单选题The efficiency of a flash type evaporator can be increased by()Alowering brine discharge densityBdecreasing the absolute pressure of each stageCincreasing the saltwater feed heater temperatureDincreasing the pressure at the spray pipe

The efficiency of a flash type evaporator can be increased by()

lowering brine discharge density


decreasing the absolute pressure of each stage


increasing the saltwater feed heater temperature


increasing the pressure at the spray pipe


解析: 暂无解析


The condensers located in various stages of a flash evaporator are cooled by( ).A.distillateB.seawaterC.brineD.air

A thermostatic expansion valve is properly controlling evaporator superheat. Adjusting this valve to lower the superheat will result in a/anA.evaporator pressure decreaseB.evaporator coil over-feedC.evaporator capacity increaseD.expansion valve diaphragm rupture

In a flash type evaporator, all saltwater heaters are vented through individual vent cocks to the ______.A.saltwater heater shellB.second-stage condenserC.atmosphereD.second-stage flash chamber

Which of the listed problems could produce a high absolute pressure within a flash type evaporator?A.production of high salinity distillateB.seawater feed temperature below 165℃C.a leak in the first stage demisterD.a cracked distillate pump vent line

单选题When a flash-type evaporator is to be secured for an extended period of time, the entire unit should be drained, cleaned, and ().Acompletely filled with saltwaterBfilled with de-scaling compoundCtightly closed to exclude airDvented to the atmosphere

单选题The vacuum maintained in the salt water feed heater shell of a flash-type evaporator is generally accomplished by ().Aa separate air ejector unitBa direct unimpeded connection between second stage and salt water feed heaterCeither by vacuum drag or an external line from the first stage via a fixed orificeDthe fixed orifice provided in the steam supply line

单选题The heated feed-water entering any flash chamber of a flash-type evaporator will()Avaporize, with the un-flashed water remaining at the temperature at which it entered the flash chamberBvaporize, with the un-flashed eater equalizing to the saturation conditions existing in the f lash chamberCvaporize, with the remaining water a t a temperature greater than it entered the flash chamberDboil, allowing steam bubbles to rise through the brine at the bottom of the flash chamber

单选题In a flash type evaporator, all saltwater headers are vented through individual vent cocks to the().Asaltwater heater shellBsecond-stage condenserCatmosphereDsecond-stage flash chamber

单选题Fuel oil contamination of an auxiliary diesel engine lube oil can result in()Aan increased flash pointBhigher lube oil pressuresCan increased viscosityDlower lube oil pressures

单选题For a flash type evaporator, the seawater heater will have to maintain a enough temperature to minimize scale formation()AlowerBhigherClowDhigh

单选题Small droplets of water entrained in the flashed vapor produced in a flash-type evaporator, are removed by the ()Aspray pipesBdemistersCcondensersDsplash baffles

单选题In the operation of a flash type evaporator equipped with air ejectors,the air and non- condensable gases are evacuated directly from the ().Afirst stage flash chamberBsecond stage flash chamberCfirst stage after condenserDsecond stage distilling condenser

单选题The demisters installed in a flash-type evaporator serve to ()Adeaerate the first effect distillateBfilter the condensed flash vaporsCdeaerate the first and second effect distillateDremove small water droplets entrained in the flashed vapor

单选题If the compression ratio is increased on any diesel engine, ()Athe expansion ratio will decreaseBcombustion will be slowed downCthermal efficiency will decreaseDthermal efficiency will increase

单选题The efficiency of a flash type evaporator can be increased by()Alowering brine discharge densityBdecreasing the absolute pressure of each stageCincreasing the saltwater feed heater temperatureDincreasing the pressure at the spray pipe

单选题One distinct advantage of flash type evaporators, as compared to most other evaporators, is that in a flash evaporator ().Ahigh temperature distillate can be re- circulated to induce additional flashingBscale formation is not a severe problemCcold shocking is more effective in removing scaleDwater purity is greatly increased at high capacity

单选题The design of for a flash type evaporator is of critical importance because it must provide an optimum feedwater spray pattern that facilitates the flashing process, and it must also maintain a pressure differential between successive stages()AcondenserBflashing deviceClashing deviceDvacuum pump

单选题The heated feedwater entering any flash chamber of a flash-type evaporator will()Avaporize, with the unflashed water remaining at the temperature at which it entered the flash chamberBvaporize, with the unflashed water equalizing to the saturation conditions existing in the flash chamberCvaporize, with the remaining water at the temperature greater than it entered the flash chamberDboil, allowing steam bubbles to rise through the brine at the bottom of the flash chamber

单选题For a flash type evaporator, a demister is located the condenser()AAfterBbeforeCinsideDoutside

单选题In a flash type evaporator, the brine overboard pump is vented directly to the()Asaltwater heater shellBthe condensation of the saltwater feedCair ejectors, eductors, or a separate vacuum pumpDcondensation of the distillate

单选题The advantages of flash type evaporators, as compared to submerged tube type evaporators, include ().Aless internal corrosion because of lower brine densityBhigher temperature evaporation for lower salinity of the distillate producedCless scale formation in a flash evaporatorDless feed-water required for a flash evaporator

单选题On a multistage flash-type evaporator, the flash chamber is ()Acombined as part of the salt water feed heaterBthe open area above the brine levels in the first and second stagesCcombined as part of the distillate coolerDanother term used to describe the vapor feed heater

单选题The condensers located in various stages of a flash evaporator are cooled by()AdistillateBseawaterCbrineDair

单选题Which of the following descriptions best identifies the operating principal of a flash-type evaporator?()ASea water is heated to boiling temperature while under a vacuumBSea water is passed over heated plates in a thin filmCHeated sea water is injected into a vacuum chamberDSea water is forced through a heated eductor

单选题More than one stage of evaporation can take place by admitting the sea water into chambers with progressively () pressure in the flash evaporator.AlowerBhigherCthe lowerDthe higher

单选题Which one of the followings might not be employed to create vacuum for flash type evaporator? ()Ahigh-pressure steam-driven air-ejectorBmotor-driven vacuum pumpCwater-motivated air eductorDcentrifuge pump

单选题On which of the following heated surfaces of a flash type evaporator would you be more likely to find soft scale formation?()AFeed-water heater internal tube surfacesBInternal distillate cooler tubesCFlash chamber vertical surfacesDDistilling condenser tubes

单选题Under normal operating conditions, the highest temperature and pressure conditions existing in a flash-type evaporator will occur in the ().Afirst stageBsecond stageCdistillate coolerDsalt water feed heater