单选题You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()ACall document.write.BCall Response.Write.CCall HttpUtility.UrlEncode.DCall HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()

Call document.write.


Call Response.Write.


Call HttpUtility.UrlEncode.


Call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.


解析: 暂无解析


You are creating a mobile Web Form that dynamically displays news items. You want to display news items by using an instance of a mobile TextView control named TextViewNews. You need to configure the Web Form that contains TextViewNews. The Web Form must enable pagination in casea users device does not display the full text of a news item.Which code segment should you use? ()A.B.C.D.

You create a master page named PageBase.master. The master page contains a Label control named lblTitle.You create a content page that references the master page.You need to change the Text property of the master page‘s lblTitle control from the content page.Which code segment should you use?()A.B.C.D.

The usual address for a Web site is the(75)page address, although you can enter the address of any page and have that page sent to you.A.homeB.mainC.hostD.house

The usual address for a Web site is the ______ page address,although you can enter the address of any page and have that page sent to you.A.homeB.mainC.hostD.house

You configure Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 with a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) subscription to MSN Entertainment on your computer. Your RSS subscription Web page fails to show the information that the RSS feed Web page displays from MSN Entertainment. You need to ensure that Internet Explorer displays the current content from the RSS feed.What should you do?()A.AB.BC.CD.D

There are many forms of online advertising. ( )is a small rectangular object on a and includes a hyperlink to the Web page that displays a stationary or moving advertisers Web site.A.A text ad B.A site sponsorship ad C.A pop-up ad D.A banner ad

There are many forms of online advertising. ______ is a small rectangular object on a Web page that displays a stationary or moving graphic and includes a hyperlink to the advertiser's Web site.A.A text adB.A site sponsorship adC.A pop-up adD.A banner ad

When you are designing a Web application, which options define how rich text displays in a browser?()A、"Using HTML"B、"Using Java Applet"C、"Using AJAX Control"D、"Using Best Fit for OS"

You work as a Web Developer at Certkiller.com. You are in the process of creating a Webapplication using Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5.  You create a folder named Dark in the App_Themes folder of the Web application. You also addfour skin files to this folder. You have to make sure that the controls on a page have their appearances overridden by the control definitions defined in the skin files. What should you do?  Which Page directive should you use?()A、You should use the page directive: %@ Page StyleSheetTheme="App_Themes.Dark"/B、You should use the page directive: %@ Page Theme="App_Themes.Dark"/C、You should use the page directive: %@ Page Theme="Dark"/D、You should use the page directive: %@ Page StyleSheetTheme="Dark"/

You are implementing an ASP.NET Web page. The page includes several controls, but only a GridView requires view state. You set the GridView… You need to ensure that the page will omit unneeded view state. Wich @ Page directive should you use?()A、% Page EnableViewState=”true” ViewStateMode=”Enabled” _ %B、% Page EnableViewState=”true” ViewStateMode=”Disabled” _ %C、% Page EnableViewState=”false” ViewStateMode=”Disabled” _ %D、% Page EnableViewState=”false” ViewStateMode=”Enabled” _ %

You are implementing an ASP.NET Web site that will be accessed by an international audience. The site contains global and local resources for display elements that must be translated into the language that is selected by the user. You need to ensure that the Label control named lblCompany displays text in the user’s selected language from the global resource file. Which control markup should you use?()A、asp:Label ID="lblCompany" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="lblCompany" /B、asp:Label ID="lblCompany" runat="server" Text="meta:lblCompany.Text" / C、asp:Label ID="lblCompany" runat="server" Text="%$ Resources:lblCompanyText %" /D、asp:Label ID="lblCompany" runat="server" Text="%$ Resources:WebResources, lblCompanyText %" /

You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()A、Call document.write.B、Call Response.Write.C、Call HttpUtility.UrlEncode.D、Call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

You are perfoming security testing on an existing asp.net web page.You notice that you are able to issue unauthorised postback requests to the page. You need to prevent unauthorised post back requests. which page directive you use?()A、%@Page strict = "true" %  B、%@Page enableViewStateMac = "true" %C、%@Page EnableEventValidation = "true" %D、%@Page Aspcompact = "true" %

You are testing an existing ASP.NET page. The page includes a text box. You are able to execute malicious JavaScript code by typing it in the text box and submitting. You need to configure the page to prevent JavaScript code from being submitted by the text box. In the @ Page directive, which attribute should you set to true?()A、the EnableEventValidation attributeB、the ResponseEncoding attributeC、the ValidateRequest attributeD、the Strict attribute

You write a Web application. This application must support multiple languages. You store the localized strings in the application as resources. You want these resources to be accessed according to a users language preference. You create the following resource files in the App_GlobalResources folder of your application. myStrings.resx myStrings.en-CA.resx myString.en-US.resx myStrings.fr-CA.resx myStrings.es-MX.resxEach resource file stores a localized version of the following strings: Name, E-mail, Address, and Phone. You create a Web Form that contains one label for each of these strings. You need to ensure that the correct localized version of each string is displayed in each label, according to a users language preference. What should you do? ()A、Add the following configuration section to the Web.config file. B、Set the directive for each page in your site as follows: %@ page="" uiculture="”Auto”"C、Add the following code segment to the pages load event.lblName.Text = @”{myStrings}Name”; lblAddress.Text = @”{myStrings}Address”; lblEmail.Text = @”{myStrings}Email”; lblPhone.Text = @”{myStrings}Phone”;D、Add the following code segment to the pages load event.lblName.Text = Resources.myStrings.Name; lblAddress.Text = Resources.myStrings.Address; lblEmail.Text = Resources.myStrings.Email; lblPhone.Text = Resources.myStrings.Phone;

You write a Web application. This application must support multiple languages. You store the localized strings in the application as resources. You want these resources to be accessed according to a users language preference. You create the following resource files in the App_GlobalResources folder of your application.myStrings.resxmyStrings.enCA.resxmyString.en-US.resxmyStrings.fr-CA.resxmyStrings.es-MX.resx resource file stores a localized version of the following strings: Name, E-mail, Address, and Phone. You create a Web Form that contains one label for each of these strings. You need to ensure that the correct localized version of each string is displayed in each label, according to a users language preference. What should you do? ()A、Add the following configuration section to the Web.config file. B、Set the directive for each page in your site as follows:%@ page="" uiculture="“Auto”"C、Add the following code segment to the pages load event.lblName.Text = @”{myStrings}Name”; lblAddress.Text = @”{myStrings}Address”; lblEmail.Text = @”{myStrings}Email”; lblPhone.Text = @”{myStrings}Phone”;D、Add the following code segment to the pages load event. lblName.Text = Resources.myStrings.Name; lblAddress.Text = Resources.myStrings.Address; lblEmail.Text = Resources.myStrings.Email; lblPhone.Text = Resources.myStrings.Phone;

You are developing a Web application. The Web application restricts access to an administrative page. The Web application uses the following code segment to protect the page.if (Page.User.Identity.Name != @"CONTOSO/Administrator") { the page, you are redirected to Login.aspx. You discover that the User.Identity.Name property is not being correctly populated. You need to ensure that you can access the page when you are logged on as Administrator. Which two actions should you perform? ()A、In the Web.config file, enable impersonation.B、In IIS, enable anonymous access.C、In IIS, disable anonymous access.D、In the Web.config file, set the authentication mode to Windows.

单选题When you are designing a Web application, which options define how rich text displays in a browser?()AUsing HTMLBUsing Java AppletCUsing AJAX ControlDUsing Best Fit for OS

多选题You are developing a Web application. The Web application restricts access to an administrative page. The Web application uses the following code segment to protect the page.if (Page.User.Identity.Name != @"CONTOSO/Administrator") { the page, you are redirected to Login.aspx. You discover that the User.Identity.Name property is not being correctly populated. You need to ensure that you can access the page when you are logged on as Administrator. Which two actions should you perform? ()AIn the Web.config file, enable impersonation.BIn IIS, enable anonymous access.CIn IIS, disable anonymous access.DIn the Web.config file, set the authentication mode to Windows.

单选题You are creating an ASP.NET Web site. The site has a master page named Custom.master. The code-behind file for Custom.master contains the following code segment.Partial Public Class Custom  Inherits System.Web.UI.MasterPagePublic Property Region As String    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object,ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LoadEnd SubEnd Class You create a new ASP.NET page and specify Custom.master as its master page.You add a Label control named lblRegion to the new page.  You need to display the value of the master pages Region property in lblRegion.What should you do? ()AAdd the following code segment to the Page_Load method of the page code-behind file. Dim custom As Custom = Me.Parent  lblRegion.Text = custom.RegionBAdd the following code segment to the Page_Load method of the page code-behind file. Dim custom As Custom = Me.Master  lblRegion.Text = custom.RegionCAdd the following code segment to the Page_Load method of the Custom.Master.vb code-behind file. Dim lblRegion As Label = Page.FindControl(lblRegion) lblRegion.Text = Me.RegionDAdd the following code segment to the Page_Load method of the Custom.Master.vb code-behind file. Dim lblRegion As Label = Master.FindControl(lblRegion) lblRegion.Text = Me.Region

多选题You are implementing an ASP.NET Web application. Users will authenticate to the application with an ID. The application will allow new users to register for an account. The application will generate an ID for the user based on the users full name. You need to implement this registration functionality. Which two actions should you perform?()AConfigure the SqlMembershipProvider in the web.config file.BConfigure the SqlProfileProvider in the web.config file.CCreate an ASP.NET page that contains a default CreateUserWizard control to create a new user account.DCreate an ASP.NET page that contains a custom form that collects the user information and then uses the Membership.CreateUser method to create a new user account.

单选题You are implementing an ASP.NET Web page. The page includes several controls, but only a GridView requires view state. You set the GridView… You need to ensure that the page will omit unneeded view state. Wich @ Page directive should you use?()A% Page EnableViewState=”true” ViewStateMode=”Enabled” _ %B% Page EnableViewState=”true” ViewStateMode=”Disabled” _ %C% Page EnableViewState=”false” ViewStateMode=”Disabled” _ %D% Page EnableViewState=”false” ViewStateMode=”Enabled” _ %

多选题You are developing a Web application. The Web application restricts access to an administrative page. The Web application uses the following code segment to protect the page.If Page.User.Identity.Name "CONTOSO/Administrator" Then Response.Redirect("login.aspx")End IfYou are logged on as Administrator. When you display the page, you are redirected to Login.aspx. You discover that the User.Identity.Name property is not being correctly populated. You need to ensure that you can access the page when you are logged on as Administrator. Which two actions should you perform? ()AIn the Web.config file, enable impersonation.BIn IIS, enable anonymous access.CIn IIS, disable anonymous access.DIn the Web.config file, set the authentication mode to Windows.

单选题You create a Web Form. The Web Form allows users to calculate values and display the results in a label named lblResults. You need to capture all unhandled exceptions on the Web Form through the Error event. The Error event must capture each unhandled exception and display it on the Web Form. Which code segment should you use?()Aprotected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResults.Text = e.ToString(); e=null;}Bprotected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResults.Text = Server.GetLastError().ToString(); Server.ClearError();}Cprotected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) Response.Write(e.ToString()); e=null;}Dprotected void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) Response.Write(Server.GetLastError().ToString()); Server.ClearError();}

单选题You are testing an existing ASP.NET page. The page includes a text box. You are able to execute malicious JavaScript code by typing it in the text box and submitting. You need to configure the page to prevent JavaScript code from being submitted by the text box. In the @ Page directive, which attribute should you set to true?()Athe EnableEventValidation attributeBthe ResponseEncoding attributeCthe ValidateRequest attributeDthe Strict attribute

单选题You configure Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 with a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) subscription to MSN Entertainment on your computer.  Your RSS subscription Web page fails to show the information that the RSS feed Web page displays from MSN Entertainment.  You need to ensure that Internet Explorer displays the current content from the RSS feed.  What should you do?()AEnable the feed reading view in the RSS feed settings.BConfigure the RSS feed properties to use the minimum interval value.CConfigure the RSS feed properties to keep only the most recent 50 items.DConfigure the RSS feed properties to automatically download attached files.

多选题You write a logging function for a Web Form. You call the logging function from the Page_Unload event handler. You test the Web Form and notice that the Page_Unload event handler does not call the logging function. You need to ensure that the logging function is called. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? ()ASet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Remove the attribute onunload=Page_Unload from the Web Form element.BSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the attribute OnUnload=Page_Unload to the Web Form element.CSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=False. Add the Web Form attribute autocomplete=on.DSet the Page attribute to AutoEventWireup=True.

单选题You have a computer that runs Windows 7 and Windows Internet Explorer 8. You open Internet Explorerand access a Web site. The Web site displays a page that has misaligned text and graphic images. Youverify that the Web page displays correctly in previous versions of Internet Explorer.  You need to view theWeb page correctly. What should you do?()AModify the text size.BEnable Caret Browsing.CEnable Compatibility View.DDisable the SmartScreen Filter.