means()to walk over the mountain.Ato haveBhavingCmustDmight

单选题If we had stayed at that port much longer,we()the tropical storm.Awill meet withBmet withCwould meet withDwould have met with

单选题With the guide______the way, we set off on foot into the dark night.AleadingBto leadCledDbeing led

单选题You must have stayed up late last night, _____?Amustn’t youBdon’t youCdidn’t youDneedn’t you

单选题We saw so many _____ flowers when we climbed the mountain.AartificialBwildCmanualDfake