单选题What did the Norwegian Foreign Ministry do in response to this kidnapping?AThey prepared the ransom demanded by the kidnappers so as to rescue the victims.BThey demanded that the local Nigerian authority should be held accountable to this incident.CThey conducted investigation so as to collect more information concerning the kidnapping.DThey sent negotiators to talk the kidnappers into releasing the hostages.

What did the Norwegian Foreign Ministry do in response to this kidnapping?

They prepared the ransom demanded by the kidnappers so as to rescue the victims.


They demanded that the local Nigerian authority should be held accountable to this incident.


They conducted investigation so as to collect more information concerning the kidnapping.


They sent negotiators to talk the kidnappers into releasing the hostages.


事实细节的找寻和判断。题干中的关键信息为the Norwegian Foreign Ministry,从而定位到录音中的“Foreign Ministry spokesman…said the Norwegian Embassy in Abuja’was working with local authorities to get more details on the abductions”,可知挪威外交部的做法是让设在Abuja的挪威大使馆与当地政府进行合作以了解更多关于绑架的详细情况。因此选项C(他们进行调查来搜集更多关于绑架事件的信息)符合录音相关内容。


They () that those responsible be brought to justice. A、saidB、thoughtC、believedD、demanded

A boy rushed into the police headquarters and demanded to see“ ()very important”. A、somebodyB、someone

do you agree with the idea that politicians should be ____________ for their lives? A. accountableB.responsiveC. respectiveD. accountable

5. ___________ last week?-I took some photos.A. What did else you doB. What did you doC. What do you doD. What do you did

--What did you do with your car?--I lost my key, so I had to _________it in the park.A. lockB. repairC. leaveD. pass

Even though English is a universal language, learning a foreign language so as to be prepared for international assignments would be ideal.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

The buyers ()the sellers to ship the goods within a week.A、demandB、demand toC、demand ofD、have demanded

Ms. Wright demanded that the urgent report ____________ on her desk by 5 p.m. today.A、should putB、will be putC、is putD、be put

What should be prepared before disassembly of cylinder for main engine or auxiliary engine?

_____  A.demanded  B.needed  C.promised  D.expected

Norwegian farmers and fishermen have an important influence because ______.A. they form such a large part of the Norwegian idealB. their lives and values represent the Norwegian idealC. their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian societyD. they regard oil as a threat to the Norwegian way of life

Because () renters demanded our rights,a committee was appointed to study the matter further.AusBthemCweDit’s

Apart from a mastery of a foreign language, what other knowledge should a foreign language teacher have in order to do his/her job well?

You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()A、Call document.write.B、Call Response.Write.C、Call HttpUtility.UrlEncode.D、Call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

单选题What he told me to do was ______ I should get fully prepared before the interview.AwhatBifCwhichDthat

单选题He demanded that the problem_______at once.Awould be solvedBis to be solvedCis solvedDbe solved

单选题A user reports that their computer suddenly will not boot. When the technician arrives, they discover that the user is very worried they will not be able to complete a research paper theyve been working on which is due by the end of the day. Which of the following is an appropriate response to the users concerns? ()AA Trojan may have infected the OS or worked its way into the MBR. What did you download recently that caused the problem?BI understand your concern, and will try to have your computer working again as quickly as possible so that you can finish your report.CIf the paper was so important to you, you should have created a backup copy so you could finish it on another computer.DI do not understand why you are upset. I am sure your professor will understand and you will be able to turn in the paper tomorrow.

问答题Practice 3  ● You have been informed that Mary Owen from the Medical Records Department of your company is going to retire next month, and your company will held a party in her honor.  ● Write an email to all staff in your department:  ● Saying what time and where the party will be held,  ● Saying what the party will include,  ● Saying what the employees should do.  ● Write 60-80 words.

单选题—Can you tell me ______?— With Lucy’s help.Awhen you did it so wellBwhen did you do it so wellChow you did it so wellDhow did you do it so well

单选题What did NOT Steve Jobs encourage students to do in his speech?AHave the desire to learn more.BBe content with what they know.CStay calm in the face of hardships.DBe modest so as to learn more.

单选题What did the boy do about the fire?AHe was so afraid that he ran away.BHe managed to put it out.CHe was scared and didn’t know what to do.

单选题The workers in the factory demanded that their pay would be raised by 20 percent.AThe workersBdemandedCwould beDby

单选题The representative of the company demanded that part of the agreement _____ revised.Awill beBisCto beDbe

单选题Because () renters demanded our rights,a committee was appointed to study the matter further.AusBthemCweDit’s

填空题What should applicants undertake not to do?Associate their response and participation with any of their ____.

问答题Apart from a mastery of a foreign language, what other knowledge should a foreign language teacher have in order to do his/her job well?

单选题You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()ACall document.write.BCall Response.Write.CCall HttpUtility.UrlEncode.DCall HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

单选题What did the Norwegian Foreign Ministry do in response to this kidnapping?AThey prepared the ransom demanded by the kidnappers so as to rescue the victims.BThey demanded that the local Nigerian authority should be held accountable to this incident.CThey conducted investigation so as to collect more information concerning the kidnapping.DThey sent negotiators to talk the kidnappers into releasing the hostages.