单选题______ the stockbrokers said the market was healthy, they refused to invest more money.ABecauseBAlthoughCIn additionDSo

______ the stockbrokers said the market was healthy, they refused to invest more money.





In addition






“Wilbur, we're born, we live, and, when our time comes, we die. It's just the natural cycle of life. ”is said by(). A、CharlotteB、the ratC、MomD、the host

B"Well ,we're in our new house. Let's get a new pet to go along with it.Mrs Brown said to her husband."That sounds like a pretty good idea ,"he answered. "Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?"" Let-s go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go ,"she said.The next morning the Browns met MrS now at the animal shelter. "We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes ,"Mr Snow said ,"so I need to ask you some questions. " After they talked for a while ,the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldn't need-a bighouse or a big yard; A small dog would bark(吠) and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care ,they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadn't checked her yet. So Mrs now told them to return on Sunday.On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, "Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy. "The Browns thanked the doc- tor and took Shadow home.( )26. From the reading we learn that_________ .A. the Browns have never had a pet beforeB. the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaperC. Shadow is a small and healthy dogD. Mr Brown didn-t quite agree with his wife

Which of the following statements about a money market is NOT true according to this passage?A.Money market does not exist in planned economies.B.Money market has been established in some socialist countries.C.Money market encourages open competition among bulk suppliers of funds.D.Money market relies upon market processes to distribute funds to final users.

The ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is______.A. related to either a healthy democracy or a healthy familyB. related to a healthy family as well as healthy democracyC. related to neither a healthy democracy nor a healthy familyD. none of the above

"The last administration made it perfectly clear. We're being consistent with their policies." is said by().A、DavidB、KarenC、American PresidentD、Natalie

It is said that your firm are in the market () textiles.A、toB、ofC、withD、for

A、healthy; exerciseB、health; exerciseC、healthy; exercisesD、health; exercises

Use a specific resume if ( )A. you have one particular job in mindB. you don't know which market you're enteringC. you are applying for a variety of jobs

Li had something to tell the manager, Mr Smith, so he went to his place, entering the room and said:A、You're not busy, I hope.B、Got a minute?C、I'm terribly sorry to trouble you, Mr Smith.D、Can I have a word with you Mr Smith?

It is said that ____ birds are better fed, more healthy, and live longer than their fellows in the wild. A、downtownB、installedC、operatedD、caged

What is said about Apple Inc.with its tablet devices like iPads?A.It doubled its sale of e-readers during the Christmas season.B.It controls 73 percent of the tablet device market.C.It charges customers less in credit card transaction fees.D.It has long been selling its traditional personal computers

请教:2012年高等教育自学考试英语(二)考前密押试卷(2)第3大题第15小题如何解答?【题目描述】The ideal of equal rights and equal responsibilities is______.A. related to either a healthy democracy or a healthy familyB. related to a healthy family as well as healthy democracyC. related to neither a healthy democracy nor a healthy familyD. none of the above

There will eventually come a day when The New York Times cases to publish stories on newsprint.Exactly when that day will be is a matter of debate.“Sometime in the future“the paper’s publisher said back in 2010.Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside,there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print.The infrastructure required to make a physical newspapers-printing presses.delivery truck-isn’t just expensive it’s excessive at a time when online-only competition don’t have the same set financial constraints.Readers are migrating away from print away,And although print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts revenue from print is still declining.Overhead may be high and circulation lowe,but rushing to eliminate its print editor would be a mistake,says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.Peretti says the Times shouldn't waste time getting of the print business,only if they go about doing it the right away“Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them“he said,“but if you discontinue it,you're going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you."Sometimes that's worth making a change anyway".Peretti gives example of Netflix discontinuing its DVD-mailing service to focus on streaming."It was seen as a blunder."he said.The move turned out to be foresighted.And if Peretti were in charge at the times?"l wouldn't pick year to end print."he said.“I would raise and make it into more of a legacy product.”The most loyal costumer would still gel the product they favor.the idea goes,and they’d feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in."So if you're overpaying for print,you could feel like you were helping,"peretti said."Then increase it at rate each year and essentially try to generate additional revenue."In other words,if you're going to print product,make it for the people who are already obsessed with it.Which may be what the Times is doing already.Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly$500 a year—more than twice as much as a digital-only subscription."It's a really hard thing to do and it's a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn't have a legacy business,"Peretti remarked."But we're going to have questions like that where we have things we're doing that don't make sense when the market.Change and the world changes.In those situations,it's better to be more aggressive than less aggressive."It can inferred form Paragraphs 5 and 6 that a“legacy product”.A.helps restore the glory of former times.B.is meant for the most loyal customers.C.will have the cost of printing reduced.D.expands the popularity of the paper

The first European stock exchange was established in Antwerp,Belgium(比利时),in 1531.There were no stock exchanges in England until the 1700′s.A man wishing to buy or sell shares of?stock had to find a broker(agents)to transact his business for him.In London,he usually went to a?coffee house,because brokers often gathered there.In 1773,the brokers of London formed a stock?exchange.In New York City,brokers met under an old button-wood tree on Wall Street.They organized?the New York Stock Exchange in 17.92.The American Stock Exchange,the second largest in the?United States,was formerly called the Curb Exchange because of its origin on the streets of New?York City.A stock exchange is a market place where member brokers buy and sell stocks and bonds(债券)of American and foreign businesses on behalf,of the public.A stock exchange provides a market?place for stocks and bonds in the same way a board of trade does for commodities.The stockbrokers?receive a small commission on each transaction they make.The stockholder may sell his stock wherever he wants to unless the corporation has some special?rule to prevent it.Prices of stock change according to general business conditions and the earnings?and future prospects(前景)of the company~If the business is doing well,the stockholder may be?able to sell his stock for a profit.If it is not,he may have to take a loss.Which of the statements is true?A.The stockholder can sell his stock to anywhere at any time.B.There were no stock exchange in England in the 1700's.C.The price of stock is not stable.D.The stockbrokers do the transaction without charging for the stockholders.

Text 4 Consuming high-quality plant foods such as whole grains,fruits,vegetables,nuts and legumes may substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,researchers including one of Indian-origin have claimed."This study highlights that even moderate dietary changes in the direction of a healthful plant-based diet can play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes,"said Ambika Satija from Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health in the US."These findings provide further evidence to support current dietary recommendations for chronic disease prevention,"she said.While previous studies have found links between vegetarian diets and improved health outcomes,including reduced risk of type 2 diabetes,this new study is the first to make distinctions between healthy plant-based diets and less healthy ones that include things like sweetened foods and beverages,which may be detrimental for health.The study also considered the effect of including some animal foods in the diet.Researchers followed more than 200,000 male and female health professionals in the US for more than 20 years who had regularly filled out questionnaires on their diet,lifestyle,medical history,and ncw disease diagnoses as part of three large long-term studies.They evaluated participants'diets using a plant-based diet index in which they assigned plant-derived foods higher scores and animal-derived foods lower scores.The study found that high adherence to a plant-based diet that was low in animal foods was associated with a 20 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared with low adherence to such a diet,researchers said.Eating a healthy version of a plant-based diet was linked with a 34 per cent lower diabetes risk,while a less healthy version-including foods such as refrned grains,potatoes,and sugar-sweetened beverages-was linked with a 16 per cent increased risk,they said.Even modestly lowering animal food consumption-for example,from 5-6 servings per day to about 4 servings per day-was linked with lower diabetes incidence,the study found."A shift to a dietary pattern higher in healthful plant-based foods,such as vegetables,fruits,whole grains,legumes,nuts,and seeds,and lower in animal-based foods,especially red and processed meats,can confer substantial health benefits in reducing risk of type 2 diabetes,"said Frank Hu from Harvard Chan School.Researchers suggest that healthful plant-based diets could be lowering type 2 diabetes risk because such diets are high in fiber,antioxidants,unsaturated fatty acids,and micronutrients such as magnesium,and are low in saturated fat.Healthy plant foods may also be contributing to a healthy gut microbiome,they said.From the new study,we can infer that_____A.sweet fruit juice and beverages are beneficial to our healthB.animal foods should not be included in our diet for the sake of healthC.fried potatoes are healthy food comparing with animal foodsD.eating less meat is helpful to reduce the diabetes incidence

Text 4 Consuming high-quality plant foods such as whole grains,fruits,vegetables,nuts and legumes may substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,researchers including one of Indian-origin have claimed."This study highlights that even moderate dietary changes in the direction of a healthful plant-based diet can play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes,"said Ambika Satija from Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health in the US."These findings provide further evidence to support current dietary recommendations for chronic disease prevention,"she said.While previous studies have found links between vegetarian diets and improved health outcomes,including reduced risk of type 2 diabetes,this new study is the first to make distinctions between healthy plant-based diets and less healthy ones that include things like sweetened foods and beverages,which may be detrimental for health.The study also considered the effect of including some animal foods in the diet.Researchers followed more than 200,000 male and female health professionals in the US for more than 20 years who had regularly filled out questionnaires on their diet,lifestyle,medical history,and ncw disease diagnoses as part of three large long-term studies.They evaluated participants'diets using a plant-based diet index in which they assigned plant-derived foods higher scores and animal-derived foods lower scores.The study found that high adherence to a plant-based diet that was low in animal foods was associated with a 20 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared with low adherence to such a diet,researchers said.Eating a healthy version of a plant-based diet was linked with a 34 per cent lower diabetes risk,while a less healthy version-including foods such as refrned grains,potatoes,and sugar-sweetened beverages-was linked with a 16 per cent increased risk,they said.Even modestly lowering animal food consumption-for example,from 5-6 servings per day to about 4 servings per day-was linked with lower diabetes incidence,the study found."A shift to a dietary pattern higher in healthful plant-based foods,such as vegetables,fruits,whole grains,legumes,nuts,and seeds,and lower in animal-based foods,especially red and processed meats,can confer substantial health benefits in reducing risk of type 2 diabetes,"said Frank Hu from Harvard Chan School.Researchers suggest that healthful plant-based diets could be lowering type 2 diabetes risk because such diets are high in fiber,antioxidants,unsaturated fatty acids,and micronutrients such as magnesium,and are low in saturated fat.Healthy plant foods may also be contributing to a healthy gut microbiome,they said.The author's attitude towards refined grains is_____.A.supportiveB.indifferentC.negativeD.critical

Text 4 Consuming high-quality plant foods such as whole grains,fruits,vegetables,nuts and legumes may substantially lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes,researchers including one of Indian-origin have claimed."This study highlights that even moderate dietary changes in the direction of a healthful plant-based diet can play a significant role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes,"said Ambika Satija from Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health in the US."These findings provide further evidence to support current dietary recommendations for chronic disease prevention,"she said.While previous studies have found links between vegetarian diets and improved health outcomes,including reduced risk of type 2 diabetes,this new study is the first to make distinctions between healthy plant-based diets and less healthy ones that include things like sweetened foods and beverages,which may be detrimental for health.The study also considered the effect of including some animal foods in the diet.Researchers followed more than 200,000 male and female health professionals in the US for more than 20 years who had regularly filled out questionnaires on their diet,lifestyle,medical history,and ncw disease diagnoses as part of three large long-term studies.They evaluated participants'diets using a plant-based diet index in which they assigned plant-derived foods higher scores and animal-derived foods lower scores.The study found that high adherence to a plant-based diet that was low in animal foods was associated with a 20 percent reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared with low adherence to such a diet,researchers said.Eating a healthy version of a plant-based diet was linked with a 34 per cent lower diabetes risk,while a less healthy version-including foods such as refrned grains,potatoes,and sugar-sweetened beverages-was linked with a 16 per cent increased risk,they said.Even modestly lowering animal food consumption-for example,from 5-6 servings per day to about 4 servings per day-was linked with lower diabetes incidence,the study found."A shift to a dietary pattern higher in healthful plant-based foods,such as vegetables,fruits,whole grains,legumes,nuts,and seeds,and lower in animal-based foods,especially red and processed meats,can confer substantial health benefits in reducing risk of type 2 diabetes,"said Frank Hu from Harvard Chan School.Researchers suggest that healthful plant-based diets could be lowering type 2 diabetes risk because such diets are high in fiber,antioxidants,unsaturated fatty acids,and micronutrients such as magnesium,and are low in saturated fat.Healthy plant foods may also be contributing to a healthy gut microbiome,they said.About type 2 diabetes,which of the following statement is true?A.Eating vegetables,fruits and refined grains could decrease its risk.B.The dietary pattern including vegetables,legumes etc.is beneficiaLC.Diets having less animal foods could decrease its risks t0 30 percentD.Plant-based diet could make its risk decrease t0 34 percent.

资料:Now you are preparing a report for the business negotiation which will be held next Friday.There are 5 sentences excerpted from the report,each sentence has four words or phrases underlined.The four underlined ports of the sentence are marked(A),(B),(C),(D).You are to identify the one underlined word or phase that should be collected or rewritten.Then,find the number of the question and mark your answer.“China’s residential housing market would hit the iceberg(A)very soon and after the collision,risks in the property market will result in(B)more serious risks in the financial sector”,said Pan Shiyi,a real estate tycoon,at the China Entrepreneurs Forum held in Beijing on May 23,it (C)may be a little exaggerating,but risks in the housing market are real as following a strong performance in 2013,China’s real estate market has shown signs of cooling down(D). A.AB.BC.DD.D

______about the potential of a market downturn over his trade policies,the president said:“If it does,it does. Look,I’m not doing this for politics。”A.AskedB.AskingC.To askD.To be asked

The construction of the railway is said to have been terminated.A:resumed B:put an end to C:suspended D:re-scheduled

共用题干Losing WeightGirls as young as 10 years old are dieting and in danger of developing unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food,a group of Toronto researchers reported Tuesday.Their study of 2,279 girls aged 10 to 14 showed that while the vast majority had healthy weights,nearly a third felt they were overweight and were trying to lose pounds. Even at the tender age of 10,nearly 32 percent of girls felt"too fat"and 3 1 percent said they were trying to diet.McVey,a researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto,and her colleagues analyzed data collected in a number of surveys of southern Ontario school girls between 1993 and 2003,reporting their findings in Tuesday's issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.Nearly 80 percent of the girls had a healthy body weight and only 7.2 percent were considered overweight using standard weight-to-height ratios.Most researchers suggest the rate of overweight children in this country is several times higher than that figure.Nearly 30 percent of the girls reported they were currently trying to lose weight,though few admitted to dangerous behavior such as self-induced vomiting.Still,a test that measured attitudes towards eating showed 10.5 percent of survey participants were already at risk of developing an eating disorder."We're not talking about kids who've been prescribed a diet because they're above average weight or overweight. We're talking about children who are within a healthy weight range.And they have taken it upon themselves to diet to lose weight,"McVey said,acknowledging she found the rates disturbing. She said striking a balance between healthy weights and healthy attitudes towards food and body image is a complex task,with no easy solutions. The study showed that most of the girls______.A: were overweightB: were on a dietC: had unhealthy attitudes about weightD: had a healthy body weight

共用题干Losing WeightGirls as young as 10 years old are dieting and in danger of developing unhealthy attitudes about weight,body image and food,a group of Toronto researchers reported Tuesday.Their study of 2,279 girls aged 10 to 14 showed that while the vast majority had healthy weights,nearly a third felt they were overweight and were trying to lose pounds. Even at the tender age of 10,nearly 32 percent of girls felt"too fat"and 3 1 percent said they were trying to diet.McVey,a researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto,and her colleagues analyzed data collected in a number of surveys of southern Ontario school girls between 1993 and 2003,reporting their findings in Tuesday's issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.Nearly 80 percent of the girls had a healthy body weight and only 7.2 percent were considered overweight using standard weight-to-height ratios.Most researchers suggest the rate of overweight children in this country is several times higher than that figure.Nearly 30 percent of the girls reported they were currently trying to lose weight,though few admitted to dangerous behavior such as self-induced vomiting.Still,a test that measured attitudes towards eating showed 10.5 percent of survey participants were already at risk of developing an eating disorder."We're not talking about kids who've been prescribed a diet because they're above average weight or overweight. We're talking about children who are within a healthy weight range.And they have taken it upon themselves to diet to lose weight,"McVey said,acknowledging she found the rates disturbing. She said striking a balance between healthy weights and healthy attitudes towards food and body image is a complex task,with no easy solutions. What kind of institution does the lead researcher work with?A: A school.B: A hospital.C: An association.D: A charity.

What is the Cisco goal regarding market share for each of the major markets that its products compete in?()A、to be first in every market in whichcisco participatesB、to compete effectively in every market in whichcisco participatesC、to be in the top 1 percent in every market in whichcisco participatesD、to be No.1 or No.2 in every market in whichcisco participates

问答题Practice 1  Healthy people with stressful jobs who work long hours but get little satisfaction from what they do have twice the risk of dying from heart disease as satisfied employees, according to a study.  Job stress has been known to trigger heart problems in people who already have cardiovascular disease. Now Finnish scientists have now shown that even in healthy people the pressures of work can take their toll.  Obesity, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, smoking and being overweight contribute to heart disease — a leading killer in many industrialized countries.  But Mika Kivimaki, of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, and his colleagues, who studied the medical histories of 812 healthy Finnish men and women in a metal industry company over 25 years, said job stress also plays an important role.  Workers who had the highest job-related stress levels at the start of the study were more than twice as likely to die of heart disease, according to the study published in The British Medical Journal.  Work stress involves too much work as well as a lack of satisfaction and feeling undervalued and unappreciated.  Many people work long hours but if the effort is rewarding the stress is minimized. Kivimaki said job pressure is damaging when being overworked is combined with little or no control, unfair supervision and few career opportunities.  The British Heart Foundation said the results support earlier research showing that people in jobs with low control, such as manual workers, could be at greater risk of heart disease than other employees.  "It is advisable for people to try to minimize levels of stress at work and for employers to allow people to have more control at work and to be rewarded for their successes," the foundation said in a statement.

单选题Which of the following is an example of pure auction market?AThe primary Treasury bill market.BThe secondary Treasury bill market.CThe corporate equity market.

单选题What is the Cisco goal regarding market share for each of the major markets that its products compete in?()Ato compete effectively in every market in whichcisco participatesBto be No.1 or No.2 in every market in whichcisco participatesCto be in the top 1 percent in every market in whichcisco participatesDto be first in every market in whichcisco participates

单选题Which of the following does the author think is essential to a healthy economy?AForeign banks entering local markets.BDomestic banks channeling more fund on the international market.CLocal banks lending more to businesses.DBanks avoiding risky investments.