填空题What should applicants undertake not to do?Associate their response and participation with any of their ____.

What should applicants undertake not to do?Associate their response and participation with any of their ____.


细节题。本题考查申请者保证须不做的事情。从文章的最后一句话“Applicants undertake not to associate their response to this call and participation in the procedure with any of their commercial activities”可知,申请人承诺不会将此次合作与其任何商业活动相关联,所以应填commercial activities。


What should you do if you have to go back home late?._____________________________________________

What specific jobs do securities outside dressing rooms do?A.In addition to ensuring the life style of the performers, they should prevent any person from entry.B.In addition to ensuring the life safety of the actors, they should stop any reporters from enteringC.In addition to ensuring the life safety of the performers, they should prevent any fans from enteringD.In addition to ensuring the life safety of the performers, they should prevent any unauthorized person from entering

– I’m bound to lose again. What should I do? –() (A) What a pity!(B) Next time do better.(C) No problem.(D) Cheer up. You can do it.

()that happen,what()we do? A、If…shallB、Suppose…shallC、Should…wouldD、Had…should

()means to do what you should do on time.A. To be punctualB. Be punctualC. Punctual

What do you associate ______ such a heavy snow?A: withB: byC: toD: in

What should you do in preparing formal oral presentations?

____ should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.A.The watch keeping personnelB.The chief engineerC.The person on a bunker bargeD.The duty deck officer

______ is just to put it ______ and notify me as to where and how the cargo was damaged.A.What you ought to do with the damaged cargo/asideB.What you should do with the damaged cargo/besideC.What will you do with the damaged cargo/besidesD.What have you to do with the damaged cargo/side by side

Which of the following shows the proper pronunciation of the word "should" in the sentence"What should we do"

According to the postings, what skill should applicants at both companies have? (  )A.International experienceB.A university degreeC.Creative skillsD.An ability to work in groups

What are three important security issues in any small, medium, or enterprise business organization? ()A、 rapid response timeB、 head countC、 connectivityD、 security threatsE、 reduced complexityF、 disaster recovery

What are some of the questions you should ask yourself when analyzing your existing Domino NSF application for modernizing with XPages?()A、All of the belowB、How much UI code do you have?C、How complex are your subs and functions?D、How do you use Rich Text, if any at all?

发生紧急情况时,船员应知道他们该干什么。()A、Crew members don’t know what they do during emergency.B、Crew members should know what they do in an emergency.C、Crew members know what they should do during ship abandoning.D、Crew members know what they do during ship abandoning.

Naturally,after I told her what to do,my daughter()go and do the oppsite!A、mayB、canC、mustD、should

You are implementing a Web page that displays text that was typed by a user. You need to display the user input in the Web page so that a cross-site scripting attack will be prevented. What should you do?()A、Call document.write.B、Call Response.Write.C、Call HttpUtility.UrlEncode.D、Call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode.

单选题Well, really _______ now is start learning what to do with this software and read a lot of tutorials, learn and practice _______ you can.Awhat you should do; as much asBthat you need do; whateverChow you should start; the mostDas should you do; the longest hours

填空题What should groups of 8 or more people do if they need a tour guide?They should book one ____.

填空题What should you do if the display is showing the sign?Reset ____.

填空题What is required of the applicants in terms of social image?They must enjoy a ____ social image.

单选题Before any loading takes place any signs of the previous cargo should do().AkeptBremovedCreplacedDrecycled

单选题() should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.AThe watch keeping personnelBThe chief engineerCThe person on a bunker bargeDAny of the above

填空题What must the applicants do to meet the demands of the 2008 Olympic Games?Contribute sufficient funds, products, and ____.

单选题What should all countries do to help solve the problem of global warming?AThey should replace all the harmful substances.BThey should willingly undertake legal commitments about their energy uses.CThey should hold another world conference on climate change.DThey should provide advanced technology.

单选题AIf you want to return or exchange your purchase, you should do that as soon as possible.BUnder any circumstances, you can exchange what you’ve bought.CSometimes things on sale are not allowed to be exchanged.DWhile you are exchanging something, you should bring the receipt with you.

单选题() should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment.AThe watch keeping personnelBThe chief engineerCThe person on a bunker bargeDThe duty deck officer

多选题What are three important security issues in any small, medium, or enterprise business organization? ()Arapid response timeBhead countCconnectivityDsecurity threatsEreduced complexityFdisaster recovery