单选题The ()part of the ship on port is called the port bow.AaftBforwardCheadDbow

The ()part of the ship on port is called the port bow.









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材料:When a ship shall have entered a port or place of refuge or shall have returned to her port or place of loading in consequence of accident,sacrifice or other extraordinary circumstances which render that necessary for the common safety,the expenses of entering such port or place shall be admitted as general average;and when she shall have sailed thence with her original cargo,or a part of it,the corresponding expenses of leaving such port or place of refuge consequent upon such entry or return shall likewise be admitted as general average.When a ship is at any port or place of refuge and is necessarily removed to another port or place because repairs cannot be carried out in the first port or place,the provisions of this Rule shall be applied to the second port or place as if it were a port or place of refuge and the cost of such removal including temporary repairs and towage shall be admitted as general average.The cost of handling on board or discharging cargo,fuel or stores whether at a port or place of loading,call or refuge,shall be admitted as general average,when the handling or discharge was necessary for the common safety or to enable damage to the ship caused by sacrifice or accident to be repaired,if the repairs were necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyage,except in cases where the damage to the ship is discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstances connected with such damage having taken place during the voyage.问题:The cost of handling on board cargo for the purpose of restowage for the common safety shall be admitted as ________.A.particular averageB.common averageC.general averageD.private averageThe repairs ________ shall not be admitted as general average.A.necessary for the common safetyB.necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyageC.of the steering gear in consequence of accident endangering the ship and/or her cargoD.of the damages discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstances________ shall not be admitted as general average.A.the expenses of entering port or place of refugeB.the corresponding expenses of leaving port or place of refugeC.the cost of removal from port or place of refuge including temporary repairs and towageD.the cost of handling on board or discharging cargo,fuel or stores solely for the purpose of restowage due to shifting during the voyageThis passage is likely extracted from ________.A.MarpolB.ISM CodeC.SOLASD.York-Antwerp Rules请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

If a ship will call at four ports for discharging, i.e.A.B.C and D consecutively, the cargo for ______ must generally be loaded first.A.Port AB.Port BC.Port CD.Port D

The aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port().A、port sternB、quarterC、aft quarterD、starboard

The forward part of the ship on port is called the().A、port sideB、port quarterC、port bowD、fore port

When facing the bow on a ship, the left side is called the().A、left sideB、starboard sideC、port sideD、port bow

船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()A、The forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.B、The aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.C、The aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.D、The forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.

Which two RSTP port roles include the port as part of the active topology?()A、rootB、designatedC、alternateD、backupE、forwardingF、learning

单选题The port clearance for a ship should be granted()the completion of loading or discharging in the port.AbeforeBwhenCafterDduring

单选题Four years()my ship called at this port.AbeforeBafterCagoDsince

单选题The port in which crew or passengers go on board the ship is called().Aport of callBport of embarkationCport of destinationDport of disembarkation

单选题The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is().Athe port of destinationBthe next port of callCthe port of arrivalDthe last port of call

单选题The ()part of a vessel on the port side is called port stern.AforeBaftCheadDbow

单选题A ship is side to be()when the whole ship moves bodily to port and then to starboard.ArollingBpitchingCheavingDswaying

单选题Your vessel is listing 4° to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting water in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by the head with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take FIRST?()APress up the slack NO.1 starboard double bottom tankBPump out the forepeak tankCEliminate the water in the 'tween decks aft

单选题The forward part of the ship on port is called the().Aport sideBport quarterCport bowDfore port

单选题The aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port().Aport sternBquarterCaft quarterDstarboard

单选题Prior to each voyage the master of every ship shall ensure that the intended route from the port of departure to()is planned using adequate and appropriate charts and other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage.Athe first port of callBany port of callCthe last port of callDthe destination

单选题My ship()that port next month.Acalls atBhas called atCcall atDwill call at

单选题The time required to incline from port to starboard and back to port again is called().Ainitial stabilityBrange of stabilityCinclining momentDrolling period

单选题An American Shipowner can()in an American port any ship in the same ownership as the one with which he has collided,in spite of the fact that the collision may have occurred in some distant part of the world.AattackBattachCattainDattend

单选题The ship security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating()Athe ship security planBthe company security planCthe port security planDthe national security plan

单选题The ship should have a slightly deeper draft().Aon port sideBon starboard sideCat the port quarterDat the stern

单选题The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8 000 tons of Cargo on board and ended after discharging the Cargo at the port of Hong Kong,which was().Athe port of destinationBthe next port of callCthe port of arrivalDthe last port of call

单选题As look-out,you spot an object 45°off your port bow. You should report the object as().Abroad on the port bowB3 points on the port bowC3 points forward of the port beamDon the port beam

单选题船舶左舷的艉部叫左艉舷。()AThe forward part of a vessel on the starboard side is called starboard quarter.BThe aft part of a vessel on the starboard side is called port quarter.CThe aft part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.DThe forward part of a vessel on the port side is called port quarter.

单选题Port of Registry refers to the port where().Athe ship has been namedBthe ship has been builtCthe ship has been signedDthe ship has been registered

多选题Which two RSTP port roles include the port as part of the active topology?()ArootBdesignatedCalternateDbackupEforwardingFlearning