It is said that ____ birds are better fed, more healthy, and live longer than their fellows in the wild. A、downtownB、installedC、operatedD、caged

It is said that ____ birds are better fed, more healthy, and live longer than their fellows in the wild.






Previous studies show that parents tend to be aware of sleep problems in older children and adolescents and that pediatric practitioners are ( ) likely to identify sleep problems in these age group.:A、less…lessB、less…moreC、more…lessD、more…more

9.Which do you like _________ ,Beijing _________ Shanghai?A. better,orB. best,orC. better,andD. best,and

—Which subject do you like______?—I like chemistry than any other one.A. better, betterB. best, betterC. best, bestD. better, best

The _better_ (good) he feels, the more work he will do

Hyperbole is NOT used in ________.A、Surely, humor is the saving grace of us, for without it we should die of vexation.B、I must confess that I always … those “as soon as my head touches the pillow” fellows.C、I used to read, … thanks to their “iron wills,” could lie down and plunge themselves immediately into deep sleep, …D、I had overlooked the necessity of having an “iron will,” … this peculiar metallic quality.

In his composition there are ________errors _______a few misspellings.A: no other ... thanB: some other ... thanC: more ... thanD: other ... than

A、healthy; exerciseB、health; exerciseC、healthy; exercisesD、health; exercises

__________ can fly very high in __________ sky.A.The birds ... theB.The birds ... /C.Birds ... theD.Birds ... /

Which of the following shows the correct sentence stress in normal casesA.His 'brother is my 'best Mend.B.They 'help one 'another in their work.C.They have 'been in the 'countryside recently.D.She 'thought herself 'better 'than 'anyone else.

【单选题】下列哪个命令可以下载HDFS目录/user/root/live.txtA.hdfs dfs -get /user/root/live.txtB.hdfs dfs -download /user/root/live.txtC.hdfs dfs -put /user/root/live.txtD.hdfs dfs -move /user/root/live.txt